It’s no secret that I love a good story.

I love to read them, and I love to write them. Nothing captivates me more than something that’s real-life, up close and personal. Throw in a great visual and it’s golden.

Stories have the power to move us and teach us. They open our hearts, expose our feelings and help us to sort through our own convictions. And good stories often help us come to terms with our doubts and frailties, moving us forward to a place of confidence and action.

The world and our pride tell us to put on a good story front. To show our best sides in front of our friends. To post our most flattering pictures on social media. To portray as much order and beauty as possible so that our stories will look and sound good. So that we will look good.

But have you noticed what stories go viral on the internet?

I’m here to tell you that it’s not usually the neatly packaged life. More often than not, it’s the words and videos that are raw and real; the ones that speak of hope in hard times, love that overcomes trial, right that wins over wrong, and gratitude in the redemption of it all. You can think of one right now, can’t you?

Why is this?

I believe it’s because we’re wired to long for a redemption story.

The Bible is just that – from beginning to end – one long story that takes us through this incredible journey of ups and downs, rebellion and heartbreak until hope and sacrifice and redemption finally win. How glorious that the imperfection of the needy leads to gratitude for the provision of a perfect Savior.

gratitude post

The greatest story ever told.

Since gratitude is our focus, and since Jesus is the lasting Source of our gratitude, it follows that if you’ve been rescued, you too have an important story to tell.

“I can’t tell my story,” you say.

It’s too messy.

Too imperfect.

Too incomplete.

Too unresolved.

Too hard.

Too {fill in the blank}…

But wait.

Remember, the best stories aren’t the perfect ones. Listen, no one can relate with those anyway. The best stories are centered on the hope and gratitude we live out in the midst of our imperfect stories, because all of the glory is shifted away from us and back onto the real hero of our story… our perfect Savior. 

If we actually lived out this kind of consistent, genuine gratitude in the middle of our imperfect mess… it might just go viral.

A woman who is confident and content in who she is in Christ overflows with gratitude even in the midst of her less than perfect story, allowing God’s beautiful story of redemption to continue to shine through her to the next generation.

He’s given each of us a story.

It’s up to us to decide what we’ll do with it. Won’t you elevate the name of Jesus by living gratitude in the midst of your imperfect story today?

At His feet,

LET’S TALK: Do you struggle to live out gratitude because you’re caught up in the imperfect? How can we pray for you today? Let’s encourage one another in the comment section below!



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