Risen Bible Study Journal

The world went dark. All seemed hopeless. Jesus breathed His last and gave up His spirit, dying a gruesome death on a cross.
Three days later, when the women arrived at the tomb, they discovered the unthinkable: Jesus had risen from the dead.
The resurrection of Jesus changed everything. Because of the resurrection, the whole world has changed. Because of the resurrection, we have hope.
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He is risen! He is risen indeed!
For centuries Christians have repeated these few simple words to one another as a reminder of the great victory of Christ over sin and death. He has risen from the dead, conquered death, and given humanity the means to a restored relationship with God.
As we prepare our hearts for Easter, we hope you’ll join us as we study the resurrection of Jesus Christ. His resurrection changed everything, and we want our lives to be a signpost of this great event.
Risen: How the Resurrection Changed Everything will take a deep dive into the resurrection of Jesus Christ, exploring the ways in which the greatest miracle changed history, changed humanity, and changed us. The resurrection changes us physically, spiritually, legally, mentally, socially, and eternally, and we’re excited to study each of these in-depth.
We hope you’ll join us online for this six-week study or on our Love God Greatly app. You’ll find corresponding Risen content in both places with our Monday, Wednesday, and Friday blogs, further insights through our daily devotions, and a loving community to cheer for you as you seek to understand the power and implications of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Have you ever felt so afraid that you didn’t know what to do next? Have you ever been so excited about something, and then find out that it would never happen?
This is what the disciples felt after they watched Jesus die on the cross. They felt hopeless and afraid. Three days later, those feelings changed. When the women arrived at the tomb, they discovered a miracle: Jesus had risen from the dead! They no longer had any reason to fear or feel hopeless. Jesus is alive!
The resurrection of Jesus changed everything. The whole world has changed. We have hope and we have no need to fear. Jesus is alive!
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He is risen! He is risen indeed!
For hundreds of years, Christians have said these few words to one another as a reminder of the resurrection of Jesus. He has risen from the dead and allowed us to have a relationship with Him and eternal life in heaven.
This year, as we get ready to celebrate Easter, we hope you’ll join us as we learn about the resurrection of Jesus. We want to tell others about the miracle of Jesus’ resurrection, and learning about it is a great place to start.
Risen for Kids is a study journal designed to help your child understand the significance of the resurrection. We will look at the ways the resurrection changes us physically, spiritually, legally, mentally, socially, and eternally.
As we prepare for Easter, we hope to help our children grow in their understanding of the significance of the resurrection of Jesus, both corporately and personally. We hope you and your child will join us online for this six-week study or on our Love God Greatly app.
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