“I don’t want to listen and obey!” I sat on a stool in front of a pint-sized sinner. His fists were clenched, and his face was grimaced in a very stubborn frown. He pushed the milk away like it was poison. I took a deep breath, and I looked down at him with eyes of grace.  

“I am going to give you some time to think about that, little man. Grandma, loves you, but right now you are not making a wise choice. Drink your milk.” I opened up a book in front of me and pretended to quietly read while I waited for him to calm down, but I actually sat there and prayed for God to give me an extra measure of His divine wisdom and mercy.  

I wonder how many times my heavenly Father has looked down from heaven to see me sitting with my fists tightly wound, and my heart hard as a rock and refusing to accept His gift of love and compassion. Sometimes, I am as stubborn as a four-year-old who doesn’t want to drink his milk.  

I am incredibly thankful that my Abba Father reigns over heaven and earth firmly seated on a throne of grace. I am a sinner desperately in need of a Savior.  

We were created by a holy God who, in His kindness, extends us great forbearance. He is patient and not willing for any to perish. But sin has a penalty. A payment is required.  

God looked down at the world He created, and sin had devastated His beautiful masterpiece. His pain was palpable, and He simply could not sit idly by and do nothing. He would step in with His righteousness and bring redemption.

Out of sheer generosity, God intervened and set our record straight. Through Jesus, He accomplished what was impossible for us who forever fall short of His glory. He gave us the gift of grace.  

Like Noah, we find favor with our Heavenly Father when we stop clenching our fists and relinquish our self-sufficiency. If we truly repent and turn to Him for forgiveness, we find redemption. Jesus came to pay our ransom and to fully restore us.  

God’s grace extends to whoever will receive it in faith, but we can’t keep demanding our own way and find salvation. 

Today, we can give thanks because instead of condemnation, we have an Advocate in Christ.  We are fully pardoned and justified.  

We can sing a song of freedom because we are no longer slaves to sin. Jesus purchased us with His blood and set us free.  

We can lay our lives down on the altar of sacrifice for the Savior who gave all to rescue us.  

Because of Jesus, God looks down from heaven and sees us just as we had never sinned. Hallelujah! 

Our gracious Father longs to cover us with His favor. His grace is always greater than our sin. We just have to open up our hands and lift up our hearts to heaven. When we fall at His feet and confess we need His forgiveness, we find true freedom. 

Have you purchased your In the Beginning Bible study journal yet? Not only will you find all of the daily reading passages and SOAP journaling pages, but you’ll have each of the daily devotions in printed form–no need to check the app on your phone while working through your study!

Don’t forget, the Bridge Reading Plan is only available in the printed journals! The Bridge is a two-week long reading plan designed to bridge the gap between two studies. In the In the Beginning journal you’ll find the Bridge Reading Plan along with two weeks of SOAP journaling pages and daily Scripture reading! Don’t miss this! The Bridge reading plans will walk through the entire Book of Psalms during 2021. This plan is found only in the study journals, so grab one today! You don’t want to miss out!

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Lyli Dunbar

Lyli Dunbar

Lyli Dunbar enjoys singing silly karaoke in the car with her husband, digging into Bible study with the girls, and reading twelve books at a time. A writer, speaker, and Biblical Life Coach, her mission is to encourage the weary hearted with fuel for a wildfire faith.

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