
“Mom! Hey mom! Wake up. I made something for you. A card, I cut it in the shape of a heart and I want you to get up and read it.”

My early morning riser tugs on my bedcovers as she simultaneously taps on my shoulder. Tired from staying up late the night before working on materials for our {Road to Christmas} study, I rub my eyes and ask, “What is it sweet girl?”

“Mom, I made you this card, read it” as she places it into my lap.

Now sitting up in bed and pulling my covers back around me, I focus in on this card with its accompanying hand drawn hearts, smiley faces and crosses.


“Mom, I made you this card because I want you to know that you are beautiful on the inside and out…and I love it that you’re my mom, mistakes and all. I love you.”


Oh I love how God uses children to speak to us at just the right times…when our hearts need it the most.

Truth spoken from the mouth of babes, I am loved and accepted by this amazing daughter of mine and by the One who created us both… “mistakes and all.

Like Tamar and Elizabeth, who we will focus on this week, I too have worn the heavy cloak of shame. Partly due to circumstances out of my control (like Elizabeth) and other times because of my actions (like Tamar) as a woman living in a broken world, I can relate to how these women felt…the weight of shame is a burden only the Messiah Child, born in a humble manger over two thousand years ago, can lift.

This week as we take a closer look Tamar and Elizabeth’s lives, may we focus our gaze on our Redeemer and Savior, the one who came to us as a humble child to take the sting of our shame away.

May we be encouraged as we begin our {Road to Christmas} study that God used ordinary men and women to bring His Son, Jesus Christ, into the world to be the Savior of us all…despite their mistakes, short comings and sin.

And to this day, He continues to work through the ordinary lives of men and women to change the world.

My challenge for us this week is to place the burden of shame, some of us have been carrying, at the feet of the baby born in that humble manger so many years ago. This Christmas as you look for that perfect gift for your loved ones, maybe, just maybe, you need to include a gift for yourself on that list…to live a life no longer controlled by the shame of the past. This Christmas release yourself from that heavy burden by surrendering your life to Jesus Christ and allow Him to heal you from the hurt you’ve been carrying.

Let’s Talk: What are some ways God has healed you from the shame you once carried? What advice or encouragement can you give to someone today who might be struggling with the weight of shame in her life today?


Love God Greatly!

Angela- Love God Greatly





Week 1: Memory Verse



Week 1: Reading Plan



Week 1: Challenge

This Christmas as you look for that perfect gift for your loved ones, include a gift for yourself on that list: to live a life no longer controlled by the shame of the past. Place your burden of shame at the feet of that baby in the manger. Release yourself by surrendering your life to Jesus Christ, and allow Him to heal you from the hurt you’ve been carrying.

W1 Challenge




Angela Perritt

Angela Perritt

Angela Perritt is the founder and director of, a nonprofit online Bible study ministry reaching thousands of women in over two hundred countries around the world with God’s Word through their translated Bible studies. She and her husband live in Dallas, Texas with their three daughters. Angela is passionate about God’s Word and believes one woman in God’s Word can change a family, community and ultimately a nation. Her greatest joy is to encourage her children and others to love God greatly with their lives one day at a time. You can connect with her on Instagram.

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