Each year you might hope to both give and receive the perfect gift. But what if the perfect gift has already been given to you? What if you can already feel seen, cared for, known, and loved by the One who offers us this Gift? Jesus Christ is that perfect gift. God gave us the perfect gift in Jesus, and we celebrate His birth at Christmas. Through Him we can have freedom from sin and death, and also hope, faith, joy, and peace!
The Greatest Gift Given is a six-week Bible study meant to prepare our hearts for Christmas. This Bible study journal includes select Scripture passages focusing on God as the greatest Giver and Jesus as the greatest Gift. Daily readings explore the character of the Giver, living a life of gratitude, and the gifts we have in Christ of hope, faith, joy, and peace. Perfect for personal or small group study, The Greatest Gift Given Bible study journal includes daily Scripture passages, SOAP pages, daily devotions, challenges, reflection questions, and encouragement from women around the world.
The Greatest Gift Given for Kids is a six-week Bible study to help you get your heart ready for Christmas. You’ll learn about who God is and what it means that He is our great Giver. This study is ideal for children between five and eleven years old.
Designed as a companion study with The Greatest Gift Given, this Love God Greatly study journal contains a six-week reading plan focused on God as the greatest Giver and Jesus as the greatest Gift. Also included are all the daily Scripture readings, pages for reflecting on daily and weekly lessons, and coloring and activity pages.

If you are unable to afford a journal at this time, we want to lovingly provide a free download version so you can easily participate in our studies.
Our heart at Love God Greatly is to break down barriers so regardless of your native language or financial status, you can have access to God’s Word and join us. We love you and it is an honor to serve you in this way.
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An Eternal Perspective
I grew up in a Christian family and knew, from a young age, Christian truths. One of the teachings I’ve learned is the call to worship God. I have always understood this as a kind of grateful attitude towards God and an expression of it during a prayer or worship....

Completely Safe
Years ago, I got a text message from one of the pastors at our church asking us to pray for his close friend. All we knew was that the man and his wife were at the hospital. I remember that my husband and I stood in our kitchen and clasped our hands together to...

Living in True Peace
I was fourteen years old when my mom, who was also my best friend, suddenly and tragically left this earth. One day life was going incredibly well. I was a known actress in the Christian world and a young published author, and then my world fell apart. My world was...

Exceeding Joy
Praise the Lord, for it is good to sing praises to our God. Yes, praise is pleasant and appropriate. --Psalm 147:1 I just read the whole of Psalm 147 and I can literally feel joy and sweetness in my heart. I am making a commitment to myself now that anytime I feel sad...

Joy in Worship
Then you turned my lament into dancing; you removed my sackcloth and covered me with joy. So now my heart will sing to you and not be silent; O Lord my God, I will always give thanks to you. - Psalm 30:11-12 Only God can turn wailing into dancing. Only God can replace...

Good and Perfect Gifts
With five young kids, our house is pretty much a hurricane of chaos from the time the alarm goes off in the morning until bedtime. There is always a meal to prepare, a storybook to read, a mess to clean, supplies to be ordered, a child to correct, a fight to defuse....

Always and Forever Love
This time of year can bring out the best in people as we think of others, give gifts, and seek to help people who are lonely or less fortunate. But it can also be a time of year when the worst side can be visible too, as parents fight over the last of the year’s most...

The Result of Faith
In both of the passages we read today, we see women who had so much faith in Jesus that they relentlessly sought out healing, one for her child and the other for herself. I have always loved these stories, but I especially love the story about Jesus in Luke 8. There...

The Gift of Faith
Once upon a time, a much younger me stood in a hospital gift shop in Dallas, Texas and bought a small plaque that had this verse engraved on it: “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” --Hebrews 11:1 After much...

Giving Thanks for God’s Faithfulness
On my kitchen counter you will find two large glass jars filled with colorful slips of paper. My husband placed them side by side next to the coffeemaker a while back, and just looking at them makes me smile. Those dollar store containers hold treasure. Each Sunday...

The God of Hope
Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you believe in him, so that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. --Romans 15:13 One of the sweetest, most amazing, touching aspects of our relationship with God is how, in His merciful way...

A Sure and Steadfast Hope
We use the word “hope” frequently in our conversations. Here in Northern Ireland the weather is always a topic of conversation, and at this time of year you will hear some people saying, “I hope it snows,” while others say,“I hope it doesn’t!” But we also use hope in...

The Lord is Good
When I read this Psalm and meditate on the verses, it reminds me to shift my attention to who God is. It encourages me to look to God with thankfulness and gratitude, not because of my current situation (weary and exhausted after a long ten days working at camp), but...

Giving from Gratitude
Have you ever met someone who is generous with their time, their finances, and their support, but they aren’t afraid to let you know it? Or even worse, maybe they hold their generosity over the recipient’s head, just waiting to call in a favor in return. Someone whose...

Grateful Hearts
Sometimes I think about recording the things I say over and over to my children, where I could just play them back on repeat. It would include a remix of: Have you brushed your teeth? Where are your shoes? Be kind. Have a grateful heart. Gratitude – it’s...

His Loyal Love Endures
Give thanks to the God of heaven, for his loyal love endures! Psalm 136 is such a wonderful Psalm! I love the way the writer continually repeats these words: for his loyal love endures. But what is God’s “loyal love”? Is that a special kind of love? In English, we...

Every Perfect Gift
God gives the best gifts! I know that sounds silly to read and almost elementary to say, but it’s true. He is the ultimate gift-giver. Why do I say that? Because not only have I been a receiver of His good gifts, but James 1:17 also confirms this truth: All generous...

Waiting on Him
After I came to the Lord, God placed a desire for missions in me, though it didn't happen right away. I didn't realize that God was always working toward this in my life, even though things both within and beyond my control caused many delays. I made a lot of...

The Giver
“For the Lord God is our sovereign protector. The Lord bestows favor and honor; he withholds no good thing from those who have integrity.” -Psalm 84:11 Welcome to the first day of our newest study, friends! As we seek to set our hearts on the Lord this coming season,...

When we receive an anonymous gift, it may be exciting and enjoyable, but it lacks an understanding of why the gift was given. When our best friend gives us a gift, we know it was done out of love for us, knowledge of us, and care for us. Gifts have meaning because of...

NEW! Translated Studies for Kids!
Did you know that Love God Greatly has translated Bible studies for both women and kids? And now, many of our translated kid's journals are available for download! The Greatest Gift Given for Kids is currently available in 7 languages! Help us spread...

The Greatest Gift Given Translations
The Greatest Gift Given study journal is currently available in 21 languages, with more in process! Help us spread our translations around the world by sending this information to your missions pastor, missionaries your church supports, or any missionary friends you...

Materials Now Available
We are one week away from our next study, The Greatest Gift Given! We begin The Greatest Gift Given Bible study on Monday, November 8, and we couldn’t be more excited to dig into God’s Word with you! We're thrilled you've joined us this fall to study the generosity of...

Experience Advent with LGG!
Experience Advent with us this year! Introducing the Love God Greatly Advent Calendar! Friends, we know how busy this season leading up to Christmas can be for you. Allow us to come alongside you and help you experience a meaningful season with your family! We...

LGG Women — Emily’s Story
I will never forget the day doctors told me and my husband we would not be able to have children. That devastating message left me questioning God's goodness and His endless love. Looking back, I am deeply moved by what I was able to learn about God's unfailing love...

Announcing Our Next Study!
Each year at Christmas time, you set out to find the perfect gifts for your loved ones, hoping they will feel seen, cared for, known, and loved through your generosity. Each year, you may hope to receive the perfect gift as well. But what if the perfect gift has...