Know what’s great about today?
Yep, it’s FRIDAY. 🙂 And…
We are just a weekend away from the start of our Love God Greatly DAVID Summer Online Bible Study (go ahead and do a little dance right where you are – GIRLS, you know you want to!)! Here are just a few quick things you can do before Monday to get prepared for this exciting next session:
1. If you haven’t already, now is a great time to grab our gorgeous DAVID Study Journal and DAVID Study Journal for KIDS! on Amazon! The DAVID Study Journal is a wonderful, organized, interactive way to record what God is teaching you throughout the study. Once you’ve tried it, you won’t want to study without it! As always, our downloadable DAVID Study Journal can also be found here.
2. HOT OFF THE PRESS: The Love God Greatly App hits the app store on MONDAY – woohoo!! Don’t forget to download the app first thing Monday morning so that you can experience our DAVID study through the lens of this ah-mazing new piece of technology! You guys, we’re seriously in LOVE.
3. Subscribe to When you subscribe to our website (oh yes, and don’t forget to confirm your subscription!), you will receive an email in your inbox each time a new post is published here on the blog. If you haven’t yet subscribed, do it TODAY so you won’t miss a thing!
4. YouVersion is HERE!!! Our DAVID Reading Plan PLUS M-F Devotional Content is NOW on YouVersion. Click open the YouVersion App: Click on Plans, Browse Plans, then search for Love God Greatly– DAVID, but please, PLEASE wait to start the plan until Monday so your reminders will coincide with our DAVID reading schedule!!  We’re SO excited to be able to offer YouVersion again this session (thanks for telling us how much you LOVE it!), and we’re beyond grateful for those behind the scenes who work diligently to make this fab feature possible!
5. Make sure to catch our Introduction to DAVID – found in this post. It’s a quick read with just enough info to whet your appetite, PLUS it includes a little background for how we’ll approach this study together. Read this, and I promise you’ll be blessed!
6. It’s not too late to consider inviting a friend to study with you this session (listen, it’s never too late to get into God’s Word with Love God Greatly)! Maybe, just maybe, God has already laid someone on your heart and you’ve been meaning to share this study info with her. Don’t wait another day (you’ll never know her answer unless you ask, right?!)! Send that message, make that phone call, and help us get even MORE women into God’s Word this Summer! New to facilitating a LGG group this session? Find out all you need to know here. Want to join an existing group? These sweet LGG Facilitators are welcoming new members!
7. Finally, and most importantly, will you join us in PRAYER?  We’re humbly asking God to protect, bless, strengthen and empower us as we seek to embrace what God has for us throughout this study and beyond. We are asking God to prepare and soften hearts to receive truth from His Word, so all who participate might walk away forever changed.Â
Oh girls, we cherish our time spent together with you in God’s Word! Thank YOU for being a special blessing to the Love God Greatly community! Our DAVID Summer Online Bible Study with LGG begins MONDAY, JUNE 6th! Â
Get excited!!!
At His feet,
I have done all my check list and joining with you in prayers as we begin this study of ‘David’, feeling of excitement and a twinkling of my eyes as I was reading our first read for Monday….David’s life are full of adventure. I thought that the App were free, it was said in Social Media Team page that it will be free per Kaleena.
So glad to have you back Marilyn! The app is free.
~Terria (LGG Encourager)
I’m so excited about starting this study on Monday!! And I’m really excited about the launch of the app on Monday…woo hoo!! And I’m equally excited about the YouVersion devo to coincide with the study (because I love doing the devo with my LGG study journal). Bottom line: I’m just excited! 😉 Prayers to everyone who has worked and is working on this study and prayers for everyone who is going to do the study! I hope you all have a great weekend…see you all back here on Monday!!!
Welcome back Audra! Thank you so much for your encouragement and prayers!
~Terria (LGG Encourager)
My UVersion app reading is not the same as what appears on the plan on the website. Is anyone else having this problem?
Will there be the “reading list” to print. I can’t seem to find it like before.
Here is the link to find the study material
Enjoy the study!
~Terria (LGG Encourager)
Thank you, but I only want to print out the reading plan. The reading plan has always been offered separately to print out in all the previous studies.
I am looking forward to starting this study on Monday and to reconnecting with the ladies in the online study group I joined.
To the L.G.G. team, thank you for your time and commitment; putting this study together and for your prayers over each of us. Thank you for the beautiful study journals you have made available to us. They have been such a great addition to my study time. May God bless and protect each of you, as you are faithful to His call.
May God open each of our hearts and minds to His Truth as we spend time in His word. May it come alive and take root in our lives and may we each grow in our understanding of Him and in our love for Him.
Looking forward to another great study and to experience what God has in store for us through this study.
We are so glad to have you back! Thank you so much for your encouragement and prayers!
~Terria (LGG Encourager)
Where is the free downloadable pdf?
Here is the link to find the study material
Sheila, LGG Encourager
Hi, I am new to the LGG site and the bible studies. I asked to join a group for the David study starting Monday. I am not able to fine the YOUVERSION plan for this study. I don’t see anywhere to search on the YOUVERSION app. Also, is the LGG app going to be called Love God Greatly? I am excited about that. Any help or pointers would be amazing! Thank you all, God Bless!
Your post mentioned YouVersion but the link does not work and I can’t seem to find it in the Google Play Store. Can you help? Will the app be available for Android (Google Store) or is it just for iPhones?
I can’t get the link to work either and can’t find it in the App Store. Has anyone figured this out yet?
Hi, thank you for the wonderful work you are doing. I was fortunate to get the study plan for week 1 of David, but since I have downloaded the new app, I haven’t been able to find the study plan. I do want to continue the study with you.
Please help.
Looking forward to the David bible study. However, I can’t seem to find a link to download the reading plan. Could you please tell me where I can find it? I left a message on your fb page several hours ago and haven’t heard back so, I thought I would try here 🙂 Thank you so much for any help you can give me.
Hi Rebecca,
I saw your note so I hope it’s okay to respond. Go to the Bible Studies tab at the top of this page and then click on the David Bible Study. If you read the info there, there is a way to donate to LGG to help further their ministry, or if you can’t donate, there is a link for the free download clear at the bottom of the page. I had difficulties finding both of the links last night. 🙂
Got it, thank you so much Kimberly!
This has been a great re-energizer!
I want to do this study, by cannot start it yet. Will the book be available in Amazon and the reading plan on YouVersion for people who want to do it later or are your current ones only available?
Can’t wait to start this study!
I always start with youversion, but give it up after a week or 2. Saturday & Sunday don’t automatically check off and there’s no way to manually check off, so the “catching up on your _____ plan” emails get a little annoying. But other than that, I love the studies! Thanks for all the hard work so we can all do this together!