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Store it Up
Lately I have heard a lot of sermons and read a lot of different things about sin and the need to take sin seriously. I see how I need to do that more in my life. I tend to excuse my sin, blame shift onto others, or think that my sin is not that big of a deal. It is...

Shield of Faith
"God could not possibly love me, because my life is a mess." "I keep falling into sin. Maybe I won’t go to heaven." "I always feel sad and empty. Maybe I have not truly committed my life to the Lord." "Life is so hard for me. Maybe God is not watching over me." Have...

An Effective Weapon
Fencing is a sport I only ever see when the Olympics is on. It’s fascinating to watch. While I don’t know all the rules, it is a quick moving battle between two athletes who use swords (foil, épée, or saber) to attack and defend with the aim of striking their opponent...

Remind Yourself What God Has Done
We know there is a battle going on around us that is real, although it cannot be seen by the eye. We have been reading about it for the past few weeks, asking God to help us put on His full armor so that we can withstand the schemes of the evil one. There is a battle...

Helmet of Salvation
This week’s piece of armor is the helmet of salvation. Head injuries can be fatal, so when soldiers go into battle, a helmet protects their head and their brain, which is the powerhouse of the whole body. Once the devil gets a hold on our minds, our thoughts, and...

Claim God’s Promises
“And take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit (which is the word of God).” - Ephesians 6:17 Welcome to another week of our study! This week, we will be focusing on the Helmet of Salvation. I love how today’s SOAP verse, Ephesians 6:17, doesn’t ask...

Choosing to Believe
A college professor once shared with me his definition of faith: “Faith is choosing to believe that the Word of God is true regardless of our feelings, circumstances, or societal norms.” Regardless of the doubts we may feel at times, regardless of the difficult and...

Our Shield, Shelter and Song
One of the all-time great old movies I really love is The Sound of Music – have you seen it? (If you’re like me, how many times?) There is a brilliant scene when the Von Trapp children come at night, one by one, to seek refuge with their governess, Maria, while a...

Spiritual Battle
“For though we live as human beings, we do not wage war according to human standards,for the weapons of our warfare are not human weapons, but are made powerful by Godfor tearing down strongholds. We tear down arguments and every arrogant obstacle that is raised up ...

The Gift of Peace
As believers, we are participators in divine peace because we know that Jesus has overcome the world. We live knowing that “It is finished,” for the Lamb of God has conquered death and made a way for us to come close to God. Because of Jesus’ sacrifice, we have...

Preaching Peace
My husband has a habit of leaving his cell phone in the car and missing important calls. During a recent trip, I actually was thankful for his forgetfulness because we avoided a call from an angry person. After our lunch stop, we sat in the front seat and shook our...

The Gospel of Peace
What does it mean to be strong? Our world often defines it as a person’s ability to rely on themselves, not needing anyone or anything. Sadly, that definition of strength is often incorporated into our relationship with God. God knows that we can do nothing on our...

The Righteousness of Christ
I was recently combing through my closet and found a stack of jeans that I’ve been holding onto. Now, these particular jeans were ones I’d owned for maybe five to ten years, and I had been holding onto them assuming (and hoping) that one day, they would fit me as they...

Fight Forward
Do you view your life as if you are on the battlefield, engaging in a full fledged war every day? For years, I lived my life through the lens of rose colored glasses, up until I experienced my first heartbreaking loss (the death of my dad), which triggered a domino...

A Breastplate and a Crown
It’s been a bit of time since I was a teenager back in Bible class, yet I still clearly remember the leader teaching timeless truths from Ephesians 6 about the armor of God. His words still ring in my ears of how, as followers of Jesus, we are called to a...

Recognizing Deceit
I have heard it said that the best way to recognize a counterfeit is to study the real thing. Take, for example, a dollar bill. In order to know if a dollar bill is counterfeit you should study a real dollar bill. And when I say study, I don’t mean just look at it a...

Armed with the Truth
When I was younger my sister and I were given a job: just stand in a gap in the hedge. Easy. Meanwhile, the rest of the extended family were running around the field trying to get a very large, incredibly angry bull to go into a cage to get an injection. The bull had...

From the Nations: Saying “Yes” to God
Every Love God Greatly study highlights one of the languages we serve – our new study, Armor of God, includes the highlight of our Karen branch!Join us in prayer for Moo Be, her team, and the women of her language and nation as you read her story, and help us spread...

How to Fight Back
"Finally, be strengthened in the Lord and in the strength of his power. Clothe yourselves with the full armor of God so that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil." - Ephesians 6:10-11 Friends, as we begin our new study on the Armor of God, let's...

Introduction to Armor of God
Our newest Bible study, Armor of God, begins on Monday! We would LOVE to have you join us!!! Grab your journal here and dive into our introduction below! It is time to suit up, sweet sister. A war is waging all around us, targeting our minds, families, friends, and...

Armor of God Translations
Friends, our new study translations are ready! We have the incredible privilege of announcing that our Armor of God study is now available in TWENTY-TWO languages, with more in the works!!! And our Armor of God for Kids is available in TWELVE languages with more in...

Materials Now Available!
We are one week away from our next study, Armor of God, and our study materials are now available! Our newest study, Armor of God, begins on Monday, October 2! We couldn’t be more excited to dig into God’s Word with you! We're excited to grow together in our...

Announcing Our Next Study!
Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed and defeated by the battles in your life? Do you feel like your mind, emotions, health, family, or friends are constantly under attack? You are not alone in feeling this way. From the Old Testament to the New Testament, the Bible...