Partner With Us! from Love God Greatly on Vimeo.

Friends, as 2020 comes to a close we are praying for God to raise 300 women to partner with us by becoming monthly donors and help us FIGHT against biblical illiteracy around the world.

Biblical illiteracy around the world means that people – and women in particular – lack the knowledge and skill of reading, understanding, and applying the God’s Word in their own lives.

We can help our sisters in Christ and fight for them by teaching and introducing biblical knowledge into their minds and hearts.

This is what the heart of Love God Greatly is – to create, translate, and offer biblical resources for women in 33+ languages FOR FREE, breaking down financial and language barriers so women can learn how to read and apply God’s Word into their own lives.

Will you help us? Partner with us today and you will receive our Bible studies for free starting from our January study, Shame Breaker!

Petra Stoneman

Petra Stoneman

Petra lives in Northern Ireland with her husband, Michael, and chocolate lab, Boomer. Originally from the Czech Republic, she serves on the LGG Translators team as one of the Czech Branch translators. Petra is passionate about discipleship and raising up a new generation of believers. She serves in the youth ministry of her local church alongside her husband, who is a full-time youth pastor, and she loves to encourage young women in their relationship with Jesus.

Grab a journal, build a community,
change women's lives.

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