When was the last time you made a bad choice?

A really bad choice. A choice you made out of fear.

A choice in which you disregarded and willfully disobeyed God.

A choice that left you humiliated, broken, and ashamed.

The choice to sin.

If you are like me, you have struggled with the guilt and shame of sin at some point in your life.

In Genesis 3, Adam and Eve came face to face with a choice, never counting on how far-reaching or devastating the sinful choice would become.

Then the man [Adam] and his wife [Eve] heard the sound of the LORD God moving about in the orchard at the breezy time of the day, and they hid from the LORD God among the trees of the orchard. But the LORD God called to the man and said to him, “Where are you?” The man replied, “I heard you moving about in the orchard, and I was afraid because I was naked, so I hid.” – Genesis 3:8-10 

Genesis 3:8-10 reveals humanity’s first introduction to fear, guilt, and shame. Adam and Eve hid from God and from each other. They made excuses for their sin. Ultimately, their sin caused them to doubt God’s love for them and His goodness toward them.

Sin is subtle that way. Often, we don’t even realize we have fallen into sin until it is too late. Even after we sin, Satan, a master manipulator, tries to convince us we are no longer worthy of God’s love or redemption. He convinces us God cannot and will not cover us.

The Lord God made garments from skin for Adam and his wife, and clothed them. – Genesis 3:21 

Adam and Eve were fearful, hidden, naked, and ashamed. God pursued them in their sin, graciously and mercifully covering them with animal skins. Yes. They would inevitably face the consequences of sin, but God’s love for them would never fail.

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I [Jesus] have come so that they may have life, and may have it abundantly. – John 10:10

Why is it so easy for us to forget that God loves us even at our very worst? Why do we fall for the lie that God is willing to throw us away the moment we fail Him? Satan desires for us to suffer with the isolation of shame so he can keep us trapped in our fear of judgment, rejection, and condemnation.

For believers, God is near to us, even when we sin. God is our Potter, and we are the clay forever in His hands (Isaiah 64:8). He is always molding, reshaping, and transforming us into His new and treasured creation. The moment we sin, God is there ready to graciously and mercifully repair and restore our damaged cracks and fragments. As believers, we must develop the discipline to run boldly to God in our sin just as swiftly as we run to Him in our joy.

How can we trust God’s lovingkindness even when we sin? Instead of the sacrificed animal skins of Eden, God has covered us once and for all with His ultimate sacrifice of Jesus Christ (Romans 3:25, Hebrews 9:11-14). In Revelation 3:18 Jesus says it Himself – He is the One who covers our nakedness with His righteousness.

The cure to the guilt and shame of sin is to allow God to cover us. Rather than covering ourselves with the fig leaves of isolation, hiding, and making excuses, we simply expose ourselves. We run to God as we are – naked and helpless. We cry out to God in our need and allow Him to remind us of the sacrifice He has already made for us.

Jesus died for our sin and our shame. We simply have to believe it!

In what ways are you struggling with the shame of sin? How can we pray for you?

Peace and grace to you,




Week 1 Challenge:

Do you struggle with the shame of sin, of barrenness in some area of your life, or of feelings of not being enough? This week, write out a proclamation to put in your Bible, on your mirror in your bathroom to read each morning as you get ready, or on a notecard to place in your car.

I will no longer feel shame in my life over _____________________ because God ________________.

Week 1 Reading Plan:

Week 1 Memory Verse:


Have you purchased your Shame Breaker journal yet? Not only will you find all of the daily reading passages and SOAP journaling pages, but you’ll have each of the daily devotionals in printed form–no need to check the app on your phone while working through your study!

Don’t forget, the Bridge Reading Plan is only available in the printed journals! The Bridge is a two-week long reading plan designed to bridge the gap between two studies. In the Shame Breaker journal you’ll find the Bridge Reading Plan along with two weeks worth of SOAP journaling pages and daily Scripture reading! Don’t miss this! The Bridge reading plan will walk through the entire Book of Psalms during 2021. This plan is found only in the study journals, so grab one today! You don’t want to miss out!

When you purchase a journal, you are helping us reach women around the world with the gospel. By purchasing a journal you help our incredible team of volunteer translators build up leaders around the world. Your journal purchase allows women to read God’s Word in their native language and have access to quality Bible study materials in the language they best understand. We hope you’ll join us on our mission to make God’s Word accessible to women in every nation and in every language!

Order your Shame Breaker and Shame Breaker for Kids journals here!


Terria Moore

Terria Moore

Terria Moore serves on the Love God Greatly encouragement team. She is a Georgia native, but currently lives in Virginia with her husband. She is a lover of naps, Oreos, and, especially, Jesus. Her passion is to ignite a generation of millennial women to grab hold of God’s truth and cling tightly. By day, she works serving patients tirelessly in local military hospitals. At night, she loves to read and write about the lessons and love that God has poured out in her life. Despite the tumultuous circumstances of Terria’s life, God always shows Himself strong and loving.

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