In the Beginning


Nothing is a surprise to God. From the beginning He planned to create life on earth. From the beginning He created humans in His image. From the beginning He desired to have a relationship with each of us. And from the beginning, He had a plan for our redemption. The first eleven chapters of Genesis show us who God is, why He created the earth, and how He planned our redemption from the very first sin.

In the Beginning is a six-week Bible study covering the first eleven chapters of Genesis. This Bible study journal includes the entire text of Genesis 1–11. Daily readings explore not only the text of Genesis, but supporting verses and cross-references to provide a robust understanding of God’s character and actions in these early chapters. Perfect for personal or small group study, the In the Beginning Bible study journal includes daily Scripture passages, SOAP pages, daily devotions, challenges, reflection questions, and encouragement from women around the world.

100% of your journal purchase goes back into the ministry, helping us translate each study into multiple languages as we reach more women around the world with God’s Word.

In the Beginning for Kids


In the Beginning for Kids is a six-week Bible study on Genesis 1–11. This study explores the creation story and God’s plan and purpose for humanity’s redemption. This study is ideal for children between five and eleven years old.

Designed as a companion study to In the Beginning, this Love God Greatly study journal contains a six-week reading plan through Genesis 1–11. Also included are all the daily Scripture readings, pages for reflecting on daily and weekly lessons, and coloring and activity pages.

100% of your journal purchase goes back into the ministry, helping us translate each study into multiple languages as we reach more women around the world with God’s Word.


Our goal is to always love, support and equip our women with God’s Word.

If you are unable to afford a journal at this time, we want to lovingly provide a free download version so you can easily participate in our studies.
Our heart at Love God Greatly is to break down barriers so regardless of your native language or financial status, you can have access to God’s Word and join us. We love you and it is an honor to serve you in this way.


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Through your generosity, every study journal you purchase
spreads God's Word to women around the world!

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History of Faithfulness

History of Faithfulness

A few years ago I had the opportunity to visit the village of Marshfield, England, where my great-grandfather grew up. Sam, my great-grandfather, lived in England until his father died in 1911. In 1912, Sam, only fifteen-years-old at the time, bought a ticket to...

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His Plans

His Plans

Our reading in Genesis today is kind of nostalgic for me. I love that the people of the earth all spoke the same language and were in one accord. I really love that setting. But because of the nature of sin that had already begun to eat deeply and consistently into...

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Great Compassion

Great Compassion

Sadly, it didn’t take long for Noah’s descendants to not follow in his footsteps and go their own way. Unlike Noah, Nimrod and the people in the cities he founded choose not to follow God. Nimrod was known as a great hunter, ruler, and builder. He was described as...

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Every Step

Every Step

From one man he made every nation of the human race to inhabit the entire earth, determining their set times and the fixed limits of the places where they would live.  --Acts 17:26 Paul’s visit and time in Athens was not by accident. He was there for a purpose and on...

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An Amazing Promise

An Amazing Promise

The story of Noah and the flood is so commonplace to many of us that we lose the wonder and awe of this event. The entire earth was flooded and Noah and his family were in some contraption that no one had ever seen or heard of before. What if they run out of food?...

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In the Ark

In the Ark

Waiting is my kryptonite! I am very vulnerable to impulsivity, recklessness, and discouragement when I do not have an obvious expiration date for my periods of waiting.   Yes. I have prayed daily about it, but we all know what happens when you pray for patience!  The...

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Complete Obedience

Complete Obedience

Everything I know about Bible stories for kids I learned from Veggie Tales. Honestly, not everything, but I didn’t grow up going to Sunday School, so I have no emotional attachment or fond memories of flannel graphs, puppet shows, or whatever other culturally relevant...

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Finding Favor

Finding Favor

“I don’t want to listen and obey!” I sat on a stool in front of a pint-sized sinner. His fists were clenched, and his face was grimaced in a very stubborn frown. He pushed the milk away like it was poison. I took a deep breath, and I looked down at him with eyes of...

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From the Beginning

From the Beginning

When we read Genesis 4:23 we see how, sadly, history repeated itself in a descendant of Cain. It broke my heart to read this. Humanity hadn’t existed for long and evil had already begun replicating itself in a family. But as I read verse 26, hope surged in my heart...

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The Heart Behind It

The Heart Behind It

Have you ever known a person who is really, really good at giving meaningful and intentional gifts to others? They are the ones who months ago heard you mention that you really loved a certain brand of coffee, or that you had seen a beautiful emerald green scarf at a...

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The Reality of Jesus

The Reality of Jesus

I will admit that, at times, I get confused as to how something written so long ago could apply to my life today. However, I am excited to remind you (and myself) that we serve a God who is timeless and whose Word will never return to us void (Isaiah 55:11). When I...

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What God Has Joined Together

What God Has Joined Together

Do you want to know a secret about my wedding? Most of the guests never knew this, but the beautiful music that was playing as they waited for the service to begin wasn’t from some carefully curated wedding playlist. Oh, it was a playlist, and we definitely took our...

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True Freedom

True Freedom

I’ve had various jobs, some paid and some not. The strangest, but probably most fun paying job I ever had, was being a Living History Interpreter at a museum. For this job I dressed as and attempted to speak like a Georgian lady living in the year 1776! When we are...

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His Design

His Design

This week my six-year-old asked me: “How big do you think the computer was that helped God make people?” It was an innocent question and a sweet teaching moment, but it made the contrast of these verses and the norm of our daily life so obvious. “The Lᴏʀᴅ God formed...

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How the Imago Dei Changes Everything

How the Imago Dei Changes Everything

I don’t know about you, but the last few years have been hard. Between living in a global pandemic, racial tensions, and seeing how divided our society is on almost every issue, I’ve grown tired and weary. Like many of you, I’ve lost friends and family members to an...

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And Then God Created

And Then God Created

It wasn’t enough to give the earth light, to stretch out land and fill our sky with the sun, moon and stars… God wasn’t done yet.  In today’s reading in Genesis, so far God has:  Created light and changed the darkness on Day 1. Separated sky from water on Day 2....

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The Third Day

The Third Day

We come to the third day of God's amazing work of creation. The world was not yet ready for humanity to live in it. There was air and there was light but there was no land and so God commanded the water to separate from the land, and it obeyed His voice.  He...

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Meet Manoti – Love God Greatly Swahili

Meet Manoti – Love God Greatly Swahili

As a child, I was rushed to the hospital after I swallowed a coin and it got stuck in my throat. I was scheduled to have an operation the next day because, by the time I arrived at the hospital, the coin was stuck between my ribs. That same night, I woke up and felt...

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In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was without shape and empty, and darkness was over the surface of the watery deep, but the Spirit of God was moving over the surface of the water. --Genesis 1:1-2   The book of Genesis is the book...

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In the Beginning Introduction

In the Beginning Introduction

  The first eleven chapters of Genesis can be challenging to understand. While there is much debate in the world today about the true meaning of these events, we can rest in the truth that God’s Word provides us with exactly what we need to be equipped for good...

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In the Beginning Translations

In the Beginning Translations

The In the Beginning Bible study journal is currently available in 28 languages, with more in process!  Help us spread our amazing translations around the world by sending this information to your missions pastor, missionaries your church supports, or any missionary...

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LGG Women – Camisha’s Story

LGG Women – Camisha’s Story

If I had tried to forgive him any sooner it would not have been genuine. It would have been a religious type of forgiveness where I knew it was the right thing to do, but deep down I would have been still holding on to the offense.    I told my counselor I was...

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In The Beginning Materials Now Available!

In The Beginning Materials Now Available!

We are one week away from our next study, In the Beginning! We begin our In the Beginning Bible study on Monday, April 12, and we couldn’t be more excited to dig into God’s Word with you! We're thrilled that you've joined us this spring to study the story of creation...

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Announcing Our Next Study!

Announcing Our Next Study!

  “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” – Genesis 1:1   Nothing is a surprise to God. From the beginning He planned to create life on earth. From the beginning He created humans in His image. From the beginning He desired to have a relationship...

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