My selfish flesh likes to think of myself as something other than weak, ungodly, and a sinner. I prefer to think of myself as godly, having it all together, and righteous. Perfect, in and of myself {with great hair, I might add}. When I keep it together, my little happy dreamland is full of daises and adorable Disney characters flying and hopping around me {with my great hair flowing in the light breeze}.

And then I fail.

I let ugly, unkind words slip from my tongue towards my husband, I get upset with my kids for extremely important things like leaving the milk out and letting the dog on the veranda {ahem}, I gossip about the person I feel wronged me, I stress and worry about the future of our foster son.

And I allow the failure to wash over me like a tidal wave. I let it overtake me, telling me not only have I failed, but that I am a failure. And what have I done? I have fallen into self-righteousness, thinking something I do will make me worthy or approvable {yes, I like making up words}. I have forgotten Romans 5:6-8. 

6 For while we were still weak, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly. 7 For one will scarcely die for a righteous person—though perhaps for a good person one would dare even to die— 8 but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

I am a sinner. Christ died for me, a sinner, not because I was or am worthy, but because of His great love for me. And my keeping it together OR my failing has nothing to do with my acceptance by Him. 

“If you obey for a thousand years, you’re no more accepted than when you first believed; your acceptance is based on Christ’s righteousness and not yours.” -Paul Tripp, New Morning Mercies

Nothing, and I mean NOTHING makes me more thankful than this truth, when I let it sink down to my tippy toes and bask in the love He has for me.

And if you are having a difficult time making this truth reality in your life, think about these words from Elyse Fitzpatrick in her book, Because He Loves Me:

Jesus’ perfect record has become ours. Because God has accredited or imputed Jesus’ perfect obedience to you, when God looks upon you, he sees you as a person who

  • always does the things that are pleasing to Him;
  • is so focused on accomplishing His will and work that doing so is your daily food;
  • doesn’t seek your own will but seeks His will instead;
  • doesn’t seek to receive glory (praise, respect, worship) from others;
  • has always kept all his commandments;
  • lives in such a way that your life brings holiness to others;
  • loves others and lays down your life on a consistent basis;
  • lives in such a way that the people around you know that you love your heavenly Father more than anything else;
  • seeks to obey every command so that righteousness will be fulfilled.

In God’s opinion (the only one that matters!) that’s your record today. These truths out to astound us.”

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I can barely see through my tears as I finish writing this. Ladies, this is OUR GOD. It makes this week’s memory verse that much more sweet to our souls:

Week 1 Memory Verse


Oh, I am so thankful to You, my God, my Lord, my Savior, my Righteousness. Thank You for loving and accepting me as I am. Thank You for demonstrating Your love for me, even and especially when I don’t deserve it. 

*Friends, I want to invite you to express your thankfulness to the Lord in the comments. Let’s fill up the comments with words of praise and gratitude to OUR GOD!*

All for Jesus,

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Joy Forney

Joy Forney

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