I answered a call on my cell, and the voice on the line sounded distressed. “Is it raining there? Are you home right now?” 


It was my mom. As she has grown older, her fear of impending doom has grown larger. She wanted to make sure I was indoors and safe from all harm. 


Glancing outside, I noted an ominous cloud looming over my home. “Mom, it’s just a little dark outside. No need to worry.”  


I hung up the phone and stood at the window staring up at the gloomy atmosphere with a frown on my face. The pending storm in the sky didn’t frighten me, but I hadn’t slept well the night before because a tempest was raging in my soul. My internal turmoil mirrored the anxiety I’d heard in my mom’s voice.  


I am quite sure Jesus is wondering why my faith has grown so small in the light of my temporary troubles. Why do I forget that the Almighty God is my Deliverer? Surely, I am safe in His care.  


I picture my compassionate Savior standing near and listening to me question why all this chaos is happening around me. The gentle whisper of His Spirit helps calm my fears: “My daughter, it’s just a little dark outside. No need to worry.”  


Our Savior knows we are prone to worry, and this is why He made sure to let us know that we need not fear the storm. The sky may look like it’s falling, but He holds the whole world in His mighty hands.  


Friend, is it dark at your house today? I pray that these words from our Savior will help you to set aside despair and raise your head with expectation. The dark clouds may currently obscure our view, but one glorious day soon, our Savior will part the sky and scoop down to rescue us. His glorious appearing will catch you by surprise if you aren’t prepared. Get ready. He’s coming back to save you.  


Let’s hear the heart of our Savior in this message to the disciples. Yes, we will face tribulation, but every dark shadow shows us that the time of His return is drawing closer. 


This is the in-between season where we may wonder why the tree is bare, but if we keep the faith and continue to look to Jesus, soon we will get a glimpse of new life coming. One day, we will sit at His table in heaven, and nothing will be lacking.   


Instead of living consumed by fear and confusion, Jesus wants us to take our eyes off the present storm. As we stand up in faith and raise our heads with expectant hope, He will fill us with His joy.  


We don’t have to live weighed down by the darkness in this world. Jesus has already delivered us from sin, and He is with us. Our Redeemer will never stop fighting for us, and we can trust that, in the end, the storms of this life will forever disappear in the shadow of His radiant light. 


See the signs and celebrate. Lift your heart and look to Jesus. In the light of His glory, all darkness will fade from view.   



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Lyli Dunbar

Lyli Dunbar

Lyli Dunbar enjoys singing silly karaoke in the car with her husband, digging into Bible study with the girls, and reading twelve books at a time. A writer, speaker, and Biblical Life Coach, her mission is to encourage the weary hearted with fuel for a wildfire faith.

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