Words Matter Bible Study Journal

Our words matter.
They have the power to influence our lives in very significant ways. Whether it’s talking to our family, texting our friends, or the silent words we think to ourselves, they all matter.
What we speak, think, type, or write has the power to bless or curse, encourage or defeat, build up or tear down. Our words shape thinking, influence actions, and change lives. We need to learn to use our words wisely because words carry great consequences.
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In this four-week Love God Greatly study, we will dig into God’s Word and learn what He says about His Word, the words we speak to ourselves, the words we speak to others, and the words that change the world.
Through this study we will learn to honor God and others with the words that we speak. We will learn life-changing truths that will influence the words we say and think. No longer will our words be idle: we will harness the power within them and choose to use them for good. We pray this study gives us great insight into how we can consistently speak words that give life and transform lives.
Grab your favorite hot beverage, crack open your Bible, and let’s encounter God’s Word together. For more encouragement, join us online where you’ll find corresponding Bible study content in our Monday, Wednesday, and Friday blogs as well as further insights through our daily devotions on our Love God Greatly app. You can join our loving community on Facebook and Instagram to encourage and cheer for you as you spend time in Words that truly matter.

Have you ever heard the saying, “Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me”? It’s not true. Words do hurt. They may not break your bones, but many times they will break your heart.
God cares about the words we say to each other and the words we say to ourselves. God even cares about the words we text to our friends or share on social media.
The Bible tells us in Matthew 12:34-37 that life and death can be found in the words we speak and think.
Your words matter.
Words matter to the people around you and they matter to God. Words have the power to influence your life in very significant ways. Whether it’s talking to your family, texting your friends, or thinking things to yourself, your words matter.
Through this study we will learn to honor God and others with the words that we speak. We will learn life-changing truths that will influence the words we say and think. No longer will our words be idle: we will harness the power within them and choose to use them for good. We pray this study gives us great insight into how we can consistently speak words that give life and transform lives.
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