by Grace Ann Oglesby | Feb 2, 2024 | Love God Greatly Posts, Set Apart |
John 1:14 contains a beautiful truth: the Word became flesh and dwelt among us. God in Christ became flesh and dwelt among us. But why was this necessary? This was necessary so that Jesus could pay the price for our sins, so that He could live in us, and because He...
by Ebos Aifuobhokhan | Jan 31, 2024 | Love God Greatly Posts, Set Apart |
I am the mom of a 14-month-old boy. A few weeks ago, I had my headphones in while listening to something and I had my son on my lap. What happened next was so surprising. He took out the earpiece from one of my ears and plugged it into his ear. I was floored! I...
by Mary Leslie Racine | Jan 29, 2024 | Love God Greatly Posts, Set Apart |
This passage begins with Jesus calling the disciples to Him and using what just happened as a teachable moment for them. In order to really understand this passage, we need to back up a few verses. James and John approach Jesus and ask Him to let them sit by His side...
by Katie Shott | Jan 26, 2024 | Love God Greatly Posts, Set Apart |
All my life I have struggled with fear. I’m not exaggerating. I grew up in a home where my Dad was an alcoholic. I never knew what state he would come home in, or how my mum and I would deal with it each time. I loved my dad, but I lived in fear of the person he...
by Krista Taylor | Jan 24, 2024 | Love God Greatly Posts, Set Apart |
Trust in the LORD. …with all your heart, in all your ways… There was a time last year when our family went through the furnace. We live next to the war in Ukraine, and my husband has been deeply involved in humanitarian aid efforts. With that reality have come...
by Petra Stoneman | Jan 22, 2024 | Love God Greatly Posts, Set Apart |
So far in our study we have defined what it means to be set apart spiritually and in our hearts. But what does it mean to be set apart in our minds? Our SOAP verses for today will help us uncover the answer to this question and set us up for this week, as well as...