I’ll never forget the all-nighters spent in that cramped apartment closet, swaying my cranky firstborn and
softly desperately singing “Be Still My Soul” until my words could no longer break through my tears. We had excitedly welcomed our first baby, but the road was harder than we had anticipated:
A shocking job loss and last minute move two weeks before the baby was due.
Unexpected health issues that plagued our sweet boy since the day he was born.
The surprising struggles and sad emotions I felt in the weeks after giving birth.
Unplanned financial strain over a house in another town that wouldn’t sell.
And just when I was doubting my competency in almost every area of my life, I woke up one morning with a wailing six month old in one hand and a positive pregnancy test in the other.
“Lord, I can’t do this.”
It wasn’t the gift of another baby that grieved me. Life is absolutely a miracle from God too amazing to fully comprehend. What weighed heavy on my heart was my doubt in my ability to walk this unexpected road well – because let’s face it, my mothering journey up to that point had left me feeling pretty weak and unqualified.
But God doesn’t call the qualified.
I already know it, so why do I so often need reminded? I’m frustrated in my own lack of faith that in the unexpected, God knows better than me. Listen, He always knows better than me.
But Mary.
Mary’s young, trusting hands were unclasped. She wasn’t paralyzed by fear when Gabriel told her she’d give birth to the Messiah. Oh, in human terms, it was shocking, unexpected, surprising, unplanned news to be sure.
But she didn’t hesitate.
She didn’t fall to the ground in a weeping, doubting mess.
She didn’t ask a million questions or raise her voice in anger, and she definitely didn’t fire back with, “Lord I can’t do this.”
No, she accepted her calling and lifted her humble voice in praise – not because she was confident in her abilities – but because she KNEW the One who had called her.
When the unexpected comes, we have two choices: we can either become paralyzed, or we can praise.
Christmas 2002.
That was the Christmas that rocked my world… in the form of an eight pound, eight ounce unexpected baby boy.
But listen, God always, always knows better than me.
God knew that I’d need bright spots on weary days, so he gave me a boy who is always the first to jump up and clean a puddle of spilled milk – even if he wasn’t the one who spilled it. He knew I’d need comic relief, so He gave me ONE child – this boy – who consistently laughs at all my bad jokes. He knew I needed to know more compassion, so He gave me a boy who challenges me to love people unreservedly. He knew I’d need fresh reminders of redemption, so He gave me this boy who accepted God’s gift of grace and never got over it. But God also knew that I needed to let go of my self-sufficiency. My pride. My control over my life. And so he gave me this boy, who has also caused me to depend on Jesus like never before.
Unexpected roads can paralyze, or cause us to praise.
The great thing? You don’t need confidence in your ability to walk your unexpected road well. You just need to KNOW the One who calls you – and then with unclasped hands – place your full confidence in Him.
God doesn’t call the qualified, but He qualifies the called.
Embracing the unexpected on {The Road to Christmas} sounds a whole lot like this:
“I am the Lord’s servant. May it be to me as you have said.” ~ Luke 1:38
Can you say it?
Father I praise You, because the unexpected road is also a road that leads to unmerited grace. You are worthy… have your way in me.
At His feet,
Because Your love is better than life, my lips will glorify You. ~ Psalm 63:3
*LET’S TALK: Are you ready to hand over your unexpected road to Jesus? As a first step, in the comments section today simply type Mary’s humble, willing plea: “I am the Lord’s servant. May it be to me as you have said.”
Oh, how I want to be a willing vessel like Mary. “I am the Lord’s servant. May it be to me as you have said.”
Amen Jennifer!
Blessings, Marlene {LGG Encourager}
Angelic says,
I Too want be a willing vessel like Mary. “I am the lord’s servant. May it be to me as you have said.”
I am the Lord’servant. May it be to me as He wills…and may the Spirit of God give me strength and wisdom to walk in all He has. I will step in faith to do His will.
Confession is good for the soul. I haven’t been faithful in the small things He has given me, and repent. I hope with His strength and wisdom to do what He asks of me, right away and all the way!
Thank you for your testimony and encouragement Whitney! Jennifer, He is in you and will speak to you, may we be willing vessels like Mary!
Blessings sisters
Beautifully said, Nancy! Thank you for sharing your heart with us today!
Blessings, Marlene {LGG Encourager}
Nancy, your honestly touched me tonight. Thank you for your sweet spirit that is willing – right away and all the way – love that!
I am the Lord’s servant. May it be to me as youve said. Teach me Lord your will your way. Help me to die from flesh and this world. Help me to be more faithful . Thank you
YES! Amen, Tessa!
Blessings, Marlene {LGG Encourager}
I am the Lord’s servant. May it be to me as you have said.
In my family we have recently discovered the sogn Gabriel’s message, and my favourite line is with inspiration from Luke 1:38: “Then gentle Mary meekly bowed her head, ‘To me be as it pleaseth God,’ she said”
I am facing unemployment from January, but I just know that the right job will present itself at the right time, and I pray that my trust in the Lord at this time will show others what a great God we serve, and how putting things in His hands gives you an indescribable peace.
Blessings to you!
Rikkie, such a blessing to see your faithfulness. He will provide. Praying for you friend!
Blessings, Marlene {LGG Encourager}
Yes! This article came at the right time. I’ll soon be moving to another state and I had my worries and doubts. I haven’t gave my care unto Jesus yet, but I am willing. I can definitely say with Mary: “I am the Lord’s servant. May it be to me as you have said.”
Praying for your Symone! Praising Him with you friend!
Blessings, Marlene {LGG Encourager}
To me be as it pleaseth God-like that.
YES! Such a great perspective to have! Thanks for stopping by Debbie!
Blessings, Marlene {LGG Encourager}
I am the Lord’s servant. May it be to me as you have said.
Amen to that, Brv!
Blessings, Marlene {LGG Encourager}
I am the Lord’s servant. At it be to me as you have said.
“I am the Lord’s servant. May it be to me as you have said.”
You are an amazing example to me. Thank you, friend… I love you!
I am the Lord’s servant. May it be to me as you have said. I am letting go of the fear of the vision GOD has shown me. May the vision come to pass.
Praying for you Tasha! Thank you for sharing with us today!
Blessings, Marlene {LGG Encourager}
Mary, was some kinda special lady, being chosen by Jesus to give birth to the savior, the promised Messiah having not an inkling that her baby boy would be the one to rule the entire universe, he was coming to seek and save the lost. Can you imagine what was going on her mind, confused, didn’t understand, but yet she trusted God with all her heart
Luke 1:38 KJV
And Mary said, Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word. And the angel departed from her.
Once she was overcome by the presence of the Holy Spirit, she was carrying the one and only greatest Gift of all. Her heart of a faithful servant shows that being a faithful servant of God will reap blessings of abundance.
Luke 1:46-48 KJV
And Mary said, My soul doth magnify the Lord, And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour. For he hath regarded the low estate of his handmaiden: for, behold, from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed.
Loria, thank you for sharing with us today. Mary was so faithful to Him! Thanks for sharing with us today!
Blessings, Marlene {LGG Encourager}
I am ready to hand over my unexpected road to Jesus. Hear my willing and humble plea. “I am the Lord’s servant. May it be to me as you have said.” In Jesus’ Name, Amen
Amen, T!
Blessings, Marlene {LGG Encourager}
I am the Lord’s servant. May it be to me as you have said.
Amen, Sunny! Is there any safer place to be than serving the King of Kings?
LGG Encourager
I am the Lord’s servant. May it be to me as you have said.
Yes, Sheila! I am wondering how my life might change if I woke up every morning and prayed that prayer. Wow!
LGG Encourager
I am the Lord’s servant. May it be to me as you have said. – Lord help me to follow your will and way with a willing spirit. I don’t know your plan but as you reveal it, help me to accept it and move forward boldly. You don’t call the qualified, you qualify the called! Thank you Lord!
Praying for you as you walk in obedience to Him, Cara!
Blessings, Marlene {LGG Encourager}
“I am the Lord’s servant. May it be to me as you have said.” Absolutely beautiful, after a rough day with my six children yesterday, I needed to be reminded that “God does not call the qualified, but qualifies the called.”
Anika, yes – it was such a sweet reminder for me too!
Blessings, Marlene {LGG Encourager}
I am the Lord’s servant. May it be to me as You have said. Amen.
I surrender! “I am the Lord’s servant. May it be to me as you have said.”
I am the Lord’s servant May it be to me as You have said. Amen.
I am the Lord’s servant. May it be to me as You have said.
Beautiful Whitney!
So humbled at how well you love these women, Marlene. Thank you!!
I am the Lord’s servant; may it be to me as He wills and says.
“I am the Lord’s servant. May it be to me as you have said.”
Praying for us all to have UNQUENCHABLE faith in God’s upper story, as we live out our lives of purpose here on Earth. I also pray that God reveals to all of us the HOW of going about shining His light and love to a very broken and hurting world!
Beautiful prayer, Taryn! May I never forget that I am here to let my little light shine, shine, shine!
LGG Encourager
I am the Lord’s servant. May it be to me as you have said. Father God, help me to let go of being in control of my life and allow you to take over.
Surrender is probably the best gift we can give Him. Thanks for this reminder in your beautiful prayer.
LGG Encourager
“I am the Lord’s servant. May it be to me as you have said.”
Although I don’t know where it will lead, although I don’t know what it will be, may it be Lord. I am willing.
Yessssss. Thank you Jennifer – I hear the boldness in your words!
Unexpected roads can paralyze, or cause us to praise. Oh, I am learning that I can fight against this chronic illness or I can just live in it and look for Gods grace to show up in unexpected ways, and He always shows up, and that is reason for praise!! He has asked me to walk out this journey and my prayer is that I would be like Mary, with no expectations and just say ” yes, Lord, use me as I am, brokenness and all.” I never would have chosen this for myself, but God knew I needed this to draw me closer to Him and I will praise him despite this unexpected road!!
Yes, Kim, He always shows up! I love your attitude in the midst of your pain. Thank you for shining Jesus and for your example to us!
“I am the Lord’s servant. May it be to me as you have said.”
Mary is indeed an inspiration. Possibly she did, in the first private moments or days, collapse is fear, with doubts and questions… even if that is the case, I love her more for being like me! Doubt, fear, waffling in the unknown is part of the road of faith and builds strong Christian women!!!! I know this because He takes me on this journey again and again. As long as I continue to say YES to Him, our journey continues and He continues to mold and make me His own! Praise God!
Yes, Charlene… thank you for these thoughts! Mold us, Father, with each step…
I am the Lord’s servant. May it be to me as you have said.
Thank you for being obedient to the Lord. Today’s post was all that and a bag of chips! I really needed to be reminded that God doesn’t call the qualified but rather qualifies the called. Blessings to you and your team! Merry Christmas!
Blessings to you, Khama! So glad you’re here!
I am your willing servant Lord, may you do with me and use me as You will.
I am the Lord’s servant, may it be to me as you have said. Had already prayed this prayer this morning before reading this post . . .have an area in my life where I desperately need God’s guidance and grace to respond correctly. THANK YOU for this encouragement and for this study!!!
Oh Lori, I love your heart that is so tender and responsive to God’s nudging. So glad you’re studying with us!
I am the Lord’s servant. May it be to me as you have said.”
This really hit home with me Whitney, thank you for sharing! I am the Lord’s servant. May it be to me as you have said.
Thanks for your encouragement, Mandy! Love your willing heart…
Oh how I needed to read this today. My biggest struggle is my pride and trying to control everything….I want so much to be like Mary and give it all to God and Trust HIM to handle all situations in my life. I know that he is soo worthy of my Trust….but why is it so very difficult for me to do? ” I am the Lord’s servant. May it be to me as you have said.”
Camille, I am so much like you. Pride and an idol of Control in my life. Praying for the both of us. But nothing is impossible with God!
“I am the Lord’s servant. May it be to me as you have said.” May I praise God when unexpected things popup in my life. May I constantly be reminded that although I am not qualified, it is in Jesus Christ that I am called and he makes me qualify for this life!!! God is so good! I just finished my first semester of college and this study has seriously helped me draw closer to God than ever before!! Thank you for your wise words LGG and thank you for once praying this prayer to be the Lord’s servant and do what he said to do!! You are so loved and I love this forum of godly women who although are broken, rise above and declare “Nothing is impossible with God!!!”
Oh Carly, your words were a sweet gift to me tonight. We’re so honored to study and grow along with you!
“I am the Lord’s servant. May it be to me as you have said.” Lord, help me mean this & trust You no matter what.
“Help me mean this” – oh how I adore these words. Thank you Jenny, for your transparency and heartfelt desire.
I AM the Lord’s Servant! May it be to me as HE has said!
Amen, Terri!
This is a timely message for my life. We just found out my husband is deploying. All plans for starting our family, our careers, and our daily lives are out the window and I need to rest in obedience to Christ! Thank you for sharing! Glory to God.
Oh Sarah,
Your comment struck me tonight. Praying for you as you begin this journey. My sincere thanks and admiration to you and your husband for your service and sacrifice for us. Love your heart… yes, glory to God!!!
“I am the Lord’s servant. May it be to me as You have said.”
The Lord’s response:
“Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh; is there anything too hard for Me?” (Jeremiah 32:27 KJV)
Nope … no thing too hard for the LORD!
Rejoice in the simplicity that is in Christ!
Amen… and rejoicing with you Tona!
I am the Lords servant. May it be to me as You have said.
Very inspiring..
“I am the Lord’s servant. May it be to me as you have said.”
Thank you for your willing heart, Judy!
I so needed this today! Thank you for sharing. My husband lost his job on Monday, unexpectedly. We have been going through some marital issues, caused by some decisions he has made in his life. We have a 3 year old, a 2 year old, and due in April with our third one. Life has definitely been stressful, hard, lots of tears and prayers… but I am confident that God is in control and at work, even when the future looks so uncertain. I believe that he has called me to me the mommy of these 3 little kids to love them, protect them, and guide them in His ways, and wife for my husband to be his companion and to bend my knees for him.
“I am the Lord’s servant. May it be to me as you have said.”
Oh Gabby, I have prayed for you tonight. May God redeem this situation for His glory!
“I am the Lord’s servant. May it be to me as you have said.”
I pray that I can have the radical trust, faith and obedience of young Mary. She didn’t run off to ask her parents or friends for advice. She didn’t even take time to try and figure everything out, as I would probably have done. She didn’t take time to think about it. She believed and obeyed. Lord, may I be more like Rahab and Mary. Show me areas where I need to give up control and hand things over into your all-powerful, capable hands. Help me to give myself completely to you, so that I can fully participate in your story for my life. I want my place in your history. IJN.
Great thoughts here, Monica! Thanks for being a part of our community!
I am the LORD’S servant, may it be to me as You have said.
Thank you for this post! It brought back a lot of memories. We were blessed with five children and your testimony reminded me of the grace of God through all of the years of feeling so inadequate. Yet, my children turned out fine!
I would also like to say how much I am thankful for these ladies who have posted sincere desire to be obedient to God’s will! Being a pastor’s wife for 40 years, sometimes the Elijah syndrome hits, “I’m the only one serving You, LORD.” Maybe not quite that bad. (Lol!) Thank you ladies!
Thank you for your sweet encouragement today, Judy!
Help me to trust you, Lord, in everything. When my body hurts and my mind is overwhelmed; when my finances can’t be stretched any further and everything seems out of my control. Help me rely and solely depend on Your Grace.
“I am the Lord’s servant. May it be to me as you have said.”
Praying for you tonight, Dina! I am blessed by your willing spirit.
Wow! Beautifully written!!
Thanks for your encouragement, Wendy. SO glad you’re here with us!
I am the Lord’s servant. May it be to me as You have said . Amen
Amen, Consuelo!
“I am the Lord’s servant. May it be to me as you have said.” I pray daily to surrender to God’s will, to take time to listen for his guidance, and to follow him completely. It has been such a rough two years with a broken marriage and my daily struggle to make things better. I know I am unable to change things and I am working on giving God full control to guide my future.
Amen, Sarah! Praying for restoration and for peace that passes all understanding.
I am the Lord’s servent, May it be to me as you have said. Trying so hard to get that intimacy with GOD. Having to start over at my age is scary, Have to give it to GOD an LET him direct my path. Thanks for tis I really needed it.
Sweet Jackie, praying for you tonight!
I am the Lord’s servant. May it be to me as you have said.
A lump was found on my left breast. A biopsy was done Friday. Waiting on those results but trusting God in this knowing that whatever the outcome, be it cancer or not, that my God is in control! Praising Him for bringing me to a place where I can even say that! I want to bring Him praise with my life. To serve Him with my life! It is His anyways. May He enable me to do that.
Sweet Jnel,
I want you to know that I am lifting you up in prayer, and that I am SO proud of your response as you wait for your biopsy results. Thank you for shining Jesus as you walk this road. Yes ma’am, my life is His… may I live that way! Thank you, Father, for the peace and the comfort that only You can bring. You are worthy of all that we are!!
Much love,
I got results back today and it is not cancer but a fibroidoma or something that he feels needs to be removed but a relief to know not cancer. Thank you for your prayers.
“Mary was in an extremely difficult position. Betrothed to Joseph, she faced the stigma of unwed motherhood. Joseph would obviously have known that the child was not his. She knew she would be accused of adultery-an offense punishable by stoning. Yet, she willingly and graciously submitted to the will of God.” Comments from John MacArthur in his Bible Commentary. Thought it helped put this in good perspective.
May I be more like Mary… love this!
“May it be to me as you have said”! I appreciate this post so very much. I tend to become paralyzed (by fear) in my unexpected circumstances. I want to praise Him when things get tough…right away! Not after I have my selfish meltdown. God, help me to be more like Mary!
“I am the Lord’s servant. May it be to me as you have said.”
“I am the Lord’s servant. May it be to me as you have said.”
“I am the Lord’s servant. May it be to me as you have said.” What a refreshing study for my soul today! For years I have felt called to serve, what I thought was in the form of adoption, foster care, helping hurting children. My husband and I were recently denied our request at this time bc of what our past holds. That day I was angry. Hurt. Perhaps even resenting my husband a little bit. I didn’t want to hear what the advocate had to say and her telling me all the different ways I could serve….I thought the only way was by adopting child/baby #4 to make our family, one of 6 persons. As several weeks have gone by, I have felt a peace that passes understanding. God has a plan.(don’ worry I still get teary eyed when talking about it!) He is in control. I don’t need to know that plan(even though I would REALLY like too!);) Strengthen my faith Father God, give me the strength to persevere and serve in the places that you see fit. If it’s not with a fourth baby in our household…then show me what that servant role should be! . I am your servant, may it be to me as you have said. Luke 1:38
“I am the Lord’s servant. Mayvit be to me as you have said.”
I am new to your studies, and I have been blessed tremendously by what I have seen so far, but I have to disagree with the statements that Mary did not doubt herself, She may or she may not have, we have no evidence to back that up either way. I believe there were times when she doubted herself. We have already seen that, many times, God uses broken people, broken women. I do believe she quickly decided to trust in what the angel was telling her (with a nervousness and small doubts) and she agreed trusting God and I even believe that it is entirely possible she doubted herself many times throughout the process. Yet in her doubts she CHOSE to praise and continue trust in God’s plan for her and for her Son. I don’t mean to say you are wrong, just making a point that we really are not sure of this fact. I hope I have not offended in my “opinion”. Thank you for allowing me to share it with at least you.