God is sovereign. I can understand that truth in my mind, but putting that truth into practice in my life is much harder. I know God’s ways are higher than my ways, but when I can’t see or understand His ways and His decisions, then it is harder for me to accept and submit to His sovereignty.

Enter today’s passage. 

I’ve honestly always struggled with the story of Esau and Jacob. As a mom of three girls, it has made me uncomfortable reading how Issac favored Esau and Rebekah favored Jacob. I want to see both boys loved equally by both of their parents and I know for some children, they have lived the reality of one parent favoring a sibling over them and that rejection has been felt for the rest of their life. 

Ironically, Jacob hasn’t been the only one who has wrestled with God. I’ve found myself wrestling with Him from time to time as I’ve read Scripture like today’s passages. 

I find myself wrestling with God because I don’t understand. I know in my mind that my salvation is not based on my works, that it is a free gift. But when I see God blessing someone who, in my judgment, doesn’t deserve it, I question His sovereignty. It is times like this when it is harder to live out the theology that I know is true. I know my salvation is not based on my works, my good deeds, or my choice to live for Him. But the rubber of my understanding meets the reality of theology when I see God blessing people and extending promises to people and families that I don’t believe deserve it. Why them and not someone else more faithful? 

And that’s where I struggle. That’s where I submit. That’s where I see how sinful my heart is and where I repent. 

Who am I to question why God blesses one person over the other? Do I think I know more than God? No. 

And I see in the promise that is extended to Abraham, Issac, and Jacob, God’s beautiful sovereignty on display. 

They were all imperfect, just like me.

They didn’t deserve God’s favor, blessings, or covenant promises. 

And neither do I.

And yet, God in His goodness calls me His. 

What an incredible God we serve.

And so when I read:

 Now, this is what the Lord says, the one who created you, O Jacob, and formed you, O Israel; Don’t be afraid, for I will protect you. I called you by name, you are mine.”Isaiah 43:1

I rejoice in God’s goodness. I rejoice in His kindness for all of us who don’t deserve the love, protection, and blessing to be children of God. 

Now when I read passages like our reading today, I find myself rejoicing instead of questioning. Thank you, Lord, that You choose to use us in spite of us. Thank you for using imperfect people to fulfill Your perfect plan. 

Thank you for using sinners, just like me, to be a part of Your plan of redemption.

Love God Greatly,

Week 1 Challenge:

God made a covenant with Abram, giving him a great promise. This week, read Genesis 15 and note the promise God made to Abram and his descendants. How do you see God fulfilling His promise to Abram’s descendants through Jacob in this week’s reading?

Week 1 Reading Plan

Week 1 Memory Verse


Have you heard? Our Choosing God Instead of the World Bible study is available to order! 

Join us as we complete our study of the Book of Genesis. As we study the lives of Jacob and Joseph we’ll discover what it means to choose the things of God over the things of the world. You can jump in with this study, and you can study the rest of Genesis in In the Beginning and Faith over Perfection.

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Angela Perritt

Angela Perritt

Angela Perritt is the founder and director of LoveGodGreatly.com, a nonprofit online Bible study ministry reaching thousands of women in over two hundred countries around the world with God’s Word through their translated Bible studies. She and her husband live in Dallas, Texas with their three daughters. Angela is passionate about God’s Word and believes one woman in God’s Word can change a family, community and ultimately a nation. Her greatest joy is to encourage her children and others to love God greatly with their lives one day at a time. You can connect with her on Instagram.

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