Near the end of 2023, I began thinking and praying about what my word of the year for 2024 would be, or the word that I would pray would mark the upcoming year. God brought a simple word to mind: home. Home? God, what do you want me to know about the word home?
In this life, we are not quite home. We have been set apart as believers in Christ, but we remain in a broken, fallen world until we pass from this life to the next. Our true, eternal home is with Jesus in heaven.
How can we live in the reality of being in Christ but not being with Christ just yet? I am still personally asking God for a deeper understanding of that question. What I do know is that the feeling of home means a sense of safety and security. There is no greater sense of safety and security than living an obedient life to God’s commands.
Today’s passage encourages believers with practical ways to be at home in Christ this side of eternity.
It comes through living according to God’s standards, not the world’s standards.
Verses 14-15 (ESV) say, “as obedient children, do not be conformed to the passions of your former ignorance, but as he who has called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct.”
In a season of rebellion against God in high school, I searched for safety and security in everything except Him. I chased after parties, alcohol, boys, and my reputation. What I found in all of this was a hole still searching for more. I was left feeling unsafe and insecure.
Without Christ, our flesh searches for passion in unholy things. Without Christ, we live in ignorance of God and His Word. But when Christ comes into our hearts, He opens our eyes to see those worldly passions for what they really are, hopeless and meaningless. With that new lens to view the world, He also gives us new desires and passions to follow Him and His ways. This is what Peter is calling the believers then and today to do.
I’m reminded of Romans 12:2 (ESV) which says, “do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” What does it look like to renew our minds? It is a daily, sometimes moment by moment, commitment to God and His Word. It is saying no to the desires of our flesh, the things we think, say, or do that does not align with God’s Word and His ways, and pursuing His righteousness.
I have found for me that regularly reading the Bible, memorizing Scripture, prayer, and journaling are just a few ways I can abide with the Lord.
The call to holiness can sound daunting at times. The good news is that it isn’t fully up to us. God promises to sanctify us, or make us more like Christ, as we journey through life with Him. But, we play an active role in being obedient to what He asks of us. This doesn’t mean we will never sin again. We are constantly at war with our old, fleshly passions and our new, heavenly desires. With God’s help, we can choose Him over the things of the world, which will allow us to live a life of holiness.
How can we experience home on this side of eternity? By remembering this world is not our forever residence. We have a Father in heaven, who saved us by sending Christ to the cross to pay for our sins, who walks with us day-by-day through His Spirit, and who longs for us to be near to His heart. We have a taste of a safe and secure home with us right now, so let’s live in that reality by being obedient children who abide with their Father.
Join us as we study God’s Word using the Triumph Over Trials: 1 & 2 Peter study!
Grab your journal today and dive in!