Source of Gratitude Study Journal
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When we think of thankfulness, we typically look to temporary things: our health, our family, the food on our table… all wonderful things to give thanks for! But the heart of gratitude should stem from a much deeper place…
The first week of The Source of Gratitude online Bible study takes a closer look at who God is and what He has done. This solid foundation will inspire you for the second week of study, when you’ll have the opportunity to examine what your response should be.
Source of Gratitude Bible Study Journal
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Giving Thanks For Gospel Gifts
What are you thankful for? What are those things that put a little hop in your step or a song in your heart? What can bring tears of joy to your eyes? Perhaps it’s family and friends, the generosity of others, or the home that you live in. Some are thankful for...
Living gratitude in the midst of your imperfect story…
It's no secret that I love a good story. I love to read them, and I love to write them. Nothing captivates me more than something that's real-life, up close and personal. Throw in a great visual and it's golden. Stories have the power to move us and teach us. They...
Wearing Your “Sunday Best”…
So I had one of those crazy Sunday mornings yesterday. The kind that involves struggling to dress three girls with tights that don’t have any runs in them, finding matching dress shoes for each and bows for their hair… Oh my goodness, who am I kidding! As I ran around...
Love Demonstrated
My selfish flesh likes to think of myself as something other than weak, ungodly, and a sinner. I prefer to think of myself as godly, having it all together, and righteous. Perfect, in and of myself {with great hair, I might add}. When I keep it together, my little...
The Lord, Our Rock
I absolutely love that this Thanksgiving season we are looking to express gratitude to God not just for what he has given us, but for who he is and what he is like. Dear friends, this deeper understanding of God is what will drive our gratitude and lead us to become...
The TRUE Source of Gratitude {Don’t miss the beauty}…
There's a stretch of interstate that's my favorite this time of year. It's a route we take often - the one with the gentle curve and the slightest incline that leads with nature's gradual crescendo - and just as we round the last turn, the trees explode with the...