Beatitudes Bible Study Journal

Faithful Love Bible Study Journal

Sitting by the Sea of Galilee, Jesus taught His disciples. His words were not like any they had heard before. Jesus taught them, in detail, how to live as a citizen of the Kingdom of God. He began this teaching with a series of statements called the Beatitudes.

The Beatitudes offer great insight into how to live the Christian life. They offer comfort for the oppressed, wisdom for the innocent, and hope for the weary. Jesus instructed His disciples how to walk with Him in a way that was completely contrary to the way of the world. He wanted His disciples to understand that the Kingdom of God was within their midst because Jesus, the Son of God, was among them.

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Today, the principles of the Beatitudes continue to offer comfort, wisdom, and hope to followers of Christ. We can glean truth from the words Jesus spoke 2,000 years ago as we seek to understand how to live our lives in light of the coming Kingdom of God.

Join us for this six-week study online at or on our Love God Greatly app. There you’ll find corresponding Beatitudes content in our Monday, Wednesday, and Friday blogs, further insights through our daily devotions, and a loving community to cheer for you as you choose to live in light of the Kingdom of God.

Jonah Bible Study Kids Journal

Sitting by the Sea of Galilee, Jesus taught His disciples. His words were not like any they had heard before. Jesus taught them, in detail, how to live as a citizen of the Kingdom of God. He began this teaching with a series of statements called the Beatitudes.

The Beatitudes offer great insight into how to live the Christian life. They offer comfort for the hurting, wisdom for the innocent, and hope for the weary. Jesus instructed His disciples how to walk with Him in a way that was different than the way of the world. He wanted His disciples to understand that the Kingdom of God had arrived because Jesus, the Son of God, was with them.

The Beatitudes for Kids contains a simple plan of purposeful, focused time. In just six weeks, the children in your life will learn how to live in a way that honors God. This journal is uniquely crafted to engage children with Scripture that shows them Following Jesus can be difficult in a world that doesn’t believe in Him, but if we follow the principles Jesus teaches, we can be a light to those around us!

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