Welcome to our last week of our Walking In Wisdom study. We hope that you have had a good time studying, thinking, and praying through various Proverbs on wisdom.
During our last week together we are going to be looking at the fruit, or result, of wisdom.
We have learned that it is the Lord who gives wisdom. We can’t muster it up on our own. God is the source of all true wisdom and He has chosen to impart a portion of it to His people through His Word.
Wisdom is a gift that brings its own gifts along with it. One of these gifts is protection. In our verses for today we see that the Lord is a shield to those who are wise. We see this same kind of language in Psalm 33:20, which says:
Our soul waits for the Lord;
he is our help and our shield.
We need to ask ourselves, “How is the Lord a shield?”
How The Lord Protects Us
A shield is used for protection. A soldier would hold it up in order to ward off arrows or sword strikes from an enemy. When God says that He is our shield, he is saying that He is our protection. What does God protect us from? Through His Son Jesus, we are protected from the wrath of God, the temptations of the world, and the attacks of the Devil (1 Pet. 1:18-19; 1 John 1:7-9; 2:2, John 8:34-36; Heb. 2:14-15; 1 John 3:1-11).
Before God saved us we were under the righteous judgment of God. But through the sacrifice of Jesus we have been adopted as sons into the household of God.
“There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” – Romans 8:1
You and I are tempted every day, multiple times a day, to act in an ungodly way. Maybe we are tempted to be impatient or angry. Maybe we are tempted to be unkind or lazy. Whatever our temptations are, God promises to protect us so that we are able to stand up under them.
“No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.” – 1 Corinthians 10:13
Attacks of the Devil
Satan will try to guide us down the wrong path and deceive us into believing that we are not good enough or that sin is not that bad. But we have been told that Satan has been defeated and that we are able to resist him. He has no hold on us.
“Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” – James 4:7
God does not promise to protect us from pain, but He does promise to be there when life is hard and painful. He protects us from ultimate ruin and promises to be with us and use that pain for our good and His glory.
These are just a few examples of how God becomes a shield to those who live in wisdom. We need to learn to value wisdom more than we do. We need to pursue it and regularly ask God for it.
Ask yourself these questions:
- Do I pursue wisdom as hard as I pursue health?
- Do I spend even half the amount of time studying God’s Word as I do reading fiction, surfing the web, or scrolling through Instagram?
- When I pray do I ask God, often, to make me wise?
“But whoever listens to me will dwell secure and will be at ease, without dread of disaster.” – Proverbs 1:33
Looking To Jesus,
Week 6 Challenge: Throughout this week take a couple of extra minutes to write down the characteristics of a wise person and the characteristics of an unwise person. Try to get as specific as possible. Pray through this list, repenting where repentance is needed, asking God for change in areas where change is desired, and praising God for any wisdom that you do see in your life… because all wisdom is a grace from God.
Week 6 Video:
Can’t see this video? You can view it here.
Week 6 Reading Plan:
Week 6 Memory Verse:

Wow! I love this! I downloaded this app last week, but just had time to look at it. This is amazing and really speaks to me.
Thank you.
Isn’t the app great?! I love having everything in one place in case I don’t have my journal and bible, or if I want to read over the beautiful words again. It’s also great for sharing! I agree with you, Jen’s words today were beautiful and thought provoking. I’m glad your with us Sharon!
Mondee~LGG Encourager
Sharon honey, we are glad you love our app. It is such a long awesome resource having everything together. Enjoy God darling.
I’m loving this study! I’ve started my list of The Wise and The Unwise and have so far written 34 characteristics for each. I thought I’d share the ones that stuck out the most to me, though I know they’re all important. A wise person knows they need God in everything. An unwise person thinks they don’t need God and tries to do everything in their own power. And the wise pursues Wisdom and craves instruction and growth. Which is why we’re all here doing this study! So praise God for this strong urge to learn more about Him and making us humble enough to know we need Him. Thanks so much LGG!
That’s awesome, Meg! Thanks for sharing. I love it that you are digging deeper and noting those contrasts. This study has been so rich and stirred up a lot in me about the choices I make in the depths of my heart.