Do you want to know a secret about my wedding? Most of the guests never knew this, but the beautiful music that was playing as they waited for the service to begin wasn’t from some carefully curated wedding playlist. Oh, it was a playlist, and we definitely took our time putting it together. But the classical, lovely music was from some of my husband’s favorite video games! My video game experience before that had mostly been Super Mario Brothers, so I had no idea that there were arrangements created for games that sounded like they could have been dramatic scores from a movie. 

I consider myself fortunate to be older than Pinterest, because I loved the simplicity and creativity we were able to merge with the sacred and traditional. Although our pre-wedding music was a nod to a fun side of our lives, we took our vows seriously. 

As I read through our Scriptures for today, I couldn’t help but think about the beautiful way God showcases three elements of His character: creativity, invitation, and commitment. 


The beginning of our reading today unpacks those final parts of the creation narrative. The world and all that was in it had been created, including the man. He was formed in the image of God, on purpose and with a purpose. God, in His limitless creativity and with a very clear plan in mind, knew His work was not quite done. Without a companion, the man was incomplete. The story God was writing was not yet ready. 


God did not need the man to name the animals He had created. God could have, quite easily, named them all Himself and simply told us what they were. We will see in the coming passages that God walked in the garden with Adam and Eve, they had a relationship and a connection to Him that would have made it quite easy for God to simply say, “Oh by the way, that’s a butterfly. Isn’t it beautiful?” 

Instead, He invites us into His plan and gives us a purpose. We’re given the opportunity to showcase our creativity in ways that reflect that we are made in His image. Our creativity, our imaginations, our ability to dream and make new things and put beauty into the world is all a reflection of our Father. It’s part of our spiritual DNA, and when we invite others in to help us, to speak into our creations, to be a companion in this journey, we can do more and reach more people for God’s kingdom.


Our reading in Matthew today references the final portion of our Genesis Scripture and speaks specifically about marriage. In the same way that God gave us an example of work and rest through the creation narrative, He also shows us what it looks like to be a committed partner. It is a bond between man and woman, helper and companion, walking and working together in life and in faith, that should not be torn apart. 

It is a relationship that is meant to reflect the love and commitment God shows to us, and throughout Scripture we see that God keeps His promises. His love never fails. He is with us to the very end. Our God is a covenant-keeping, way-making, relationship-seeking, creative, loving, and redeeming God. Through His commitment to us we can learn how to keep our commitments to our loved ones with respect, honor, and joy.

You, dear one, are invited into God’s creative, wonderful, redeeming plan. How will you say “yes” to using the special gifts God has given you to show a hurting world the beauty of God’s love and commitment?

Week 3 Challenge:

The serpent took something God said to Eve and twisted it. He made her question God’s commands. What can we do to combat the lies of the enemy? He often whispers “half-truths” to us, causing us to question God’s promises or commands. What can we do to combat these attacks and remain steadfast in our faith and convictions?

Week 3 Reading Plan

Week 3 Memory Verse

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Don’t forget, the Bridge Reading Plan is only available in the printed journals! The Bridge is a two-week long reading plan designed to bridge the gap between two studies. In the In the Beginning journal you’ll find the Bridge Reading Plan along with two weeks of SOAP journaling pages and daily Scripture reading! Don’t miss this! The Bridge reading plans will walk through the entire Book of Psalms during 2021. This plan is found only in the study journals, so grab one today! You don’t want to miss out!

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Crystal Stine

Crystal Stine

Crystal Stine is the author of Holy Hustle, Quieting the Shout of Should, and the Holy Hustle Planner. She serves as the Communications and Online Director for her church and has a passion for using social media as a mission field to reach as many as possible for Christ. You can connect with Crystal online at, get a sneak peek of her first books through several YouVersion reading plans, or find her on Instagram @crystalstine. Crystal lives in Pennsylvania with her husband and daughter.

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