We begin our Walking In Wisdom study this coming M O N D A Y and we couldn’t be more excited! Now is a great time to reach out to your friends, neighbors, and co-workers and invite them to do our Walking In Wisdom study with you for these next six weeks! Our online Bible study format is super easy to do because of its flexibility…morning, afternoon or evening…the focus is just getting into God’s Word!
Take your Bible study to a deeper level by using our God With Us Study Materials:
- Order our Walking In Wisdom study journal and receive it in time for our study start! For less than $12, you’ll receive six weeks of our journaling SOAPing pages, memory verse, weekly Bible reading plans, reflection questions and MORE!! And best of all — 100% of the proceeds from our journal sales go directly back into the ministry so that we can serve you better and help get MORE women into God’s Word…around the WORLD!
- As always, you can download our FREE study materials by visiting our Bible Studies tab on our website. Select Walking In Wisdom to download the study journal! {Please note: The memory verse coloring pages are not included in the downloadable version.}
And don’t forget… there are several ways to participate with Love God Greatly this study session:
- Download the LGG App! Here you’ll have access to our Bible studies, blog posts, images, and daily devotionals… right in the palm of your hand!
- Follow our LGG Facebook page! We’ll post the study verses of the day, links to our blog posts, and tons of extra encouragement throughout our two-week study. Check in each morning with us by commenting on our daily verse image and share what you’re learning through our study!
- Follow us on Instagram @LoveGodGreatlyOfficial for uplifting daily study postings, PLUS share your study images and insights with the LGG community by using the #LoveGodGreatly hashtag.
- You’re invited to join in the conversation on our Love God Greatly blog posts every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday throughout the study session. To make sure you don’t miss a thing, subscribe on the LGG website, and every blog post will be delivered straight to your inbox… how great is that?!
- Grab your girlfriends, sisters, moms, neighbors, and coworkers for extra inspiration and encouragement this session… we’re so much stronger together!! To learn more about becoming an LGG Facilitator, click here.
- **If leading a group for the VERY FIRST TIME, be sure to register as an LGG Facilitator! We offer personal mentor support and access to our exclusive Facilitator resources. *If you’re already an active LGG Facilitator, there is no need for you to register again… you’re good to go!
- Of course, you’re always welcome to study solo and check in each day by joining our LGG Community discussion on our blog and social media pages. We want you to choose the option that works best for you!
- Walking In Wisdom will be available on YouVersion as well.
We hope you’ll utilize all that LGG has to offer YOU this session! We’re SO thrilled you’re joining us and can’t wait to see you back HERE on J A N U A R Y 16TH when we kick off our Walking In Wisdom study!
Will you be joining us for our Walking In Wisdom study beginning on M O N D A Y? Let us know in the comments below!

I love your study’s & can’t wait to start Walking in Wisdom!
Bless you dear Vicky. We can’t wait too.
Yes. Excited about it. Looking forward to it.
Looking forward to it!
Welcome Anne. We are glad you’ll be studying with us. If you need a group to study in watch out for tomorrow’s blog post for groups to join. Much love.
Already have the study. Looking forward to starting.
Welcome, Debbie! We are so glad you are joining us! If you are in need of a group, be sure to check back on the blog tomorrow.
So very excited to begin WALKING IN WISDOM! I just completed a six week Facebook fast and I missed connecting with the Love God Greatly community. You’re a blessing in my life!
Trina, we are so glad that you are joining us! Every time I think about possibly going on a fast from social media, missing my LGG studies is always the first thing I think about!
Praise God for you ladies! I am in a small group through our church. I love the fellowship, but the study material is a little weak. I cherish the path of study you provide here. Thank you so much!
Donna, we are excited for all that God will do with this study and the ladies who participate. We pray that God raises up the ministry online, in homes and churches all over the world.
I’m excited to begin this new bible study on Proverbs! I look forward to reading God’s Word, the sharing of how God spoke to me & other ladies thru the daily scriptures, and most of all -to deepening my faith & prayer time.
Proverbs is one of my very favorite books of the bible – Thanks LGG for choosing it!
Theresa, we are very glad to have you studying with us. May al the groups deepen their love and gain wisdom through the study.
Sweetness, it is mine too. Oh praise God for His word. Enjoy the study darling.
YES! I can’t wait…I love Proverbs and it’s a great time in my life to do this study! God always works things out for the best!
Yes darling He does. I love the book too. Full of such great wisdom. So delighted you’ll be joining us for this study. Much love dear. If you need a group, just keep your eyes opened tomorrow for the blog to see a group to join. Blessings.
As always, looking forward to this study with you!
Bless you Joan. Looking forward to it too with you. God’s blessings.
I will be there and in Joanne’s FB group
Great dear. We pray God reveals Himself to you through His word. Amen.
First time to join a group to study. I usually do it myself. it will be interesting to see how this works. Is there anything I need to know?
The study looks like a good one
Just discovered this website and cannot wait to start Walking in Wisdom!
Can’t wait to start!
Looking forward to starting, still need to order material
So looking forward to this study! I just love LGG! It really helps me stay accountable and plugged in. You ladies are such a blessing! I pray that God will continue to bless LGG in order to continue further HIS Kingdom!
We are joining here in Las Vegas 🙂 can’t wait we love this my group is blessed with 10 of us gals !!
Yes, I will be joining in this great study only not as a facilitator this time due to health care duties with my MIL . So glad for yet another wonderful opportunity to seek God’s wisdom!
Hi again Everyone Charelle E Smith, as some of you don’t know I’m very blessed to be apart of LGG, it’s changing me to be a better person already, I’m so blessed to work with anyone who’s 18 and older so plz reply below asap, just remember what god did for u that he can do for me. Unfortunately I’m unavailable on Monday January 16th, 2017 the day I am supposed to start my bible study with my group bcuz I’m relocating to Harrisburg PA. I’m working on Week 1’s Proverbs chapter 2morrow so that when I’m available again I can share my thoughts and how god has blessed me. PLZ don’t forget to reply below or email me at [email protected]. if u have any concerns or questions I’ll be glad to answer them all when I’m back on schedule