If my life is surrendered to God, all is well. Let me not grab it back, as though it were in peril in His hand but would be safer in mine! ~ Elisabeth Elliott
If you’re anything like a typical girl, you’ve probably spent a considerable amount of time at some point in your life dreaming about the details of your future. I know I have. In fact, when Angela and I were neighbors as little girls, you could often find us on hot summer days playing “wedding” in the carport of her tiny duplex. We draped ourselves with white lace tablecloths and our moms’ cheap jewelry and took turns – along with my sisters – walking down the driveway “aisle,” imagining the day when our dreams would become reality.
But our lives don’t always follow the fairy tale path we dream about as little girls, do they?
Rahab and Mary – two more unlikely women listed in Jesus’ lineage in Matthew 1 – certainly found out that life doesn’t always turn out according to plan. But a wise woman of God knows that God’s sovereign plan trumps her plan any day of the week.
Rahab the prostitute was a social outcast who was willing to be used by God.
Mary was a young virgin girl whose willingness to be used by God would make her a social outcast.
They didn’t come with stacked resumes, they surely weren’t the most popular girls in town, and they were far from sinless. But God used Rahab and Mary because he’s God, and he specializes in making something beautiful out of what the world deems as broken.
We don’t have to have all of the answers before we submit to God’s plan for our lives, and we might not ever reach a point where we’re considered “qualified” by the world’s standards. But like Rahab and Mary, we can say “yes” when God calls us because we know that God will illuminate our paths with his grace and power, gently guiding us by his sovereign hand with each step we take by faith.
{The Road to Christmas} is becoming more and more beautiful with each grace-filled step, amen? We’re excited that you’re back for {Week 2} of our study… we can’t wait to dive into God’s Word with you!
At His feet,
*Let’s Talk ~ Does doubt or fear hold you back from saying “yes” to God? Our team would love to encourage you and pray for you in the comments section today!
{Week 2} Challenge: In your study time this week, take time to search your heart and identify any personal inadequacies that might be weighing you down and hindering you from saying “yes” to God. Write those inadequacies down on a piece of paper, then over the top of each item listed, write the word GRACE. Thank God for his grace that covers you, and ask him to give you confidence to boldly say “yes” to him.
{Week 2} Reading Plan:
{Week 2} Memory Verse:
*Thank you for this study…it really has been amazing
*I know many times that I think my way is better… I tend to plan out EVERYTHING… I like my lists… and sometimes get mad when God changes what is happening… but I am getting better at letting Him lead… I think for a long time because I felt so out of control that I have a hard time just letting go and letting God…Especially since in the past 4 years I have dealt with cancer (totally healed Praise Jesus) and I miscarried triplets 2 years ago this month… I for a long time questioned how in the world that these things could be used by God when they literally turned my life upside down… But I had some AMAZING God experiences during those times…things that I don’t think I would have seen if I didn’t have them.. I am not happy that those things happened, BUT…I am thankful for what I got out of them! So today’s reading really resonated with me. I am still a list maker…and I am learning to let God lead me… still working on that! 🙂
Bethany, thank you for sharing your story with us! Looking back at my life, I also see how God has used the “upsidedown moments” of my life to bring me deeper into intimacy with Him in amazing ways. We are so glad that this study is resonating with you. I’m excited about what we are going to learn through this week as we dig into the Word together.
LGG Encourager
I have feelings of inadequacy. I feel under qualified in my job (even though I have a masters degree), as a mom, and as a wife. When I read today’s reading the thing that resonates with me is doubt. I am doubting God’s power and love. When I let Him lead my life things flow smoothly and I have a feeling of peace, but when I am far from Him that’s when the bad feelings creep in. He is the most awesome Father and we should let him guide us for His ultimate plan!
I think that satan uses feelings of inadequacy to cause most women to feel ineffective, but it is a lie! God doesn’t desire for us to feel inadequate or less than He created us to be. We are His, and we can rely on His perfect plan. I know that is so much easier said than done as I struggle with balancing all the parts of life as well.
Amen to that!
I love this part of your message – “But a wise woman of God knows that God’s sovereign plan trumps her plan any day of the week.”
I must confess that I don’t always focus on what God has planned for me. I take His sovereignty for granted. I pray this season that I begin to focus more on what God has planned. Help me to look for His plan in my life on the small things not just the bigger things.
I struggle in the same way, sister! I am so glad that He has it all under control. His mighty hands are going to see us through. 🙂
Good Morning!
I don’t know where to begin! I’ve always had a relationship with God and I know that He will never leave nor forsake me. However, my family has been stuck in a cycle for years that we just can’t seem to get out of. The more the cycle comes around, the more I’ve pushed away from God. I’ve joined 2 Christian groups to help me get back in my word and praying the way that I know I need to and they are helping, but I still find myself pushing. For the past 2 years I’ve felt under qualified for my job and under qualified with the gift that God has given me. Right now I am so unhappy with life it self and my prayer EVERY day is that I can be the woman, wife, mother, worker that God has called me to be…that I can hear His voice so clear and know which way to go at all times.
I am so very thankful for the study…Thank you!
Praying for your family this morning, Shawn. I am so glad that you are pressing into fellowship and getting into the Word. He is walking with you through this journey. He will never leave you nor forsake you.
LGG Encourager
As I read your story, I felt like it was mine….you are encouraging me…Thank you
I seem to live in this vicious cycle of inadequacy and perfectionism. I am a planner, so I make a plan, and when life slams into my plans, I become frustrated and out of sorts, and then I miss opportunities to let God move in my life. God is teaching me that people are more important than my plans and that I am not designed for perfection in this world. I’m learning to let go, but there is fear in that. With all that I have walked through, one would think that I would have nailed this whole trusting God thing down, but I am certainly a work in progress. I know in my mind that the only way to live a peace-filled life is to fully trust Him with all the details and to rely solely on His plan each day, but I take up that burden anyway. I guess my fear is the unknown, but why should I fear that? I don’t need to know the plan, and I need to stop grasping at perfectionism because I know the One who made the plan, and His ways are always perfect.
I hear you on this one! I am a huge planner as well (me and my calendar are good friends!). One thing that I have started doing that helps me so much is that when I have to choose between 2 things, I try to ask myself “What will matter more when this life is over, and I am facing Jesus? What has an eternal value?” — I am learning to live with my dust bunnies for another day if it means spending time with the people in my life. It’s been a long journey, but He is teaching me to be “more Mary” and “less Martha.”
LGG Encourager
But our lives don’t always follow the fairy tale path we dream about as little girls, do they?
I never thought in all my years that I would be where I am right now, divorced, chronically ill, disabled and unable to work and much more~ but God is his goodness saw that the life I was leading wasn’t the life He had for me. I would have never ever chosen this path for my life, who would, but the things I have learned in this place is what I am so thankful for. I have seen God show up in so many ways, that I totally would have missed otherwise. I am still asking God how he wants to use me, this mess and all, but this I know, God uses messy, broken people all the time and I pray to have my heart so close to Him to hear him when he says ” this is the way, walk in it.”
I’m praying that God will show you what He has planned for you Kim! It’s neat when we can look back and see how He was working in our lives through the bad times. When we are weak then He is strong.
Much Love,
Kim, your faithfulness in the midst of this life that was not part of your plan is inspiring! Praying for you friend!
Blessings, Marlene {LGG Encoruager}
I would say both at times. I have walked through some dark times yet The Lord has always been faithful. There are things I feel He has called me to do and fear of others, namely family, has held me back. Sharing those really dark times that few know about. Step 1 was when I shared parts of my story in a recently published book by another author.
Praying for all of the women plagued by doubts and fear-may God give them the peace that passes all understanding and guard their hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
Amen, Jennifer! Thank you for sharing today!
Blessings, Marlene {LGG Encourager}
Doubt and fear have held me back from fully releasing my husband to God. I was afraid that God would not restore our marriage, not because He couldn’t, but because of fear that I wasn’t worthy. There was also fear for my husband of the consequences he will have to endure for the choices he has made. This fear caused me to unknowingly place myself in the position of “mini savior”, using my efforts trying to get to him to wake up. I have now realized, with the help of a friend, that what has to be, has to be. I cannot allow the fear I have for his consequences to make me become a hindrance to God’s plan for my husband. This is so hard for me but I know God loves my husband more than I do. And I know that it will all work for the good of my husband and I.
RLMC, sometimes we have a tendency to want to always fix things…especially when it comes to those we love dearly. It’s a struggle through which we learn to lean on God even more. Through it, He’ll draw you closer to Him. Praying for you friend!
Blessings, {LGG Encourager}
How do I know what Gods plan is and what mine is? I am having a hard time with this.
Melody, I think we all ask this question a time or two. My advice is this: Pray continually. Read the Word constantly, study it, break it down verse by verse. Through His Word, He guides us and teaches us His will. When we are diligently in His word, and praying constantly – He reveals to us His plans and desires for us. As we soak up the Word we become wiser and learn to trust that He’ll show us, one way or another, what His plans are. It’s difficult to wait patiently sometimes, but often – this is exactly what He wants us to do (be patient and rely upon Him). Praying for you Melody, and that He draws you closer to Him daily.
Blessings, Marlene {LGG Encourager}
Thank you Marlene, I will continue to read Gods word and pray. Yes I do get impatient but I think I’m getting better about that. Thanks again and God bless all of you on this site, for taking time for everyone who posts here. 🙂 thanks again
Yes I’m scared of the hard times we have to go through to get where God wants us. I fear not living up to the expectations of people when I share Jesus. I’m scared to get out of my comfort zone. I have prayed for a family that my family could help for Christmas. I have one practically dropped in my lap and I found myself complaining about the things I have to do. Like Melody I have a hard time knowing if its Gods plan so I don’t do anything. I really do love people and I have been through alot in my life so I don’t judge. But fear keeps me back, I don’t like to open up and let people in.
Angela, praying for you. Praying that you rely on Him more and more each day. That you turn over that fear to Him and are able to release yourself from that crutch. {hugs}
Blessings, Marlene {LGG Encourager}
Angela I completely relate to everything you said. I am having the same difficulties. I have been single for four years now and am afraid to get into any relationship. I don’t want to mess up again. God bless you and sending prayers your way.
Thank you both so much for prayers.
I have a lot of fear that consumes my life on a daily basis. Since learning more about God, I am learning to let of go of that fear and say okay God test me, how far can I go. He has already tested me in more ways then one and has shown me that fear is holding me back. I am so grateful that I have stumbled upon this group and into the second week, it’s already been an amazing journey
I went through a harsh/hard time 5 years ago with my father & brother ‘s deaths 8 days apart and the resulting nervous breakdown of my mother…then intense physical problems from scoliosis and shingles/PHN 5 times in a row. Before this, I was a strong person in body, mind and faith, but this loaded revolver of shots knocked me off kilter. My biggest problem was anxiety attacks…the most debilitating of all! It has been a long journey and I have been on again/off again handing all my fears over to my Lord. My mother has been VERY sick all this year and now that my brother & I have found her a nice place where she is seen to 24/7, I feel like a huge weight has been taken off my shoulders. I am SO happy to report that just in the past few months, I finally have been able to let go of the horrible anxiety that has held me prisoner in my own house–and at times in my own body!–and able to trust in my Lord that He will handle my troubles for me! It feels so PEACEFUL to know that I can just hand them over to Him and I don’t have to ‘fix’ anybody or anything because THEY are all in His care, too! Thank You, Lord!
This is beautiful and spoke directly to my heart this morning. My husband and I live overseas but are in a stage of transition. I hadn’t realized how much was weighing me down regarding this until this morning. This study is helping to free me of my fears to release us in our next phase of ministry. It’s exciting (and a bit scary!). Especially when I think about the road of adoption we are embarking on. Prayers for peace and divine direction are appreciated!
Praying for you and your family during this time of transition. God bless you for opening your heart to adoption. There are so many kids that need loving homes. As for feeling weighed down, why not just have an open and completely honest talk with God? He knows it all anyways. Just lay it all out there. I love to do that and then I listen for his response. Obviously, he as some great ideas and words of comfort. 🙂
I am loving this study so far… I have a hard time knowing where to get into the word at certain periods of my life. I really like this study that is leading up to Christmas!! I have had a huge problem with fear and self doubt. I have a huge fear of failure and not being good enough. I doubt everything in my life before I ever even give it a chance. I am doing better but it has been a struggle my whole adult life. I have just recently had an ah-ha moment… I wasn’t/dont have a ton of faith in myself… I realized that not having faith in myself is actually not having faith in God as well. I have been praying for the Lord to increase my faith and I instantly have been feeling better about the things going on in my life. I am about to get married in May. Couldn’t be happier, I love him with all my heart. I just wish he had a stronger walk with the Lord and wanted to be more of a spiritual leader for our future family. So I ask for prayer in that area of my life. I am also still trying to figure out a career path for myself. I want the path that God has for me and not what I think my path should be. Its hard for me to clearly see what he wants for me…. Doubt and fear plays a big role in this area of my life. I ask that you would please pray for my future marriage, my career path, and that doubt and fear fall behind me in every area of my life. Thank you for the prayers and for this study!!
I love how Rahab was so quick to side with God and take a huge risk for him. She defied her own King to obey the King of the Universe. She trusted in God so much, she put her entire family into his hands. Her faith, trust, and obedience are to be admired. I pray that I can be that quick to obey, in faith, without asking questions or thinking things over. I love how God shows us what he expects from us by using the people we would lease expect.
I agree and thought the same thing when I read that. I would have analyzed it to death and kept wondering if this was something God wanted me to do especially if I lied about them being there. I pray that I have that obedience and faith also.
I am kind of late in the ” The Road to Christmas” study but I got an email of Week 2 and was so blessed and inspired to join in and increase my knowledge and understanding of Christ. I thank God for this online bible study forum. You guys are really doing a great thing and I pray that the Lord continues to bless LOVE GOD GREATLY in all that it does.
I’m getting a late start too I guess but I will do my best to follow with you all and keep up. I love doing Christmas Studies especially since my children are grown and they and my grandchildren live out of state. I wish I was as trusting as Mary when the angel came to her to tell her she would bear a child and the child would be named Jesus and she just said back to him, it is as you said, and He will be named Jesus. I don’t know if it’s from living a life that has been filled with bad marriages where I was physically abused and lied to and emotionally abused. That to me is the cause but it was a while before Jesus reached out to me during a period I had truly hit rock bottom and I grabbed His hand and never looked back and I love the Lord and I love my life with Him. Well, going to do some reading, I also attend BSF but we’re on Christmas break so they gave me homework, read 21 chapters in Leviticus and read the book of Hebrews. I will definitely do my best. God bless you all and thank you so much for another Bible study!