“Buried in the genealogy of Jesus in Matthew chapter one is a gospel treasure. That treasure is five women. Their inclusion in the list is notable because it’s a patrilineal genealogy — a record of fathers and sons. Their inclusion is also notable because they were among the most notorious women in biblical history.
The first mentioned is Tamar (Matthew 1:3). Tamar entered the royal bloodline of the Messiah by disguising herself as a prostitute and seducing her father-in-law, Judah, so he would make her pregnant. Honestly, Judah had it coming because he had denied her justice, but it was an ugly affair all around (see Genesis 38).” ~ Christmas Bloodline: Notorious Women in Jesus’s Family by Jon Bloom
It wasn’t what you expected, was it?
These first few passages we’ve studied on {The Road to Christmas}… they don’t line up with the lights, glitter, peace and wonder that we’ve neatly packaged into our definition of Christmas.
But stay with me here… it’s a necessary road.
Every bit of this dark, messy, uncomfortable, embarrassing, scandalous journey is included in the Bible for a specific purpose. The tension, the unrest, the building of the story and the anticipation of the rescue…
This is the journey that highlights our great need.
This is the path that makes salvation that much more longed-for.
This is the road that makes the arrival of the babe in the manger that much more personal.
{The Road to Christmas} is dark and sin-filled in the waiting, but it’s a road that leads to grace.
God has ordained that Satan have a long leash with God holding on to the leash because he knows that when we walk in and out of those temptations, struggling with both the physical effects that they bring and the moral effects that they bring, more of God’s glory will shine. ~ John Piper
Tamar’s story was one of rejection and disgrace. Her family history was tainted, and her personal reputation paid the price over and over again. It must have felt like prison with no way out – this ugly web of shame that Tamar found herself tangled up in while she waited for deliverance. Yet along that dark road, Tamar became the mother of Perez, and it was from his line that King David – and eventually Jesus – was born. This unlikely Gentile woman who lived for years in darkness became a crucial piece in the lineage of Christ (Matt. 1)… the lineage of grace.
The genealogy of Jesus Christ is immeasurably more than a list of ancient names; it is even more than a list of Jesus’ human forebears. It is a beautiful testimony to God’s grace and to the ministry of His Son, Jesus Christ, the friend of sinners, who “did not come to call the righteous, but sinners” (Matt. 9:13). If He has called sinners by grace to be His forefathers, should we be surprised when He calls them by grace to be His descendants? The King presented here is truly the King of grace! ~ John MacArthur
Sweet, amazing grace.
Because on {The Road to Christmas} no one is righteous… not even one (Romans 3:10). But grace.
Maybe you can relate with Tamar today:
Do you find yourself constantly stuck in a web of sin that is choking the life right out of you? There’s new life in Christ (2 Cor. 5:17).
Does your family have a long history of dysfunction? Jesus can break those chains (Gal. 5:1).
Has your life been filled with all kinds of unexpected twists, turns and misfortunes? God specializes in making crooked paths straight (Prov. 3:6).
Have you walked a hard road filled with darkness? That’s why the Savior came (John 10:10).
Grace came down to a humble stable, so that you and I might live. Light in the darkness. HOPE for the world. Praise God, there is a road that leads to grace… and grace shines brighter.
In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind.
The light shines in the darkness,
and the darkness has not overcome it.
~ John 1:4-5
At His feet,
*LET’S TALK: On {The Road to Christmas}, let’s offer up praise to our great God for his amazing grace! Share your thoughts and prayers of gratitude in the comment section today…
I praise God for bringing me out of an unhealthy relationship. He is faithful when others are not! I thank God that He sees my heart. When others may perceive what’s happening on the outside as “not right,” being obedient to God is what matters! He is my Deliverer!!
Denice, yes – obedience to God is what truly matters. Often times we’ll hear critics but what matters is Him. Thank you for sharing that reminder with us!
Blessings, Marlene {LGG Encourager|
Dear Whitney, thank you for our devotional today.
What stood out to me was the Scripture Gal. 5:1. This is a very special Scripture to me. It was the first one God “pointed out” to me after I re-dedicated my life to Him in my early 20’s. At the time, I felt it meant that I was not to be enslaved in the yoke of not being 110% sure that I was ready to go to heaven when I died. But as amazing as the grace of God is, this Scripture has continued to encourage me in different ways, in the different seasons of my life. I am now experiencing a major dysfunction in my family because of my daughter being diagnosed with bi-polar 1. But this Scripture gives me hope that He will heal and He will break the chains of bi-polar and He will take the sour lemons on my life and make lemonade! Just like He did with Tamar. He gave us the sweet refreshing drink of salvation through Tamar’s bad and sour decisions in life! Praise God!
Debbie, it’s amazing how the Word can speak to us unique to each season of life, isn’t it? Praying over you and you family as you walk this new season of life.
Blessings, Marlene {LGG Encourager}
Our 26 yr. old son has been through a lot in the past two years and just yesterday lost job. Imagine my surprise that a study about Christmas, Tamar, Elizabeth and the genealogy go Christ would minister to us in this situation!? I was encouraged that while WE may look at this genealogy and scratch our heads at the fact that such a rag tag list of people led to the birth of the Messiah! Yet, to God, it all made and makes PERFECT sense!! Yes, thankfully He DOES make crooked paths straight. While it makes no sense to us that a young man who loves The Lord and follows Him and serves Him is going through one trial after another, I take great comfort in knowing that GOD has it all planned out, worked out and straightened out!
Lauren, having been in the midst of a similar situation when my husband was run over by a tractor and then 100% disabled, I can feel every tension ,stressor, worry and every ? that is running through your mind. And your son’s mind too. No, we cannot see any good in the situation because we are right in the middle of it. But God knows the beginning, the middle and the end of our life’s story! In times like this, we have to “trust and obey” and depend wholly on God’s promise that He will provide. I will be praying for your family. sheila
Amen Sheila! Thank you for that encouragement!
Blessings, Marlene {LGG Encourager}
Lauren – God is awesome like that! He brings to us just what we need, right when we need it! When things don’t “work out” just remember – God has something even more amazing out there for your son!
Blessings, Marlene {LGG Encourager}
Thanks ladies. Can’t wait to see all of God’s plans unfolded “on the other side”.
Not to take the focus away from Tamar, but take a look at Judah, who while on his way to work that day and was tempted to sin with a prostitute. I find this to be typical, that temptations and opportunities to sin “sneak up” on us when we least expect it. We need to be in the Word daily and guard our hearts and minds! Thank you for this Bible study.
And it is truly evident from Judah’s story that he was not in God’s word! Even though he lived in the midst of a faithful people, he had turned from God. Yes, he can be an important part of Tamar’s story too. Thanks for pointing this out.
You know, I have a LOT of questions from this passage. I didn’t get so much observation and application as confusion and lack of comprehension. There’s just a lot of odd stuff in here, in my 21st century opinion. Tamar gets a bad rap, but what about Judah? He is so not snow white. He took a prostitute, he didn’t keep his word to Tamar…. I don’t understand what’s up. The only application I could find was this: Apparently God is very interested in us keeping our word when we speak it. Maybe there is some truth to the
saying that a man’s word is his worth. My prayer was that God would help me understand all this.
Dear Amy – TY for your transparency here. Yes, it is a different type of a story. IMHO, it is about the fact that even though you have dysfunction and dishonesty and deficiencies in our character, God can still use us for His Glory! I am praying that God will help you understand what He wants you to know from this Scripture. As I said in my reply above, that is what is beautiful about God Word, to me. One Scripture can speak many different things to many different people…but it is what we exactly need at that season in our life! Praise God!
I am grateful for Gods grace and his love for me and my family. We all have dysfunction and struggles in our lives and in our family. I am soo grateful for Christ who set us free. I am also very thankful for this study and that I have found it. I am a mother of 4 littles and I try my best to begin my day with scripture and prayer to get me through on another great day and the life of motherhood. So thank you!
Lacosta, we’re so thankful to have you with us during this study!
Blessings, Marlene {LGG Encourager}
Dear Lacosta, I am so proud of you for putting God first! Keep it up and do not become weary in well doing!
Remarkable that out of all the sons of Jacob, God chose Judah to continue the messianic line (Joseph would have been my first choice). Judah was the one who came up with the idea to sell Joseph into slavery…nice guy. All that screams for our need for a Redeemer.
One note on Tamar, shame, and forgiveness: God’s forgiveness is so wonderful and complete, even though I know that, I sometimes “wallow” in the shame caused by my sin. At that point my “wallowing” has become a self-focused issue of pride saying, “I can’t believe I did that…What will others say, or think about me? I hate the consequences of what I did, etc. Note the personal pronouns. May God help me to be more concerned for His glory and His kingdom than for my own.
You made a perfect point of how God uses even the worst of situations and people to bring His plans to fruition! And you and I are a part of His wonderful plan too….how awesome!
Sheila, it is pretty awesome, isn’t it? Only He can do something so perfectly. Praising Him with you sweet friends!
Blessings, Marlene {LGG Encourager}
Amen Susan!
What you wrote is SOOOO good! Thank you for sharing, it blessed me today 🙂
Dear Susan – ditto to what Netty said!
Dear Father in Heaven, You are such an amazing God! You knew me before I was born and Your plan unfolds in my life through all the ups/downs, the good and the bad, the hurt and the joy. Never have You left me! Even when I see nothing good, You are working for good. Teach me to be patient and more faithful. Help me to bring all of my problems, concerns, sorrows, joys and celebrations to You! I will praise You for all the days of my life and ask that You continue to work Your story in my life. Thank you for bringing me to these studies nearly a year ago ~ what a difference they have made in my life. All Your providence, not mine! To God be the glory! amen
I heard this song last night and thought that it might could be one Tamar would sing looking back on her life: http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=the+greatest+story+ever+told+with+lyrics+by+avalon&FORM=VIRE1#view=detail&mid=6F66B8F2D280FFB39E3D6F66B8F2D280FFB39E3D
Amen Sheila, thank you for sharing with us today!
Blessings, Marlene {LGG Encourager}
Dear Sheila! Perfect song! TY!
Thank you ladies for sharing your struggles and prayers, thank you for your encouragement! I struggle and its so hard sometimes!! …..But thank God for His Son Jesus, who sees and hears everything!….May we focus this Christmas on the real reason for the season, that Jesus came and died for each one of us! blessings to each one of you. Lyn
Amen! Thanks for stopping by Lyn!
Blessings, Marlene {LGG Encourager}
I praise God for giving me strength when I had none, giving me love when I was unlovable, saving me when I was so down deep in the depths of my sin. And yet, God said NO! Stop, let her be, instead put all the pain, pressure, and rejection on me. I have been saved by Jesus Christ and it is in him that I find strength, love, refuge, courage, and it is in him that I have hidden myself. So if anyone is looking for me, send them to Christ, for that is where I will be!
“If anyone is looking for me, send them to Christ, for that’s where I will be!”
Carly, love your words! Like Netty quoted , “If anyone is looking for me, send them to Christ, for that’s where I will be!” LOVE that!
Thanks for stopping by!
Blessings, Marlene {LGG Encourager}
“Has your life been filled with all kinds of unexpected twists, turns and misfortunes? God specializes in making crooked paths straight (Prov. 3:6).”
Yes God truly does make crooked paths straight! Thank you Lord for your grace and restoration in our messy lives.
Praising Him with you, Telena!
Bessings, Marlene {LGG Encourager}
God’s ways are definitely not our ways….He does things in such unique & surprising ways…He is the redeemer of sin in our lives. He is there in those dark places in life, and takes them and shines His life & love in them when we allow Him to do so. God brings healing & peace. Praise Him!
What an awesome God we have! Amen!
Blessings, Marlene {LGG Encourager}
I have had a lot of crooked paths in 2014 and a lot of tears shed, but looking back as we are about to end 2014 I am much stronger. I am stronger in my relationship with God and in my own personal life. Thank you God for being my shield when I need it most and shining light on the path you want me take.
Casey – what a beautiful testimony! So glad that you are able to end the year stronger.
Amy A (LGG Encourager)
Dear Casey, Love the word “shield” in the Bible! It means so much to me. God showed me that word in 1992 for the situation that was put upon me. Now, 24 years late, He continues to teach me and show me more about that word as I walk this journey of life with Him.
I praise the Lord for everything I’ve been through in my life… In the dark times before I could see the good, I used to say “why me?” , then I realized by saying that I was actually wishing my misfortune on someone else, that was a wake up call for me. I would never want anyone to go through what I went through, I also realized I was going through these trials because I was strong enough to handle them and move past them. Each trial I faced was bringing me to the Lord where he wanted me. I have no idea what’s in store for my future but what ever it is I know God will carry me through it
Oh Melody – what a great insight! I love your willingness to trust. Thank you for sharing.
Amy A (LGG Encourager)
Wow, Whitney THANK YOU! I was definitely uncomfortable, embarrassed and questioning what in the world you ladies did with the Christmas study! LOL
But as I stick with it, God is showing me (especially through your words today) how crucial it is that we walk this walk. And how I and others, need to walk this walk through the lens of our own lives, in order to truly be free from sin once and for all.
I can almost taste how sweet the victory and grace is gonna be on the other side. I’m staying with you now…and I’m seeing this through.
“Lord, may this years ‘Road to Christmas’ turn my world upside down!”
Yes, Yes, & Yes again!
I didn’t get it. I almost didn’t do this study because I felt the same way. I got the tie in of genealogy of Jesus including some less than steller people. But he had a word or should I say words for me.
I needed to get away from the what commentaries were saying (I am a big googler, I call it research) and I needed to hear what God had to say to me. I need to get over my personal “uncomfortableness” with this story and dig in to the biblical truths that are applicable to my life.
I wrestled with this scripture passage for days. I am now standing on God Promises with great Expectation of the many miracles he is working in my life.
** I know I just said I had to get away others but in case this can help anyone else I have posted my SOAP on Bible Study with Bree. http://tinyurl.com/pcrgc37 ** There are also other good observations and applications. **
Thank you Netty for your sweet words! Such an awesome encouragement! We’re so thankful you are feeling blessed through this study!
Blessings, Marlene {LGG Encourager}
Sometimes that’s the way it is – we can’t see what it’s all about… yet. I find that if I keep with it, God is always there and shows up in the most marvelous and miraculous ways. WTG, ladies, on sticking with it! I’m always thirsty and hungry for more of His Word, and I’m excited to see where this study will take us. Onward and upward!
I know I am a day late on this, but I wanted to comment anyway. I see clearly that God will use people and there poor decisions for his ultimate plan. The passage showed me that even though I am still going through a trial based on the actions of someone else, there still is hope. I feel like I am barely hanging on even after over a year of this situation, but it seems God keeps putting something or someone in my path to keep me where I am at. I don’t really see any forward movement, but at least I am still trying to take a step or maybe I’m just standing still for this season. Thank you for this study…not what I expected but probably just what I need.
As someone mentioned above, it can be so hard to see God’s plans when we are in the trenches, completely engulfed in conflict or a hard season, but as you said, there is still so much hope. I will be praying that the Lord speaks to you through this study and that you are encouraged and receive the guidance you need to move forward from this situation. Be blessed!
Debbie, I’ve learned that while some trials may last so much longer than we hoped or wanted – that when we place all our burdens upon in, and trust in His glory – He will bring us through. And through those tough seasons, He is drawing us closer to Him. Praying for you sweet friend!
Blessings, Marlene {LGG Encourager}
In addition to all that’s been said above, I think that this passage was also illuminating the dark world and desperate need for Jesus to come and offer grace and salvation–rebirth. God chose not to send Jesus through a pristine family line of perfect marriages/relationships or histories, but rather to color the path to Jesus’ birth with shame, desperation, and not-so-good choices. I think this is an incredible illustration of our need for Jesus and how great God’s deliverance was. Praise Him and praying for everyone participating in this study this season, that the Spirit will walk with us, speak to us, and teach us, and that we will be encouraged by each other as sisters in Christ.
Thank you, Lacey for sharing that! I was nodding in agreement as I read your words. Praising Him with you friend! Thank you for being a part of this study!
Blessings, Marlene {LGG Encourager}
PRAYER – My most gracious and Heavenly Father, Thank you for this time you have spent with me on this passage. From me just not getting it, and almost not doing the study because I couldn’t see the fit, to having a full picture of your Sovereign Will at work in my life. Tamar & Judah’s story is testament to the amazing grace that you have for your children and even when we mess up, You don’t. I pray for wisdom Lord, to reveal to me those times or those issues that I am living in disguise. Help me to remove the veil so I can have unbroken relationship with You. I don’t want less than Your Best. Help my desperation with Your timing reminding me that You are the author of perfection and You didn’t mess up when you created me. I was created for a purpose and in my current restlessness move me from desperately waiting for You, to expectantly waiting on You. Fully confident in Your promises. My a heart is full of gratitude for the many undeserved blessings. Thy Will continue to be Done in my life. Amen
Praise Song: Your Will – Darius Brooks http://youtu.be/1qxs0sfURZM%5D
Amen! Thank you for sharing your heart with us, Ebony!
Blessings, Marlene {LGG Encoruager}
I am so glad I have this resource at Christmas time – thank you, ladies!
Praising the Lord for all that He is and all that He does in my life!!! Just wanted to say this is truly a blessing that I stumbled on this study for the month of December. What better time to really buckle down and get an even deeper relationship with my Lord and Savior. I am looking forward to studying and sharing these coming weeks with all of you ladies. Blessings to all of you!!
Thank you for this. It was so wonderful and it spoke volumes to me. Sarah had to wait on the Lord to open her womb and bless her with Issac. There was no way to make it happen without the wait. Tamar reached out and took what she wanted and even though she was deceitful, nothing can stop the plan of God. She was blessed with not one, but two babies. Two totally different methods, but both women were given boys who would be in the direct lineage of Christ! Just amazing to me.
When I study about Mary caring the
Christ under her heart, I think how awesome
& wonderful to feel the tiny movements of the babe.
As this was on my mind one day, I heard Holy Spirit say to me
(You Carry Holy Spirit within you every day) rejoice,rejoice
Thank you ladies for making this available and being sensitive to the spirit’s leading. I pray God’s blessings on your families and protection as you faithfully minister to us.
I’m wanting to do this study. I cannot find where or how to purchase the journal. Please help. Thank you.
You can download a free pdf here: http://lovegodgreatly.com/lgg/road-christmas/
You will need to create an account (free) to access.
Thank you God that you can break the chain of family dysfunction and that you are a God of Grace and redemption.