She just needed a reminder…

School had been tough. Too many tests mixed with middle school drama and this girl of mine was ready to tap out for the week. She entered my car with her shoulders down from either the strain of her backpack or the strain from her day…both wearing her out, each in their unique way. “Ahhh mom, I’m so ready for this day to be over!” she said as we pulled away from the school. She was ready for a new day and needed the reminder of God’s promise that His love and new mercies awaited her in the morning…. 

I don’t know where life has you right now but I want you to know God’s mercies are new every morning for you, too. Maybe you’re like me and you find life beating you down from time to time. Past memories flood your mind and try to drown your joy. For some of you the bills keep coming and the paychecks never seem to be enough. For others, life just hasn’t turned out the way you thought it would. For many of us, life is just hard this side of heaven and it doesn’t help that we live in a messed up, self-centered world that is aching for Jesus… 

But for those of us who bear His name, we have an amazing promise we need to cling to in those dark early mornings and late lonely nights…God’s mercies are for us and He generously gives them with each rising sun. 

Because of God’s steadfast love, we are told in Lamentations 3:22-23 that He responds to us with compassion rather than wrath. Every morning He extends love and mercy to us because His love for us is greater than our sin. So what does all of this mean? It means God’s mercies are continual. They are constant despite you feeling like you need to earn them. God’s mercies are dependent on Him and not you. Why? Because He is a good, good Father.

So how should we respond to this extravagant love and mercy?

By embracing who you are in Christ. In Colossians 3:12-13 it states that you are chosen, holy and dearly loved. So, despite what the world is handing you these days, you first need to know God is crazy about you. You are extravagantly loved by the one who made you. You are looked upon with eyes of love and you are treasured. As you embrace God’s love for you, God begins to change you from the inside out and you, in turn, become more compassionate because God has shown you compassion. You begin extending kindness, viewing yourself with humility, responding gently and becoming patient because God has treated you with the same care. 

So take heart, sweet friend, we all have bad days. The good news is, God has a gift for us with each rising sun! Embrace God’s mercies and let His love for you change you from the inside out!

Never forget you are dearly loved by the One who raises the sun each morning! New mercies await you, dear friend!

Let’s Talk: How has embracing God’s mercies impacted your life?

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Angela Perritt

Angela Perritt

Angela Perritt is the founder and director of, a nonprofit online Bible study ministry reaching thousands of women in over two hundred countries around the world with God’s Word through their translated Bible studies. She and her husband live in Dallas, Texas with their three daughters. Angela is passionate about God’s Word and believes one woman in God’s Word can change a family, community and ultimately a nation. Her greatest joy is to encourage her children and others to love God greatly with their lives one day at a time. You can connect with her on Instagram.

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