Oh, she wanted a baby. You know, more than anything in life, she wanted a child of her own to love and hold. A child to kiss, cuddle and invest her life into.
No matter how hard she prayed though, her prayers went unanswered.
Why did God deny her prayers? Why was her body broken? Her womb closed?
The stigma and shame that followed her was almost too much to bare at times. Children were considered a blessing and for a woman not to have children, well… she felt the shame with each new birth in her small community.
She was a faithful woman, loved the Lord… yet she suffered for years.
But see this: God did not bring disgrace or shame upon her, her own people did. Her community did. The culture in which she lived viewed a childless woman with shame. Not God.
Yet, despite her heartbreak, her brokenness over prayers that went unanswered, Elizabeth’s faith in God was strong.
What touches me the most about this amazing woman is her response when she finds out she is pregnant. “The Lord has done this for me.” Do you hear how tender that is? She was close to God. She had a loving, personal relationship with Him. She had waited a long time, years to be exact, and God came through.
She had prayed and waited, God had heard and worked.
In the years of waiting, tears and prayers…God was always working and molding her into His image.
Maybe that’s why Mary went to her… Elizabeth understood how it felt when people talked even when you are innocent. She was compassionate and loving, grace filled and not judgmental. Because she went before Mary and had felt the sting of shame from those who did not understand, she could comfort Mary as the rumors began circulating. Elizabeth, in some ways, was like her son John the Baptist… she helped prepare the way.
“Even Elizabeth your relative is going to have a child in her old age, and she who was said to be barren is in her sixth month. For nothing is impossible with God.” Luke 1:36-37
Did you see that? The Angel Gabriel used Elizabeth as an example of what God can do! The phrase “Nothing is impossible with God” was spoken inference to what God had done in Elizabeth’s life!
Our lives are for His glory.
Some of us will be called to unjustly bare shame, but take heart… God is working in the midst of the injustice.
Our lives, our stories, are all for His glory!
And what a story God wrote through Elizabeth’s life. Just think of what Elizabeth would have missed out on if God had answered her prayers immediately? No, the waiting was an important part of the story because He had something better in store…
Maybe it’s a health or physical issue that brings you shame. Maybe you’re like Elizabeth, praying years for the blessing of a child only to be stuck in the waiting.
For me, it is my learning disability. I understand the feeling of being broken, damaged, labeled…unusable for God. But though the world may label us, God can use it for good if we let Him. With those labels: barren, damaged, unwed… we have the opportunity to show God’s glory in our lives. The amazing work of His hands.
Whether the shame you feel is due to your own choices or a result of circumstances out of your control, God can use the heartache, brokenness and pain for a greater good. (Romans 8:28) I saw that this week in the beautiful stories you all shared on Monday and Wednesday. God is writing some amazingly, beautiful stories of His love and redemption through YOU. Stories that help us to see God working in the midst of our messy, broken lives… we are reminded that He is with us.
So let’s be like Elizabeth.
Let’s take the hurt, shame, struggles and allow them to form us into women who are loving and compassionate. Let’s allow God to turn the heartbreak into tears of joy! (Psalm 126:5)
Let’s glorify him with the lives we’ve been blessed with and maybe, just maybe, when people look at our lives they will see the amazing work God has done and say, “Nothing is impossible with God.”
Let’s Talk: Have you ever had an “Elizabeth” in your life? How did God use her to encourage you in your time of need?
Love God Greatly!
Good Morning, Angela and all at LGG, Yes, there definitely was an “Elizabeth” in my life when we first started our missionary journey back in 1972. We began by becoming members of the church where the mission school we would attend was located. Mrs. Shelley became my Elizabeth. We were fairly new Christians and were just learning about restitution. We had lied to get some free medical attention for our son who had to go to the hospital for a bout with pneumonia. Mrs. Shelley kept telling me to go to the authorities and confess what we had done. I was scared. My thought was that “they” would take our boys away and put them in a foster home since we were bad parents. Finally, we did the right thing, confessed and a very nice man came to our house to set up a payment agreement for what we had technically stolen. It was $50.00 per month until it was paid. That was a lot of money for us but God in His love and goodness allowed that to be our very minimal punishment for what we had done. God is good and we are so very grateful for how He worked then and continues to work in our lives some 40 years later as we continue to serve Him on the foreign mission field. Love and blessings to all!!
Wow, Sharon! That is a powerful story — and a reminder to me that it’s a blessing to have people in my life who are willing to tell me the truth when I am in the wrong. Mrs. Shelley sounds like an amazingly brave and godly woman! I wish I could meet her. 🙂
LGG Encourager
About five years ago, I had a major crisis in my faith. Disaster after disaster had me on my knees. My husband lost his job, we lost our home, my husband became ill and we were told it was probably cancer but ended up being a chronic disease called sarcoidosis which lead to other autoimmune diseases. I felt abandoned by God and at times even picked on. At my lowest point, when I was in a place of pain and confusion, Christian women in my church were telling me that I needed more faith, trust God, there’s a purpose for this… At the time their words didn’t help, I couldn’t understand how God could love me and take everything away from me. Instead of comforted I felt criticized. There was one woman who came along side me and supported me through it. She listened to my pain, let me cry and helped me through it with compassion and faith. I am where I am in my faith because of her.
Sarah, I am so thankful that you connected with this sister during your season in the valley of doubt and despair. I have been there, too, and I am thankful for friends who have cried with me and let me work through my doubt without judging me. Thanks for reminding me that I need to pray before I speak — sometimes, my mouth opens up and says the “Christian thing,” but it comes across is uncaring. May God teach us all how to love with compassion.
LGG Encourager
I remember a time when my life crashed around me, and I was getting ready to move back home to Mom, across country, with four kids. So many of my friends said much of the same Christian responses. Cyndi came and sat at my house with me, and said nothing, just sat with me and understood. It was huge for me. And Cyndi knows what it’s like to be a desperate, struggling, determined single mom. Her kids are all grown,now.
I am fairly new at everything. I have been on a long dark road. I had a baby girl at 19, I am now 23, my how time flies. At just 19 I was pregnant and alone. Scared of what the future held for me, not a big on religion, I believed in God but not like I do know. I lived with roommates who were so kind and had it not been for one of the roommates who had a friend over, I would not be where I am today. She told me about this Youth for Christ, teen moms group, she told me about and then brought me the following to it. From her being an “Elizabeth” to meeting a bunch of “Elizabeth’s” at Youth for Christ. I am truly blessed and we have such a loving and caring God.
Angela, what a good friend who pointed you to this helpful ministry that has breathed life into so many young people! Praying for you today — that God would give you great wisdom and courage as a mom.
LGG Encourager
Thank for your prayers and support
Hi Angela
I have been in your shoes. I had my daughter at 15 and I too had a friend of a friend tell me about Jesus. I’m so proud of you for going to the Youth for Christ group. It really is easy to let it slip by with lifes pressures. I’m now 49 my daughter is 34 has 3 beautiful children and a wonderful husband. No matter how tough it gets keep talking to God. Life is not easy but God loves you and your daughter so very much! God bless you and your Elizabeth.
Thank for sharing your beautiful story, it’s great to find others who have been down my road and are living a successful life through God
There is an Elizabeth in me. I have been step on, step over, kicked, lied on cheated on. But, by the glory of God, I got through it all. People tried to keep me down, but, I fought back to get back up again. I couldn’t understand whay all these people doing bad things in life keep moving ahead of me and I keep falling down. Then I realize that God was molding me into something great. In order for me to be who God wanted me to be, he had to put me through some things to see how strong my faith was. I thought God had something against me and I was being punish. But, that was not it. He mold me into the person who thought I should be, so he took me through all these changes to get me where I should be. I thank God for the person that I am today. I am a strong woman today thanks to my almight God. I pray about everything and worry about nothing. I have learn to forgive and move on. And this has made me the person I am today. If you don’t forgive then you lose. I am a forgiving person.
Thank you for sharing with us and for your transparency Darlene!
Blessings, Marlene {LGG Encourager}
Dear Darlene,
I like that! “There is an Elizabeth in me”! Good word! The Elizabeth in me has compassion on those who have been mis-judged and is not being included. We have a sweet lady at work that is obese. She has trouble walking and breathing. When I see her coming, her head is down and she won’ t look people in the eye. I have been, through an “Elizabethean compassion”, (really we know it is the Holy Spirit within us) trying to befriend her and treat her with respect. That is how I would want someone to treat me, if the roles were reversed. Thank God for His compassion!
First of all, thank you to all who work on these devotionals, scripture readings and plans. God bless you and increase your territory. Today’s reading made me think of my own shames and how I have tried to hide them from God. I need to follow Elizabeth’s example and hand them over to God through persistent prayer and faith. I want God to use my shames for His glory. I too have allowed society to shame me because I have a certain illness. I never realized how truly ashamed of myself I felt until today’s reading. I just know that I never want to talk about it or I try to conceal it from people for fear of being judged, even by other Christians. Now I am working on releasing that shame to God so that He may use it as a part of His glorious plan and that gives me hope and excitement. The shame hasn’t fully disappeared, but I realize that the more I pray with faith, the better it will get. God bless 🙂
Praying with you Monica!
Blessings, Marlene {LGG Encourager}
In 2009, I had a plan and I thought it was beautiful. Twins run on both sides of my family so I planned to have twins, a boy and a girl. I had their names, schools, activities….all chosen! I truly believed that my plan was it. My desire was to see this plan come to life. After several months of heartache, the heaviness of that heartache lifted and, with it, my desire for children.
Reading today’s verse, I truly believe that the heaviness I felt was God saying, “Your plan is not MY plan.” My shame: feeling bad when I tell others about not desiring children anymore. If God’s plan for me does not include children, then so be it…..because that’s HIS plan for me. With His love and grace, I am absolved from shame!
Sometimes it’s not easy to open up to the idea that God’s plans are different from ours. But when we follow His path for us, we glorify Him in everything!
Thank you for sharing with us, Jessica!
Blessings, Marlene {LGG Encourager}
My Elizabeth is a good friend I know who goes by the name of Denise. She’s a believer and a fighter. She’s terminal and determined. I myself have MS and multiple chronic illnesses…but, I cannot say I am dying…although most days my body makes me feel like I am. I was feeling REALLY sorry for myself and ready to give up…then I saw how hard my friend, Denise is fighting for her life! She’s been told by doctor after doctor, that she won’t make it, but but the grace of God, she believes and still has the will to live. Here is the link to Denise’s story if you want to read it:
Praying for you and your friend, Felicia!
Blessings, Marlene {LGG Encourager}
I totally understand this! In 2000 I tried so hard to have children even went to a Fertility Doctor. My husband and I became Christians and I prayed and prayed! Still to this day I have no Children. I feel that maybe God does not want this for my husband and myself. So, I just carry on and except that is is what it is. Very hard during the holidays and not having children to celebrate with. We have thought about adoption but we don’t want a county adoption because most of the children have disabilities. I my self have RA now, so don’t think I could care for a child with a disability. Private adoption cost too much for us at this time in our lives. So, here I am trying to except and move on. 🙁
Oh sweet Deanae, if I could hug you I would. Praying for you as you patiently and obediently wait for His timing on this. {hugs}
Blessings, Marlene {LGG Encoruager}
I reading through blog and one person came to my mind and her name was Betty. I grew up going to church and as most teenagers do, I strayed away. Clothes, music and my friends were more important to a 14 year old teenager. I also grew up in a somewhat of a broken/abusive home with an alcoholic step father who would get mean when he was drinking. During my teenage years a friend of mine took me to “Ala-teen” for the first time where I met Betty. Betty was the leader of our group who volunteered her time to help us teenagers. Betty had a lot of faith in God was a very devout Christian. I always used to cry my problems out to her and she was always my shoulder to listen to and telling me to have faith and God would get me through it. She taught me many lessons about God and Life. I often wonder and think about her and hope she knows that she is the person who shaped me into being the Christian I am today.
Thank you so much for sharing your story, beautiful! Bless Betty for being there for you to teach you, and how you Christ. <3
My Elizabeth was my preachers wife. I like to call her my spiritual mother. She was so encouraging to all of us young mothers in our church, never ever judgmental always had time for us, always praying for us. She was a wonderful example. God has blessed me with 3 granddaughters and another one on the way, a daughter and a daughter in-law, plus many young girl friends. I think God is moving me in this direction to be an Elizabeth. I have to laugh because I say (I think) but as I reread this it seems obvious thats what God has been doing. God bless my Elizabeth I love her so much. Thank you for this study.
Ahh sounds like you had a wonderful example, Angela! 🙂 Great name by the way!:) Hehehe! LOVE hearing about how you are investing in the upcoming generation! It’s sooo important to do and I’m so thankful for you and the sacrifice of time that you are giving. Love God and love others….that’s what we’re called to do!!! Proud of you!:)
I could go on and on about the waiting years. God definitely grew us through some hard situations. Job loss, betrayal, legal battles, my mom’s cancer battle, and, even now, we wait in hope for a larger family. Through all of this, God has continued to give me scripture and music that has encouraged and helped me through, and, in 2014, we saw so many of our hopes and dreams come true. Now we hold onto new hopes and dreams for our little congregation where God has led us as we seek to be the aroma of Christ that will draw more people to Jesus through our church family. We have seen so much blessing, but the waiting and shame that we have experienced lasted for years and years, and it was hard. Even so, at all times, we knew God was in control and that He is always working for our good in all situations.
Ohh that’s so beautiful, Kendra! Thank you for the testimony of enduring the “waiting”….I know it’s so hard to do! So very thankful for you and your desire to reach others through your church! Praying for you tonight! Love partnering with you, sweet sister!
I’ve not had an Elizabeth in my life, but I’ve been the Elizabeth. In my walk, my path, & being a pastor’s wife brought many women and young girls to me. I am very thankful that God brought them all into my life. Now that I am not very well physically, as I’m waiting and watching and praying, it means a lot to me to think back over all the tears, laughter, hugs and prayers.
Ohhh Meg, sounds like you have lived and invested your life so well! Thank you for the inspiration tonight! Ahhh investing our lives into other women’s lives….it’s sooo important!!! So very, very thankful for you and the example you have set! Thanking God for you tonight!:)
I signed up for a study many months ago, began it, but never finished it. Every time I receive and email from LGG, I would delete it. Too busy, not enough time, hurry, hurry, rush, rush. My husband and I are trying to conceive, but I have not been successful. Worry has clouded my mind and I pray to the Lord daily to take it away and trust in Him. That’s why I know the Lord called me to open up the LGG email and I read the blog about Elizabeth!!! He was speaking to me through this beautiful blog!! My husband and I were saved not too long ago. Prior to being saved, like many others in here, I had a rough life. A sick mom, an absent father and very poor. My mom died when I was young and I was very angry. I displaced that anger elsewhere. I went to college and continued to fill the void in my heart with other things. When I was saved, Christ helped me to break the chains of my past. He helped heal my heart and forgive. I felt so close to Christ, but then I allowed the world to separate me from his word. My daily bible reading became few and far between. We stopped going to bible study and went to church very infrequently. When you are so far away from the Lord, it becomes easier to ignore his calls and his commands. This bible study couldn’t have come at a better time in my life. Just when I start to feel the shame of my actions and past actions start to take hold, I opened the LGG email for the first time in a long time. It is so beautiful to know that through it all, God loves us. Even when we feel so far away, He helps us to get back on track and grow closer with Him. Thank you all for your beautiful testimony. God is using you all to bring others to Him. God’s grace is so amazing and so wonderful. He wants us all to have a relationship with Him, but we have to be willing to listen to Him, to obey Him and drink in his word Daily!
Ahhh He’s pursuing you, sweet Lynn! What an amazingly neat story!!! Love hearing how He’s used LGG in your life! So very, very humbled by what you shared tonight! Thank YOU sweet friend for taking the time and encouraging me tonight! Sometimes you wonder if God uses a post or not…it’s always my prayer that He speaks through me…that my words are not truly mine, but His….for His glory! So very thankful for how God has worked in your life…you are so loved!!!
Wait…what?!?!? Angela has a learning disability??? Have you written about it before???? I would NEVER have guessed that a talented writer and Bible study teacher like you could have a disability!!! Where can I find out more about this – how God can greatly use people despite disabilities??? Thank you!!!