Be part of the story…

We’re so glad you are here! Our story is about what God can do through a team of women, each using their gifts for a common purpose. Did you know that more than 61% of women globally don’t have access to Bible study materials or a Bible study community? We are here to meet that urgent need, and we’d like to invite you to be a part of the story…

More than Bible study tools… we are a community

Our desire is to help EVERY WOMAN in EVERY NATION have access to God’s Word in THEIR LANGUAGE. To accomplish this goal, Love God Greatly has developed a network of trained translators, who help us translate all our Bible studies into 40+ languages (view languages). As a result, we have been able to establish hundreds of Bible study communities globally, and our Bible study tools have now reached 100+ of the countries of the world!

We publish 6-7 Bible studies annually as either topical or book-based journals, which are available for purchase on Amazon. The funds from each Bible study journal purchase go right back into the LGG ministry, allowing us to train and equip our translators as they build communities.

Donor supported and non profit.

The mission of LGG is funded by the generosity of donors and the sale of our Bible Study journals online.  LGG is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and is overseen by a board of directors for accountability.

100% of the funds from purchased Bible study journals goes back into the ministry, to help us translate each study into 40+ languages. In keeping with our mission to help women love God greatly with their lives, one Bible study, one translation, one woman at a time, we give away hundreds of thousands of free resources to women globally.






Women Served

Grab a journal, build a community,
change women's lives.

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