To Do Justice; to Love Kindness; to Walk Humbly KIDS Journal [English]



The Book of Micah is relevant to all ages because it deals with topics like injustice and idolatry.

Children are not immune to injustice. They can experience it at school, at home, and when they are with their friends. Sometimes they are the recipients of this injustice and sometimes they are the ones being unjust.

Another sin that Micah will talk about is that of idolatry. Just like adults children are also capable of building idols in their lives. When we love anything more than God it has become and idol and dishonors God.

Micah deals with both of these sins and shows us why they are so evil and calls everyone to repent and walk in righteousness.

Thankfully Micah does not end with the negative but points us to the hope that is found in God. A God who is rich in mercy and slow to anger. In God everyone can find hope for restoration, hope for overcoming, and hope for change.

So let’s study the book of Micah together and ask the Lord to help us to “do justice, love kindness and walk humbly with our God” (Micah 6:8).

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