Guitar on rustic wood background


My longtime friend just moved in across the street. I’ve known her for over twenty years, and just last week she, her husband, and their four completely adorable kids became our neighbors. Crazy, huh?! AND she just dropped off donuts at my house at 11pm tonight.

Isn’t that totally fabulous?!

This kind of camaraderie happens because Jesus is sweet to me, and because girlfriends sometimes just know that an 11pm donut drop-off is crucial to survival and communicates solidarity in all the right ways. Heh.

Aaahhh, connecting with girlfriends on a heart to heart level is a true gift from God, isn’t it? 

Well, get excited because we are planning to do just that and MORE at our Love God Greatly LIVE event this Fall!

Love God Greatly is hosting our first ever…

Girls’ Night Out – a Praise & Prayer Concert!!!


You read that right! On September 25th from 7-9pm the women behind Love God Greatly are gathering together at Lake Pointe Church in Rockwall, TX for an incredible night of praise, prayer, and encouragement… and YOU are invited!!! Here’s a glimpse of what you can expect:

• Angela, Jen, Joy, and Whitney will ALL be there to share personal messages of love and encouragement.

• You’ll hear from and be inspired by our good friend Sally Clarkson.

• Love God Greatly translators will share testimonies of how God is working around the world and in their lives through LGG.
 • Women from 11+ nations will unite and lift their voices together in worship and prayer to our great God! How powerful is that?!
• You’ll have the rare opportunity to meet the Love God Greatly contributors, leadership team, and translators all in one place!
• We’ll be led in worship by the talented Gina Cooper:




You may know Gina as a worship leader from YouTube ( and GodTube. Thousands watch her live almost every week in her role at Lake Pointe Church’s internet campus, but people in Rockwall, Texas know Gina as a mom and wife. In the midst of a spiritual and emotional drought, Gina found hope and a renewed love for Jesus through getting in His Word and is committed to helping other women experience that hope and love by distributing free Bibles. She is thankful for her Bible study group in Rockwall and for the opportunity to lead online discipleship groups in places like Argentina and Pakistan.


Oooohhh friends, I get chills just thinking about it: this close-knit community of women who have grown to know and love each other so very well behind our computer screens will now be in one place – in person – worshipping together hand in hand.


It’ll surely be a small glimpse of heaven here on earth.


We’re obviously hoping to get a huge showing from all of our Texas friends, but listen, even if you aren’t from the area we are praying that many of you will want to road trip on over to join us for this once-in-a-lifetime event! Wouldn’t it be fun to grab a few girlfriends and make a day or weekend of it?! Plan your own mini-escape – complete with dinner before and dessert afterwards – and really soak in some of that much-needed girl time!


Until then, mark your calendars, invite your girlfriends, and plan to join us for this impactful LIVE event!! 


Will we see YOU there? Let us know in the comments below!


At his feet,


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