Made for Community Study Journal

We’re excited to release our six-week Love God Greatly Made for Community Study Journal! You’ll receive our easy to follow reading plan, weekly reflection questions, prayer & praise section, as well as plenty of room to journal your daily, personal SOAP reflections as you dive deeper into God’s Word! These beautiful, journals even include a recipe for you to try with your friends from one of the many countries Love God Greatly serves!
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Intentionally living in community with God and with people has never been harder. The world is a distracting place, and we are a distracted people. But the Bible reminds us that God not only made us to survive in community; He made us to thrive in relationship with Him and with the people He has placed in our lives. Join our 8 – week “Made for Community” online Bible study for women and learn more!
Made for Community Bible Study Journal
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The beauty of community…
Thank you for joining us for the study Made for Community! Love God Greatly is a community with a deep love for God and a lasting desire to inspire, encourage, and equip each other and women from all over the world. As was mentioned in Wednesday’s blog post, for the...

Community in Action…Personal LGG Stories
For the last eight weeks, we have read, soaped, and discussed ‘Made for Community.’ Now we’d like to share about our Love God Greatly community of women! We connect with our Lord and each other by using our phones and computers. The majority of the team behind Love...

{Week 8} We Need Others…Putting God’s Word Into Action
This week here at LoveGodGreatly, we are having a special time of sharing how God has been working through our study in our LGG community groups! It's going to be a fun filled week of celebration and we can't wait to share all our stories with you!...

Are You Willing To Tell Others?
Are you familiar with Penn & Teller? They are two men who have been around for many years putting on magic shows. Penn Jillette is an outspoken atheist. After one of his shows a businessman came up to him and spoke very kindly about his show. He then told him that...

What if we stopped trying to decide if they’re worthy?
Kids often say what we adults are already thinking... but with words we wouldn't dare let come out of our mouths. "Why are they homeless? Don't they have jobs? Daddy has a job..." My husband had just walked in the door from delivering food to the homeless shelter...

(Week 7) For God So Loved the World…And We Should Too!
Oh friends, this is the message I so desperately want to get out into our communities... and our world. We live in a world that tells us we can somehow “earn” our way to heaven….as if we can ever come close to being “good enough” through our own strength, our own...

The End Is Near So What Should We Do?
The end of all things is at hand; therefore be self-controlled and sober-minded for the sake of your prayers. Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins. Show hospitality to one another without grumbling. As each has received...

Made For Community {How To Find Community Right Where You Are}
True community. We all crave it, but it can be so difficult to find, can’t it?! We sat on wooden benches creaking under our weight. The music blaring next door ringing in our ears. Several different languages spoken all under one roof with names like Luganda...

{Living in Community in our Spheres of Influence}… Why aren’t we loving?
One thing was clear... It wasn't about her. Listen, her job wasn't fancy. My kids knew her as "the pretzel lady" at our local wholesale club. I knew her as the gentle soul whose kind eyes and generous smile comforted this weary mama every single time she humbly served...

Made For Love And Good Works
A few days ago I felt blah and unmotivated. I was frustrated by all the imperfections I saw in my life. The following day a friend of mine at church came up to me and started sharing about her week. We were experiencing the same feelings but instead of wallowing...

Different Gifts…Same Purpose
“Jesus works in community. For that reason, you find no personal pronouns in the earliest description of the church.”- Max Lucado Dare I say it? You. Me. Us…..we were made for this…. Each of us purposely unique, specially designed with certain gifts and abilities to...

Made For The Local Church
And they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers Acts 2:42 Welcome to week 5 of our Made for Community study. This week we are talking about the fact that we are made for the local church. Someone once...

{The Body of Christ} in action: We’re stronger together…
I could tell you story after story, starting back from the time I was a little girl... A bag full of groceries snuck in the backseat of our car during church. An offer for free childcare during a season of night classes. Church camp scholarship notifications year...

Dwell in Unity {Week 4: The Body of Christ}
Honestly, I don't care for anything dripping all over me... especially not anything sticky, gooey, or melty. I get plenty of that just being a mom {can I get an amen?!}. But, I do love this word picture of fragrant oil poured out on Aaron. It soothes and calms my...

We Were Made For Each Other (Week 4: The Body of Christ)
I LOVE these girls… I’ve had the pleasure… no, the blessing of being their DG Leader (Discipleship Leader) for five years! I have seen them grow from adorable pre-teens in the seventh grade to beautiful teenagers now in the eleventh grade…right before my eyes. Time is...

{Living in Community with our families} What will they remember?
I'm a do-er in this house. We moms have a constant pulse on what the state-of-the-home is at any moment, don't we? And we're not afraid to hold our own little press conferences and announce it to anyone who will listen. I'm a meal-making, schoolwork-checking,...

Living In Community With Our Families
Hey friends! Today we have a special guest post from one of my dear friends here in Dallas, Vanessa from I just LOVE Vanessa's heart and her desire to help women...especially moms, pursue a life of love through the blog she co-founded with her...

{Made for Community} Week 3 ~ Why the family might just be your best advertisement for the gospel…
This is my family. It was the perfect Fall day in small-town Indiana. Everyone is showered, our clothes are color coordinated, my gray hair is strategically covered, and our kids are all smiling because we promised ice cream if they gave us one good picture. Just one...

Pressing in to the Ungrateful
-The more I gave, the more she took. She didn't say thank you. She didn't look me in the eye. She asked and I gave. I gave my time, my energy, my money. For months on end, I invested myself.... but in the face of the ungratefulness I was met with? I retreated...

We Are Made to Run Together…
I ran my third half marathon this past December. Let me be really honest with you all... I’m not one of those runners who ENJOYS running. It’s hard at times and can be oh, so painful. Some of my friends who train with me run faster than me, so at times I can get...

Week 2-Made for Community with Others
Hi ladies, I am so glad to be with you today. Welcome to week two of our Made for Community study. I am so encouraged to see women from around the world coming together to study God's Word together. I am here in Uganda and many are joining us from other places in the...

Real Humility and Radical Love
If I then, the Lord and the Teacher, washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet. For I gave you an example that you also should do as I did to you. John 13: 14-15 Do you remember the small bit of hell that breaks out the night of Jesus’ arrest? We...

{Made for Community} with God ~ The prayer you and I need to pray this year…
It's 1995, and I might just be in the middle of an identity crisis. I've changed my college major three times, I'm so broke that I can barely scrounge up enough quarters to do a load of laundry, and I can't pass Organic Chemistry to save my life. And I'm desperately...

Week 1 – Made For Community With God
Welcome to our study on Made for Community. I'm so glad you have joined us. I think this will be a great eight week series. This week we are looking at Made For Community with God. (Click here if you...

{Made for Community} ~ Because the world is a distracting place, and we are a distracted people…
I thought the day would never come. This teenage boy of mine - marked by fuzz above his lip and one in clear need of an extra dose of deodorant - no longer hangs around me every waking moment of his life. It's a natural transition. One that I thought I was ready for....

{Made for Community} Translations ~ NOW AVAILABLE!
Celebrate with us... our {Made for Community} Translations are available TODAY!!!! The internet is an amazing thing, amen?! Not a day goes by that we don't thank God for the incredible opportunity He's given us to inspire, encourage and equip women all over the...