Jesus Changes Everything

Jesus Changes Everything

Jesus’ Early Days Have you ever thought about what Jesus was like when He was younger? I assume that He was a lot like all of us. He had parents that raised Him. He crawled. He had to learn to walk and to talk. He went through puberty and adolescence. He had emotions....
Understanding the Fear of God

Understanding the Fear of God

Think of someone who you fear. Now, think of someone who you esteem and respect. Do these happen to be the same person?  If you are like me, then the answer is no. For me, it is difficult to read the word “fear” in the Scripture without having an appropriate context...
Continue in the Faith

Continue in the Faith

“Children, it is the last hour, and just as you heard that the antichrist is coming, so now many antichrists have appeared. We know from this that it is the last hour. They went out from us, but they did not really belong to us because if they had belonged to us, they...
Love God

Love God

What is it that you desire the most from your children? Is it their obedience? Loyalty? Devotion? You probably desire all of those things. However, all of those things are the result of love. True love will lead to whole-hearted obedience, fierce loyalty, and undying...

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