“God illustrated the unknown about the Messiah through the known about David.“- Beth Moore
This week we are looking at David– the man.
We know from the verses we’ve read so far, there were times in David’s life when he missed the mark…just like we all have. He sinned and even though he was described as “a man after God’s own heart,” David was far from perfect. What I love about the story of David though, is how God still chose to use this sinful man to teach us about the “Sinless Man,” the One who was still to come, Jesus.
“One interesting fact about David is the name Jesse. Jesse is a personal name meaning, “man”. We know from Scripture that Christ referred to Himself as the “Son of Man” more than any other title. Isn’t it interesting that the King of Israel who often prefigured Jesus was technically also the ‘son of man’?”- Beth Moore
Isn’t that amazing?!!! It’s almost as if God left us clues throughout the Old Testament all pointing to Jesus. Clues that prepared us for the “Good Shepherd,” the One who would lay down His life and become more than just a shepherd….He became our rescuer….our Savior.
“and the Word became flesh and dwelt among us…”- John 1:14
Jesus wasn’t content to just remain in heaven, He chose to become flesh and He chose to dwell among us. Just stopping to think about that truth humbles me…. God in human form came for you and for me.
Jesus, fully human and fully God, all at the same time.
If we ever wonder what God is like, all we have to do is look at Jesus. Jesus is the ultimate revelation of God.
“Through him all things were made…”- John 1:3
Sweet friends, I don’t know what trials, heartaches or fears you are facing today but I want you to know this: Our amazing “Good Shepherd,” the One who goes after us when we wander off and lose our way, the One who carries us close to His heart and the One who willingly laid His life down for us…He loves you and can handle whatever you are going through right now. The One who spoke the heavens and earth into being, loves you and nothing is too hard or too complex for Him to handle. Lay your burdens down and allow Him to lead you, carry you and to protect you.
In verse 14 of John 1, we are told that Jesus is full of grace and truth. He understands our weaknesses, our limitations and our fragility.
Jesus is full of grace. (John 1:14)
We see God’s grace displayed in David’s life and lived out through Jesus’. Don’t hesitate to allow the Good Shepherd, the One who if full of grace and truth, to lead you home.
Love God Greatly!
Did you miss Monday’s post? You can find it here!

I needed this particular section this morning.
As I struggle through a difficult time in my life.
I know God’s grace is sufficient and he will see me through… Thank you for the gentle reminder.
Praying for you, Denise.
Beautifully said! Thank you for posting today.
I have this image of Jesus in heaven saying they just don’t see it and they don’t get it let me go and show them! So he came and lived among us so that we could see it. He is a Good Shepherd, I find comfort in knowing I’m in His flock.
Praying for you Denise!
Thanks for your post