My friend invited me to attend a worship concert at her church, and we arrived just as the music started to soar. We scooted into two empty seats in the back row of the sanctuary, but we never sat down and actually remained standing for the duration of the service.
I had never attended an event that was so full of joy and celebration. All around me people were literally jumping up and down in rhythm with the music. With hands raised high in praise, they lifted their hearts to the Lord in jubilation and sang, “I know my God made a way for me. Salvation is here.”
Mary’s joyful song of adoration recorded in Luke chapter 1 makes this same declaration: My Savior is here. After thousands of years of God’s people waiting for His arrival with great expectation, the angel finally announced the miracle of the Messiah was coming. Hallelujah! Overwhelmed by the news, Mary’s heart leaped for joy, and her mouth opened with an outburst of unrestrained worship.
The Holy Spirit inspired words Mary sings are taken from twelve significant passages in the Old Testament. No doubt, she had likely spent a significant amount of time immersed in the study of Scripture. Now, instead of letting uncertainty about her future fill her with fear, she meditated on the Truth. Her heart had stored up the promises of God’s Word, and they poured out of her lips in praise.
Come what may, Mary knew God had made a way for her, and He would continue to deliver her. The same Waymaker who had parted the waters and brought His children out of bondage in Egypt would guide her steps through every obstacle. In calling the Lord, “my Savior,” this humble servant acknowledges her total dependence on His grace. She fully trusted that the Almighty would always rescue her, bring full redemption, and restore her joy.
With unquestioning faith, she commits the affections, desires, and passions of her soul to continually “exalt” the Lord. Her singular ambition was to make His name greater and greater and to magnify His goodness and glory. She submits her whole being to the habitual pattern of praise and resolves to “rejoice” in the faithfulness of her Savior.
Friend, you and I can make this same commitment and “magnify” the Lord. Instead of allowing fear over difficult circumstances to fill our hearts, we can focus on God’s unchanging character and rejoice in our salvation. The Hebrew word for “rejoice” describes someone who is literally leaping for joy. When we fix our thoughts on how God sent Jesus to pay for our sins on the cross, we cannot help but celebrate with an indescribable and glorious joy.
Spend a few minutes meditating on how God has saved you. Your past sins have been forgiven because of Jesus. You have peace to overcome the power of temptation today with the help of the Holy Spirit. You can trust your eternal future stands totally secure, and God Himself will one day wipe away all of your tears. Let the praise party begin!
This Advent, we can worship our Savior unreservedly. With hands raised high in praise, let’s lift our hearts to the Lord in jubilation and sing, “I know my God made a way for me. Salvation is here.”
Let’s study God’s Word together!
This blog post is part of our Rejoice series.
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