Psalm 119 Study Journal
We’re excited to release our six-week Love God Greatly Psalm 119 Study Journal! You’ll receive our easy to follow reading plan, weekly reflection questions, prayer & praise section, as well as plenty of room to journal your daily, personal SOAP reflections as you dive deeper into God’s Word! These beautiful, journals even include a recipe for you to try with your friends from one of the many countries Love God Greatly serves!
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The Psalm 119 online Bible study gives us a glimpse into the beauty, importance, and usefulness of Scripture, prompting us to walk away more in love with God and his Word, more aware of our sin, and more in awe of our great Savior and his sacrifice on our behalf.
Psalm 119 Bible Study Journal
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Where do you run when life gets hard?
I lay in bed next to my tender boy... the one who wears his heart on his sleeve. He feels it unfair, but I whisper in his ear that his biggest struggle also has the potential to be his best gift. Help him to see it for himself one day soon, Jesus. His high emotions...
{Wednesday- Week 8} He Wants Our Praise…
"My lips will pour forth praise, for you teach me your statutes. My tongue will sing of your word, for all your commandments are right. Let your hand be ready to help me, for I have chosen your precepts." Psalm 119:171-173 "Out of the overflow of the heart, the...
Week 8 – Fight Falsehood With Praise
Hello, and welcome to our last week of our Psalm 119 study! I am so proud of everyone who has stuck with us this far. Psalm 119 is not an action packed chapter - instead, it methodically and in great detail lays out the virtues of God’s word and the effects it has in...
God’s Word….Changing Nations, Changing Lives
This past week one of my dear friends from my own Love God Greatly group showed me two small Bibles she had recently inherited through her mother-in-law’s passing. The Bibles dated back to the late 1800’s and were amazing to look at. Inside the well-worn pages listed...
A prayer for my hurting friend…
“Don’t pray when you feel like it. Have an appointment with the Lord and keep it.” ~ Corrie Ten Boom Look on my affliction and deliver me, God, I know you see her. Today, would you remind her that you've not forgotten her? Your Word says that you are...
Week 7 – A Life of Prayer
Welcome to week 7 of our Psalm 119 study. I am so excited that you are hanging in there because we are nearing the finish line! Only two more weeks left in this study... This Psalm is just filled with emotion. The author holds nothing back. He praises God and he pours...
{Friday ~ Week 6} His Righteousness is Forever…
I spent a few days earlier this week having a little pity party for myself. Yes, I know what you are thinking. I'm not under ten years old, and this is not appropriate behavior for a grown woman, let alone a missionary. But there it is. The story is this: I was...
Fleeing Fast Food Spirituality…
Wanna know a terrible secret of mine? I like french fries. What's worse? The more salt on them, the better. When I was pregnant with my first baby, they were my quick go-to snack when I could no longer ignore those impatient hunger cravings that came on without...
I am the Psalmist…
I am the Psalmist. I too have a history of crying out to God, reminding Him of all that I do for Him and asking Him the “whens” and the “whys”... When Lord? When will you avenge? Why Lord? Why have you allowed this? And I too have a history of telling Him when He...
Christ, Our Hiding Place…
I have always had a fascination with castles. It is a wonder that men could build such beautiful and strong structures without our modern technological advances. Something that has always fascinated me are the secret rooms and passages common in castles. Such hidden...
Digging and running to the very end…
“What a precious treasure is the Word of God! It is like a deep mine filled with gold, silver, and precious gems, and we must take time to 'dig' for these treasures. A mere surface reading of Scripture will not put spiritual treasure in our hearts. Mining treasure is...
God’s Word in the Mundane…
"How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!" ~ Psalm 119:103 My kids asked me a serious question: "How do you know that guy in the drive-thru?" Ha. "I don't really," I said. Except for I do - sort of. He's eighteen, and he's working almost...
God’s Word – Our Light When Life Is Dark…
I know all of us have had days, weeks, and months of hardship. I am talking about days when it is hard to focus on a task because of worry, and nights that rob us of sleep. Sometimes these hard times seem to drag on and on. After some weeks we feel emotionally worn...
Crying Out To God…
Seeking, longing, searching… this poor Psalmist is waiting on the Lord to deliver him from this affliction. He is trying to remain strong, but he is growing weary, feeling as though he could faint. His eyes are tired from looking for glimpses of God. Have you ever...
The Source of All Comfort- Psalm 119:73-80- Week 4
Hello ladies, Greetings from here in Uganda. My heart is full as I share with you today. Can't see the video? Click here. We are in verses Psalm 119:73-80 today and there is so much richness in these verses. I'm not going to be able to cover all of them, so I want to...
When Fear Grips Us…
“Mama… I can’t sleep. I’m so afraid. So afraid something bad is going to happen to all of us," she says with tears streaming down her beautiful face. Fear. This sweet girl of mine has recently been struggling with a crippling fear that something bad is going to happen...
I will rise up and give you thanks…
The generator had been shut down hours before. Funny how many things you can hear in the middle of the night without the hum of electricity drowning out the sounds of the earth. I was twenty-one and wide awake in a foreign land, and God had met me there. Of course he...
God’s Word, Our Comfort…
Welcome to week 3 of our Psalm 119 study! What do you run to for comfort? For me it is people. If I am sad or scared or worried or discouraged I go to my husband or friends. But people are not the only source of comfort, right? Some seek comfort in their money,...
Revive Me- Psalm 119:25-48
Revive. It stirs up strong feelings of desire for me. In Psalm 119:25, it says, "My soul cleaves to the dust; Revive me according to your Word." In other versions it uses words like "quicken" and "give me life," but revive brings about a beautiful word picture....
Looking for contentment in all the wrong places…
Perhaps one of the most challenging yet rewarding roads to spiritual health is the discipline of single-minded satisfaction on what has come from God's hand. And the best way to safeguard your contentment in Christ is to ask the Holy Spirit to whisper Psalm 119 into...
Psalm 119 Week 2: When You Are Down In The Dust of Life…
I have chosen the way of truth; I have set my heart on your laws. (Psalm 119:30) Have you ever felt like the Psalmist… like you were laid low in the dust, begging God to preserve your life? I know I have at different times in my life. Maybe it was the divorce papers...
The Source Of Our Joy
All people have a natural desire to be happy. This is built into us by our Maker himself. The desire to be happy is not a problem. The problem is that we tend to search for this happiness in the wrong places. We think, “If only I could be married, then I will be...
Make Time for God
I’ll be really honest with you - I can tell when I haven’t been in God’s Word like I should. Stress and fears begin to cloud my mind and instead of meditating on Scripture, I begin meditating on the “what ifs” of life. The focus of my life begins to shift from God to...
Psalm 119 {Week 1} ~ An Invitation for the Thirsty…
"Blessed are those who keep his statutes and seek him with all their heart..." ~ Psalm 119:2 As I dug into the dirt, sweat poured from every inch of my body. Indiana humidity at its finest. It's pretty rare for me to find myself alone in my back yard with no children...
{Psalm 119} Intro – The Greatness of God’s Word…
Love God Greatly is a ministry passionate about God’s Word! We want the information we acquire during our study time to burn a path to our hearts, igniting a fire and zeal for God that transforms us from the inside out. And we are confident that this will happen since...