If we were to ask people on the street to list the three most important things in their lives we might hear things like, family, God, career, wealth, and a myriad of other commonly shared values. What I do not think we would hear many claim to be of vital importance in their life is “a good name.” A good name is one’s reputation, and specifically an honorable reputation.
According to Proverbs 22:1 a good name is better than riches; it is greater than silver and gold. But how many times have we forgotten this truth and have become distracted in life because of materialism or money? How often does the sparkle of gold and silver blind our eyes to what is truly valuable?
My downfall is going through a huge hardware store like Lowes and seeing all those new kitchens and appliances. All of a sudden I am discontent with what I have. My heart begins to grumble internally and I covet that which is not mine to have. I lack gratitude for what God has already given me, causing me to doubt his goodness.
Now, riches are not bad in and of themselves. But we have a problem when we allow them to lure us away from a contented life and cause us to act in a way that is not God-honoring. It is bad when we begin to desire wealth and material belongings to such a degree that we lay honor and honesty aside in order to get what we want.
The world is constantly telling us that we need “stuff” in order to be happy and accepted. But this is exactly the opposite of what God is telling us, isn’t it? We should desire a good name more than gold or silver. We are to desire honor and respect because of who we are and not because of what we have.
Who are you? If you are a Christian, you are a sinner saved by grace; a once-dead spiritual zombie who has been given eternal spiritual life; a person who once was blind but now can see the goodness and mercy of God. You have been redeemed by the blood of Jesus and raised to a new life – a life that is lived in integrity, honor, virtue and goodness, not because we are good, but because God is and He is working in us to desire those things.
You have an inheritance waiting for you that is beyond anything this world has ever seen. What else could this world possibly offer you that compares to what God has already given you? This is who you are. This is what you confess. And your conduct should compliment your confession. This is what it means to have a good name.
Material belongings are good and wonderful gifts from God, but a godly reputation is worth eternally more. Praise God for what you have been given, but ask Him to give you a desire to live in and to love godliness more.
The Bible tells us we are to have a reputation that compliments our confession of Christ. This is more valuable than wealth because it glorifies God.
Looking To Jesus,

Your conduct should compliment your confession-very powerful words that hit me. Jen thank you for your words today! I feel like this week has been a time for looking at myself and really seeing where I need to pray for guidance and help. I want to be more like Jesus and less like myself, give it all to him-not just the leftovers as one of the ladies in my group said! Our world tries to entice us away from the the ways of jesus so everyday we have to put on our armor, dig into gods word, and fight. Fight the urge to be lazy,fight to resist temptations all around us, and fight to to be a reflection of the Jesus this world needs to see so badly( I loved the blog that said that and it has stuck in my heart)! I’m loving this study and again thank you to all the ladies that make it happen.
Mondee~LGG Encourager
Thanks so much for this study. I am looking at myself, really focusing on my words and actions, and am seeing things I hadn’t before. Isn’t that what a Bible study is supposed to do, to help us realize things and learn and grow? So thank you all! To the contributors of this study, please keep reading. A miracl has happened!!!
What do I think is important? To know this answer, I must take a hard look at myself. How have I spent my time? That answer will tell me what I really think about, what I really think is important. I see now that I didn’t always spend my time wisely or act in a godly manner that would then give me a good name and be esteemed. I did not always set a good example.
And now I realize something huge and want to share it with you all. I have lupus. I am in pain always and sometimes it gets so bad that all I can manage is to get to the bathroom., but it has taught me to not squander my time. Every second of every day is now precious to me. I now choose wisely how I spend my time and maybe I wouldn’t have done this if I wasn’t sick. I am very stubborn. It’s very probable that I would not have grown spiritually if not for being ill. Only God knows for sure, but I can finally see now and be thankful for this illness! I never thought I’d see the day when I could say this! I thank God for this study. I thank God for opening my eyes. I thank God that I have lupus. There, I said it, and that’s a miracle!
Stuffs like this really makes one love and appreciate God even more. Thanks for sharing.