You Belong to Royalty…
“So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God.” – Ephesians 2:19
It’s a terrible feeling to not belong. To feel like an outsider– unwelcomed, uncomfortable, overlooked, excluded, misunderstood, looked down upon and maybe simply ignored. It is easy to feel this way in a world where beauty, riches, and status are coveted; where people are always trying to outdo each other in order to receive accolades, admiration, and acceptance.
But you and I, we don’t need to strive for the world to pat us on the back and give us an “atta boy.” We belong to something bigger and grander. We belong to God and therefore to his royal family. The King of all Nations is our Father. We don’t need to worry about feeling like strangers or not fitting in with those of the world. We already belong. We are forever accepted. We are passionately loved.
What effect should this have on those of us who have His royal blood in us?
1. We should be joyful.
What real reasons do we have to be miserable? Why do we let the cares of our days overwhelm us? The King loves us not just with affection but also with action. He cares for those who are His. He is working tirelessly, all things to that final end when Christ returns, sin is done away with, and we are made like our Savior (1 John 3:2).
2. We should be peaceful.
What causes you to lose peace? Some scary things have been happening around the world– even in countries many of us find ourselves in at this moment. It is easy to lose sight of truth, but set your eyes upon it again. The truth is that if we belong to the King then we cannot loose in the world. We can lose our life, but not our souls. We can lose the day, but not our future. In all things we still win and are more than conquerors. We will have victory, so we still have hope.
My flesh and my heart may fail, But God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. – Psalm 73:26
3. We should be worshipful.
Do you worship? And I mean more than just on Sunday mornings. Are you so overwhelmed by what God has done for you, by the mercy He has given to you, and by the grace upon grace He pours out on you every single day? Are you in awe of who He is? We have offended the most high King and He has forgiven us, given us His name, dressed us in His robes and given us a place in His Kingdom. Worship is the only response.
Though David was not perfect, he was a great King over Israel. God is a better King. And though we don’t deserve it, we are a part of His grand family. Consider these encouraging and beautiful words from James Meikle (1730-1799):
It is true, that now the adopted sons of God are like nobles dwelling secretly in a foreign land. Their pedigree is not known, their grandeur is not seen, and therefore their nobility is neither admired nor coveted. But, there is a day coming, when all the sons of God shall make their glorious appearance in one majestic throng … What beauty shall shed itself round about them! They shall be clothed in robes of glory, with palms of victory in their hands, and the charter of the covenant, containing all the privileges of adoption, spread before them, and a majestic proclamation shall be made, in the hearing of men, angels, and devils—”These are the sons of the living God!”
Looking To Jesus,
Did you miss Wednesday’s post? You can find it here!

Looking forward to the day of a new body without pain and the joy of seeing Him Face to face when I will be able to kneel easily before Him. Until then, His loving grace is sufficient! Thank you all for reminders of His love and mercy, Who would save a lost soul and then use them in His service! God is good all the time…
Praise God for His mercy and grace!! There is no other hope.
Thank you for the encouraging words. Especially the reminder that no matter what is going on the world we can have peace.
Thank you for such an encouraging post Jen! With all the horrible things happening around the world, and even in our own backyards, it is so hard to have peace. This reminded me that I am part of a Heavenly Royal Family and I will have eternal peace with my King! The world will never allow us peace, we will suffer and die, but through Jesus Christ, the world will NEVER even get close to our souls!!!
I have just started following and find this very encouraging – we are not only accepted by God but loved fiercely and belong to Him as children to a King-father. But moreover, we belong to and are loved by the sovereign ‘I am’… My mind is blown! Thanks Jen
Having royal blood flowing thru us…yes, He (the Holy Spirit) lives in us. Thanks for the reminders which make me smile:) Oh how people need to know “O How He Loves You and Me” as the song would go.