I love Mary’s song of purity and joy to the LORD after finding out she was chosen to carry the long-awaited Messiah. It is filled with powerful truths of God’s mercy and might, revealed only by the Spirit of God. It showcases the heart-posture God desires: those who are humble, meek, and hunger and thirst for righteousness. I specifically love the way Mary ends her song, declaring God’s help, mercy, and faithfulness to keep His promise. 

It is fitting to read this passage as we prepare to celebrate the coming of Jesus Christ. As we read it, we see the depth and beauty of the character of God. This ultimately points us to our Savior, Jesus Christ, who is the fulfillment of every word written. Jesus Christ is our help and our mercy. He is God’s promise fulfilled. 

The Words of Promise

This portion of Mary’s song refers back to Genesis 15. It is here that God promises Abram an heir, even though he and his wife can not have children. Not only does God promise Abram a child, but He takes it one step further by promising to give offspring as numerous as the stars. It was an audacious promise, but Abram decides to place his faith in God. The very first words of the New Testament, in Matthew 1, tell us that God did keep His promise by giving a son to Abraham. In fact, He gave him THE Son of God. The truth is, God does not forget His promises. In fact, He not only fulfills them perfectly but delights to use sinners to showcase His miraculous goodness and grace. 

The Enduring Word of God

I marvel at the Word of the LORD, for it is perfect. There is no flaw in it. From beginning to end, it tells the story of Jesus, the Son of God, our Savior. I love meditating on these passages, for I see such a strong connection between them. Their culmination is in the words of Christ, who is the fulfillment of all the promises of God. 

The Fulfilled Word of God

I am overcome with emotion as I move forward to Matthew 26. Oh, how I love when Jesus Christ speaks! His words hold power, authority, rich compassion, and deep love. His words in this passage are profound and profoundly loving. It is hard to wrap my head around the reality that Jesus gave His life for mine. Jesus was the final sacrifice. No longer does a goat, a ram, a dove, or a lamb have to be sacrificed on the altar so that our peace with God may remain. Jesus, the Lamb of God, willingly poured out His blood for the entirety of the world to declare forgiveness and newness over anyone who believes in Him. He is the fulfillment of the covenant of God. 

The Pursuing Word of God

Every time Christ speaks, I hear a story of promise–each one fulfilled in Him. Every time Christ speaks, I know a God who went to the fullest extent to profess His love for me. Every time Christ speaks, I realize I have never been forgotten. The words of Christ are proof of the God who remembers me. 

This is the God whom Mary knew, and this is the God whom I know. Do you know this God intimately, personally, richly, and deeply? He is the God who made you. He is the God who knew before the beginning of time that He would make a way to save you from your sin that separated you from Him. He is the God who sent His one and only Son to take your place and pay the ultimate price. He is the God who wants to be with you forever. 

May we be women who believe that the LORD has fulfilled His promises to us (Luke 1:45). May we do so by holding fast to the words of Christ, for His words tell the story of the God who remembers us. 

Let’s study God’s Word together!

This blog post is part of our Rejoice series.
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Grace Ann Oglesby

Grace Ann Oglesby

Grace Ann loves Jesus and her husband, Christopher Mark. She has discovered the beautiful purpose of walking with Christ while loving and serving her family. Writing about the Word of God is a passion of hers, as she finds it a special way to grow deeper in knowledge of God’s character and love for His heart. She wants you to know that you are always loved by God, who is able to redeem all things (1 Peter 5:10).

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