Unseen, Yet Deadly

Unseen, Yet Deadly

My stepdaughter loves to tell the story of how her dad told her not to worry about the ongoing pain in her arm after she had experienced a fall during a high school soccer game. He assured her she was just bruised up and would feel better in a few days. Except she...
This is Your Testimony

This is Your Testimony

I remember memorizing Romans 6:23 as a young girl. I would sing songs about it, incorporate it into a craft, and write it on a sticky note to paste on my wall. I have never forgotten it; it has always remained with me. However, as I have grown in wisdom and stature, I...
No One Like Him

No One Like Him

Every day before nap, my daughter chooses one song to sing as I put her down. It’s fitting that today she picked the hymn “Holy, Holy, Holy.” As I’m sitting down to write a few thoughts on holiness, the lyrics are still floating through my mind:  “Only Thou art...
Our Creative Creator

Our Creative Creator

Have you ever seen something so spectacular it takes your breath away? Maybe it was a sunset across the ocean sky. Maybe it was a mother holding her newborn baby for the first time. Maybe it was a father and son reuniting after spending months apart. I remember...
Firm Foundation Translations

Firm Foundation Translations

Friends, our new study translations are ready! We have the incredible privilege of announcing that our Firm Foundation study is now available in SIXTEEN languages, with more in the works!!! And our Firm Foundation for Kids is available in EIGHT languages with more in...
The Greatest Story

The Greatest Story

I love that we get to see God’s heart for the humble and lowly all throughout Scripture. His pursuit of all people is on display from cover to cover. But in Luke 2 there’s something spectacular that takes place that we don’t want to miss. ...
The Gift of Salvation

The Gift of Salvation

Have you ever had to wait for an exciting purchase to come in the mail? Though the shipping only takes 3-5 business days, it feels like several weeks before the item finally appears at your door. When I was a junior in high school, I really wanted a pair of sneakers...

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