Three very intentional words drive our mission here at Love God Greatly




This week on the blog we’re dedicating three days to these three words, and you’re invited! Whether you’ve been around these parts for a long time, or you’re brand new to LGG, we want to take time before our next online Bible study begins to share our passion behind our mission, as well as to invite YOU to begin building community around you by facilitating our next study in God’s Word with the amazing women in your life.

Yesterday, we talked about our mission to INSPIRE women to make God’s Word a priority in their daily lives, and we asked you to prayerfully consider becoming an LGG Facilitator!


Today we’re focusing in on Part TWO of our mission. Love God Greatly exists to:

|ENCOURAGE| women in their daily walks with God through an online community and personal accountability.

This is where our Love God Greatly Facilitators SHINE!

What is the role of an LGG Facilitator?

  • She invites women in her life to study with her throughout one of our Love God Greatly Bible study sessions.
  • She engages with her group Monday-Friday by posting the daily verses on the technology platform of the group’s choice (local group in her home or church, private Facebook and WhatsApp groups, emailing, and texting are ALL popular choices, but we encourage you to use what works for YOU).
  • She models a study environment for her group members by sharing what she is learning on a daily basis as she digs into God’s Word.
  • She encourages the women in her group to follow her lead and share their daily study observations and personal applications.
  • She prays for her group members and encourages them to pray for each other as well.
  • She shares personal joys and challenges, offering a safe, supportive place for her group to do the same.
  • She facilitates with love, humility, and compassion, consistently pointing women back to God and His Word.
  • She utilizes the beauty of connecting online for inspiration and accountability and takes opportunities to gather her group in person when she can (for local groups we recommend a fun, in-person meet-up at least once per study!).
  • She partners with a co-facilitator (recommended) for personal support and back-up when needed.

[You can read more about the role of an LGG Facilitator and our Statement of Belief here.]

The Bible has a whole lot to say about ENCOURAGING others, and becoming an LGG Facilitator is the perfect opportunity to do just that!

“And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but ENCOURAGING one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.” – Hebrews 10:25

“He died for us so that, whether awake or asleep, we may live together with Him. Therefore ENCOURAGE one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” – 1 Thessalonians 5:10-11

“And we urge you, brothers, admonish the idle, ENCOURAGE the fainthearted, help the weak, be patient with them all.” – 1 Thessalonians 5:14

“But ENCOURAGE one another daily, as long as it is called “Today,” so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness.” – Hebrews 3:13

Two things: God’s Word + Authentic Relationships

We see it modeled throughout Scripture and here at Love God Greatly we know this to be true: when we gather together in unity as the body of Christ to speak truth and life into our relationships, iron sharpens iron, our hope increases, and Christ is exaltedGod’s Word + authentic relationships = a powerful force for the gospel!!

Is becoming an LGG Facilitator an investment? Absolutely.

Is it worth it? More than we may ever know…


Meet us back here on tomorrow for the third installment in our series where we’ll talk about the practical resources and support we offer to ensure that all of our LGG Facilitators are equipped with everything they need!


*LET’S TALK in the comments below!

*If you are an active LGG Facilitator, please share your experience with us in the comments today! How do you invite women to join your group? What technology platform do you use to connect with your group? What “tips and tricks” do you have for those who are considering facilitating? What ideas do you have for meeting with your group in person? How has facilitating an LGG group enriched your life?

*If you are considering facilitating an LGG group for the very first time, what questions do you have? Please post your questions in the comments below, and someone from our team will reply as soon as they’re able!


Our next online Bible study…Faithful Love begins on MONDAY!

You can grab a copy of our women’s in our online store!

Angela Perritt

Angela Perritt

Angela Perritt is the founder and director of, a nonprofit online Bible study ministry reaching thousands of women in over two hundred countries around the world with God’s Word through their translated Bible studies. She and her husband live in Dallas, Texas with their three daughters. Angela is passionate about God’s Word and believes one woman in God’s Word can change a family, community and ultimately a nation. Her greatest joy is to encourage her children and others to love God greatly with their lives one day at a time. You can connect with her on Instagram.

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change women's lives.

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