Study after study, our translators allow God to use their ordinary lives for the extraordinary purpose of breaking down language barriers in over 100 countries on 6 continents. It is not easy work to translate entire studies and entire books of the Bible from English into their native language multiple times a year. But all of them agree- playing a part in closing the gap between women and God’s Word is worth it.

Because of your prayers, your contributions, and your journal purchases, our translators were able to travel from all over the world and meet in Germany last month! Thank you for your generosity, care and compassion!  Love God Greatly hosted a European Intensive for our translators the first leg of the trip. Twenty translators gathered in one physical location to break bread, talk and share about their lives with one another, this time without a poor internet connection and soaking up knowledge from women’s ministry leaders who have gone before them (more on that later).

After days of pouring into one another, Love God Greatly widened the circle and hosted a Women’s Conference open to the public! Christian conferences in the United States are common; in Europe they are rare. From the moment women started to arrive, our team could feel their willing hearts wanting to know more of God and to love Him in a new, deeper way.

And, praise God, over 130+ women came! If you are curious how we managed to host a conference which really spoke to women from all over Europe (and the world), we worshipped in German and English, we prayed in German and English, and our speakers would give a sentence or two of their talk in English first and then wait while our amazing German translators echoed their thoughts (thank you Wibke and Emily!!)! Hosting women of many languages can be done!

Some women brought their family or friends. Some women came alone. Most women could speak one or two languages. Others could speak four or five! The entire day was richly blessed with teachings from our founder and visionary, Angela Perritt, the talented speaker Jen Thorn, the wise and witty Simone Monroe, and our director of translators, Edurne Mencia! Hands were raised high, hearts were filled and settled, worries fell away, burdens were lifted, and friendships were made.

At one table during lunch, three women from three different countries decided to look up from their lunch plates and be brave. One minute they’re pointing to their name tags, stumbling over broken English to introduce themselves, and the next they’re pulling out their phones showing off pictures of their children. By the end of lunch, they were in tears sharing what God was teaching them through the conference.

After the last note was taken, the last song was sung, and the last selfie was snapped, several women volunteered to join the Love God Greatly team! Existing language branches welcomed new members! And languages long prayed for stood on the brink of becoming new mission fields for our ministry! It was a glorious day!

For the women who attended, it was a long journey to be courageous enough to attend the conference. Now is only the beginning of allowing God to do His mighty works in our meager vessels of His truth and grace!

We know our ministry is unique- God’s grace is free and we believe His Word should be too- we know our wide reach is overwhelming to some, difficult to grasp for others…yet possible with God. For us, we are focused on the one woman who needs to be reached, one translation and one study at a time. Whether God is asking her to go deeper in her studies or in her service, we pray for and pursue her for His glory! If you would like a full perspective of our week from one of our translators, we hope you’ll continue to read about one woman’s experience below. Here is a story from Dorota, one of our dear Polish translators!

I have been translating Love God Greatly journals for over a year now. When I received an invitation to an LGG European Intensive I felt happy and excited to meet other translators from all over the world and to develop my skills and be a better servant. I could not wait for that day. I really wanted to go and my husband and I hoped we would be able to make it happen.

When the time of departure was approaching, I doubted whether we would handle everything. Suddenly, there were financial problems, in addition, my husband was about to change jobs and he did not have any days off to look after our son during my absence. Another obstacle was the fact that I was still nursing and have never left him for more than a few hours. I was afraid that sudden separation from me for 5 days would be too difficult for him. On top of everything, I began to doubt myself. I asked myself, “Am I good enough?” “Is my knowledge sufficient?” And, “Maybe someone else should go instead of me? Someone better? More capable?”

We had to make a decision to buy an airline ticket, but the voices in my head came more and more frequently and they started to depress me. I talked to my husband several times and we decided to take a risk, financially, emotionally and in faith.

I came to Frankfurt! I was overcome with enormous joy, and when I met the other translators for the first time, I felt like I was a part of a big family that you can depend on at all times. Still, the sound of doubt was whirling in me, “Did I make a good decision?”

On the first day after breakfast, we started training. When I entered the room, I chose a completely random place at the table. There were materials and a card with a note at each seat. It almost brought me to tears when I read my own card. “You are the right girl, in the right place, at the right time in the name of Jesus.” That was the answer to my fears! It’s as if God himself spoke to me.

Angela started talking about lies that reach our thoughts, what can block us, that we need to learn to identify them. We can hear lies such as “I’m not good enough” or “there is someone who will do it better than me”. I felt like this lecture was directed to me. After all, I had such feelings before I had left for Frankfurt! Now I know that these were lies that were to stop me from meeting wonderful women and glorifying God.

All teams work so well, I thought. I would like the Polish branch to develop. Together with my friend, we prayed for more people who would like to join the Polish team and serve with us. I met two girls who speak English and Polish during the coffee break between lectures at Saturday’s conference. Despite the fact that they live in another country, they said they would be happy to help with the translations! Someone might think it was a coincidence. I do not believe it.

I contacted my family every day, asking how my son was doing without me. And you know what? He did better than me! Those five days at the European Intensive touched my heart very much and gave me the power to continue my service. I feel that I have developed in many ways, but most importantly – I know I am in the right place.


Friends, little did you know how you can help change the world just by praying for our ministry, purchasing a journal and telling others about Love God Greatly!

From all of here at Love God Greatly, THANK YOU!

TOGETHER we can take God’s Word to the ends of the earth and help build communities of women who love God greatly with their lives, one woman, one translated Bible study at a time!


Did you know that every journal purchased funds the movement of Scripture all over the world? By ordering one journal, your support allows the ministry to equip our translators whose service makes the Bible accessible to languages hungry for Biblical resources in their language! One journal purchase helps to provide free, downloadable journals in over 20 languages.

Amanda Cunningham

Amanda Cunningham

Grab a journal, build a community,
change women's lives.

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