The Road to Christmas Study Journal
We’re excited to release our six-week Love God Greatly The Road to Christmas Study Journal! You’ll receive our easy to follow reading plan, weekly reflection questions, prayer & praise section, as well as plenty of room to journal your daily, personal SOAP reflections as you dive deeper into God’s Word! These beautiful, journals even include a recipe for you to try with your friends from one of the many countries Love God Greatly serves!
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The Road to Christmas online Bible study is an excellent way to focus on the gift of our Savior coming to the world. This study is ideal for use during the four weeks leading up to Christmas.
The Road to Christmas Bible Study Journal
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And The Word Become Flesh
While many of our Christmas celebrations have come to an end, our marveling at the incarnation should never cease. If anything, our awe, thankfulness, and praise regarding Christ becoming a man should get more intense. John speaks almost in a riddle or mystery. He...
Savior Of The Unfaithful
Bathsheba. This is not a name that makes it on top 10 list of names for baby girls. Unfortunately the name is associated with unfaithfulness, murder, and pain. We don’t know a lot about Bathsheba. We know that she was married to a man named Uriah and from what we can...
Road To Christmas: Week 4
I love road trips. Before GPS we used a good old fashioned and highlighters and we highlight as we drove so we could see the progress we were making. Despite the innumerable potty breaks that start 5 min. from home, crayons that end up rolling around the van, car...
Turning Home Into A Temple
These verses really get me. I am in awe of Anna. I want her to be my mentor, but since I don't have a time travel machine just yet, I will have to settle for her life speaking to me via these verses. There isn't much similar between me and Anna. She was advanced in...
{The Road to Christmas} Forever Faithful
As we come to this passage today, will you bow your head with me and quiet your heart as we slow and savor the Word of God in the midst of this busy season? "Lord, we bring to you our nothing, our weariness, our busyness. Quiet our hearts as we come before Your Word...
{The Road to Christmas} Week 3: Spectacularly Un-Spectacular
This week I was awakened at two a.m. by the sweet and melodious sound of a child throwing up, washed many soiled sheets from said throw up, settled countless sibling squabbles {in fact I'm needing to settle one right now....}, cooked meals, been the target of...
Embracing the unexpected on {The Road to Christmas}
I'll never forget the all-nighters spent in that cramped apartment closet, swaying my cranky firstborn and softly desperately singing "Be Still My Soul" until my words could no longer break through my tears. We had excitedly welcomed our first baby, but the road was...
{The Road to Christmas} Week 2~ Because it’s not too late to change…
If God can recognize somebody with Rahab’s background and still make her useful, He can still turn you around and make you useful for the kingdom of God and for the advancement of what God is doing in history.- Tony Evans Rahab was a pagan, a Canaanite, a...
{The Road to Christmas} Week 2 ~ Willing to be used by God…
If my life is surrendered to God, all is well. Let me not grab it back, as though it were in peril in His hand but would be safer in mine! ~ Elisabeth Elliott If you're anything like a typical girl, you've probably spent a considerable amount of time at some point in...
{The Road to Christmas} The Journey from Shame to Glory
Oh, she wanted a baby. You know, more than anything in life, she wanted a child of her own to love and hold. A child to kiss, cuddle and invest her life into. No matter how hard she prayed though, her prayers went unanswered. Why did God deny her prayers? Why was her...
{The Road to Christmas} ~ The road that leads to grace…
"Buried in the genealogy of Jesus in Matthew chapter one is a gospel treasure. That treasure is five women. Their inclusion in the list is notable because it’s a patrilineal genealogy — a record of fathers and sons. Their inclusion is also notable because they were...
Week 1: The One Who Takes Away The Shame…
“Mom! Hey mom! Wake up. I made something for you. A card, I cut it in the shape of a heart and I want you to get up and read it." My early morning riser tugs on my bedcovers as she simultaneously taps on my shoulder. Tired from staying up late the night before working...