So far in our study we’ve seen David as:
The Shepherd Boy
The King
The Man
The Warrior
The Friend
The Sinner
And now this week we focus on David: The Man After God’s Heart.
What I love most about David was his love for God. Yes, we know from last week that David had his weak areas of his life, like we all do. But what was it about David that God would describe him as “a man after God’s own heart?”
I believe it was his love for God.
Even though David sinned; even though he made mistakes… David loved God.
We see the contrast so clearly between David and Saul.
Both men sinned, but it was David’s heart that was crushed when Nathan confronted him about his sin. What was his response?
“I have sinned against the Lord.” (2 Samuel 12:13)
His concern was his relationship with God.
David sinned and admitted it. But he didn’t stop right there. David went further and did something about it. He sought reconciliation. David wanted to be right with God. It grieved him that he had broken his relationship with God and he would do anything to fix it.
Chuck Swindoll, in his book: David, states that there are three qualities God saw in David that He loved: David’s spirituality, his humility, and his integrity. All are qualities that remind God of His son, Jesus.
Let’s take a closer look at each in David’s life…
David’s Spirituality
David loved what God loved. He was burdened by what burdened God. David’s priority was living his life for God but he didn’t just talk about living for God; he put his faith into action in his life. He tried to listen and obey God in most areas of his life. When God confronted him with his sin, David took steps to change and repented of his sin. Bottom line: David’s heart was sensitive to the things of God.
“For the eyes of the Lord move to and fro throughout the earth that He may strongly support those who heart is completely His…” – 2 Chronicles 16:9
Do you want to be a woman described as “a woman after God’s own heart?” Then give your heart completely to the Lord. Love what He loves, hate what He hates, hurt when He hurts, and rejoice over what He rejoices over.
Make Him your first priority. Your first love.
David’s Humility
Years of tending sheep and being the youngest in a family of boys taught David to be humble. He wasn’t his father’s first pick. He wasn’t Samuel’s first choice. But he was God’s. In David, God saw a young man who had a servant’s heart: one who faithfully served in the fields tending sheep; one willing to run errands back and forth to his brothers on the battle lines. David faithfully served and helped those who didn’t appreciate it.
David wasn’t out to make a name for himself, but when the time arose he also wasn’t about to allow God’s name to be trampled on and disgraced. David learned to be humble when he needed to be humble but he also learned God-given strength out in those lonely fields. He knew when to take a stand and had the courage to do so.
David’s Integrity
“From the care of the ewes with suckling lambs He brought him,
To shepherd Jacob His people,
And Israel His inheritance.
So he shepherded them according to the integrity of his heart,
And guided them with his skillful hands.” – Psalm 78:71-72
Integrity – what we do when nobody’s watching. David is described as having integrity of heart. Remember, God doesn’t look at the outward appearance, He looks at our hearts. (1 Samuel 16:7)
Ohhh sweet friends, as we learn more and more about David we see that we don’t have to be women who are perfect, who are sinless, and who have our acts all together. God is looking for women who love Him. Women who want to serve Him in whatever “field” He is calling them to. Women whose hearts are His – giving Him access to the good and the bad so that He can do a mighty work first IN them and then THROUGH them for His glory!
Week 7 Challenge: In response to what our nation is going through right now, our challenge this week is to take time out EVERY morning to pray for our nation. Pray for our people to respond in love through the power of the Holy Spirit. Pray for our nation: that hearts will be softened, forgiveness will be extended, and love will be accepted. We must remember that “GREATER is HE who is in us than he who is in the world.” 1 John 4:4 (paraphrased)
WE are not here by accident. God has a divine purpose for each of us living here at this exact time and we ALL have a part that we can play in helping our nation through this difficult time. Let’s choose to be a light in the darkness and shine for Jesus! Let’s be women who not only READ God’s Word but women who DO God’s Word! May WE be WOMEN after God’s own heart!
Let’s Talk:
Share a prayer for our country in today’s comments and let’s join TOGETHER in God’s Word and through the power of prayer!
Love God Greatly!
Week 7 Video:
(Can’t see the video? Click here)
Week 7 Memory Verse:
Week 7 Reading Plan:
We are SUPER excited to share with you our next fall study: You Are Forgiven!!! Whitney, Jen, Joy and I have been busy behind the scenes writing our new BOOK and we can’t wait to share it with you! For this study You Are Forgiven will include chapters for each week, personal testimonies, as well as all the regular amazing content that we include with each journal! You Are Forgiven will be a book and journal combined! We can’t wait for you to see it! In the meantime, plan on joining us for our fall study which starts August 29th! We’d love to have you join us! You won’t want to miss it!

Sorry to be off subject, I’ve read where the fall study, “You Are Forgiven” begins, August 29th. Can someone tell me when the book/journal will be available for purchase?
Thanks so much! God Bless 🙂
Tonya the book is set to launch August 15th. It will be available soon for pre-order. The study will begin August 29th. Hope you will be joining us. Sheila, LGG Encourager
Thank you for the reminder that we are to be “doers of God’s word, not hearers only” so important in today’s hurting world.
Oh Heavenly Father,
We humbly approach Your throne with respect and awe.
You lovingly created the world and each person on it. I imagine you are so grieved and frustrated by the hate and violence going on in our nation and world. But You and only You have the power to change the direction of our nation and world.
Lord, please mobilize our hands, hearts and feet to spread Your message of forgiveness, peace and love.
In Jesus name we pray,
Dear Heavenly Father I come to you now asking for your guidance for our nation and our leaders, and for protection from all that is not of you! Thank you so much for all your many blessing I also ask for guidance that my family, friends, co-workers and myself may be a light for you in the darkness!!
Heavenly Father, forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. Help me to have a heart filled with forgiveness and grace toward those who are bringing so much hate and hurt in our world. Help me to show love even when I want to react with anger.
Lord , please touch each one of your children’s heart to love and care for one another. Lord, please forgive them for the senseless killing and hatred that they have against one another. Lord touch your children to love one another regardless of which ethic background we come from. Lord place your angles around the hearts of love ones whom have been victim’s of senseless killings by the police. Lord touch the family members who have lost husbands and fathers who work as police officer. Lord bring peace to the middle east. Lord, bless them to follow your word and commandments. Lord, we need a pray warrior for a President, the person that take the position of president next we pray that their heart will open up to you for direction, wisdom, peace, and understanding of God’s wants for our nations as a whole. Lord your word has been written and reveal, but bring our hearts together that we may see your Kingdom in the end. Jesus died to save us from sin, so Lord I pray we all have a chance to see your kingdom. Amen
yes we do need to pray for our nation sister and that God is always good he’s the one that sit on the throne he is the ruler of all the universe and we might as well get it now that god Jehovah God it’s going to be the ruler him and Christ from Heaven down upon this Earth and I’m thankful that we have those two that will ruin God’s New Kingdom but we got to continue to pray for this nation that we need the spirit of God’s fruits as he will lead and guide us through each and every day thank you for your message God be with you.
Amen Kimbly Russell…
“Teach me Your way, O Lord, that I may walk and live in Your truth; direct and unite my heart [solely, reverently] to fear and honor Your name. [Ps. 5:11; 69:36.]”
Psalm 86:11 AMP
Lord, we ask in Jesus name that you unite the heart of the people of our nation. Unite all lives Lord God: black lives, white lives, cop lives… Let not the enemy countinue to infiltrate us with marshall law but let us do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly before You God. We stand in the gap and make up the hedge for the people of this land that you will not destroy the land. We repent for our nation for turning our backs on You and shaking our fists at You. We are Your people, who are called by Your name. We humble ourselves in prayer, seeking Your face today. We repent for the nation that we will turn from our wicked ways. We trust You will then hear from heaven, forgive our sin, and heal our land. We know all lives matter to you as all souls belong to You. Help us and heal us Lord God. And when you heal us we will be healed. We humbly ask and pray in faith in the name above every name. Honor Your word Lord God even above all Your name. We put our hope and trust in You. Bless all families affected directly or indirectly by the scheme of the enemy. We know nothing takes You by surprise and we thank You that You will show Yourself mighty and strong. We commit this nation to You. We commit our works to You that we will be established. Honor our intercession today Lord God as we see You in Jesus name. Amen.
Dear Lord, we desperately need you! We cry out to you and know that you hear our prayer! Please forgive us for not being fair and loving to all. Help us to see our sin and repent. Soften out hearts towards one another. May your spirit of love and reconciliation prevail in this land. Please protect all from the evil schemes of the devil. May all of this bring you glory Lord! In the name of Jesus I pray.
Oh, Heavenly Father, we come to You in deep anguish to the nation for all of the things that’s happening recently, the brutally attacks in Dallas, in France and now inLousiana, may You intervene in this situation for our nation, stopped the evil that is going on in our world. May You heal all the families that are involved in this tragedy , to those who lost a loved ones and to those people who were hurt, may You heal their body and mind. These tragedy can be devastating and traumatic, it can lingers in our mind for weeks, months or even years, “He heals the broken hearted and binds up their wounds” Psalm 147:3 Yes, “the one who is in us is greater than the one who is in this world” 1 John 4:4. Praying for the PEACE of the world.
Heavenly Father, thank You for our country, the land of the free and the home of the brave! We need a fresh anointing of Your power in the lives of those who know You, Lord, that we may turn the hearts of people to You, teaching them to obey Your Word in all things that peace may reign in our land. Father, the only place we can find real, true peace is at Your Hand so I ask that You would touch the hearts of our leaders to know and understand Your Word so that in all things it may be obeyed and put in place. It is not a time for hatred! It is not a time for fighting! There is so much heartbreak with our police officers being killed by those who don’t know the Jesus we know, who think they are honoring You by killing “infidels”! Please enlighten these who are so ingrained with hatred that they are destroying the very ones who are to protect and serve us! For those who do terrible things in the name of God, Father, block their way so no more are killed by the sword, or a raging truck, or a bomb, or any other device of destruction! The enemy of our souls would have us hate one another so please help us all look to You to find the peace that goes beyond our understanding for I ask these things in the Name of Jesus Christ, my Savior and Lord, Amen!
I come to You praising Your holy and precious name. You are the God above all, over all and in all. There is no-one greater than You, no-one more powerful than You. Forgive us as a nation as we make foolish decisions that are far from Your statutes. Forgive us of our pride and arrogance in thinking that we don’t need You to be a part of our schools and other public arenas of life. Thank You for Your grace toward us and Your patience in returning so that others may be saved. Thank You for Jesus and the freedom and hope He has provided to us who believe. Thank You that this gift of salvation is available to all men everywhere. I pray that as a nation we might seek Your face in what we do and the decisions that are made and not in word only. Give us the wisdom, courage and boldness to stand up for what is right in Your eyes. May every single person who identifies themselves with Christ be in the word daily and be on our knees daily because we know all power comes from You. You hear our prayers, You see the motivation of our hearts. As Psalm 139 says, “Search me, Oh God, and know my heart, test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me and lead me in the way everlasting.” May we be a holy nation, a royal priesthood. May we grow in wisdom and stature and favor with God and men so that we might win many to You and this, Lord, is all for Your glory, so that You will be made known! Amen
Lord, we humbly fall before You, our Lord and Savior. We ask you to forgive us for all of our sins, not only personally but also as a nation. We know You are Almighty God and you have control of everything and everyone. Sometimes we, as humans, don’t comprehend what is happening to our world. We know that Satan is rampant and doing everything in his power to destroy us. But you are STILL in control. Nothing will harm us without your consent, just like you did with Job. Help us not to live in a “spirit of fear;but of power, and of love,and of a sound mind.” I Timothy 1:7. We love you and praise you for what you will do to help this dying world that we live in.
Ladies your prayers move me to tears. Thank you for being such wonderful and faithful watchman over our nation. It has always been a passion in my heart that prayer can change our cities, states and even the nation. I believe the day is coming when we will see the goodness of the Lord in all these areas. Some say we are in the End Times what can we do. Well we have a purpose in this hour too and prayer will become more and more needed. We must rely on the Holy Spirit and the power of God working through all our lives to touch the lives of others around us. We can see change! God bless you all. Sheila, LGG Encourager
“GREATER is HE who is in us than he who is in the world,” INDEED!!! Please, Lord, bring revival to our nation. And let it begin with me, through the power of Your Holy Spirit in me. AMEN!!!
Father God, as I approach your your throne of mercy and grace, I thank you for this wonderful country that we call America. Father, she is slipping down direction with hate in people’s hearts due to the color of their skin. You made us all and love us all and I am asking that you place people in the correct places to correct and heal these divisions.
Send us a revival Lord like none have ever seen in this day or time. We need you precious Father. In Jesus Christ name I ask. Amen. ?
Father your word says if your people, who are called by your name, humble themselves and pray and seek your face and turn from their wicked ways that you would hear us and forgive our sins and heal our land. God, everything happening in our world today is not by accident. This nation is in desperate need of you! We pray that you would humble the hearts of your people to bring us to our knees, to seek your face, and to pray for our nation. We pray that you would turn the hearts of sinners towards you. We pray that you would bend your ear and hear the prayers of your people for this hurting nation. In the midst of the pain, brokenness, fear, anxiety, hostility, help us to remember that you are God. That you are Sovereign. That you are still in control. We pray for the cities, countries, families that are witnessing these awful tragedies every day—heal their hearts. Fill them with your peace. Hold them close to your heart. Love them in the midst of their anguish. Father, we pray. We seek. We ask. Hear our prayers…come Lord Jesus, come. Amen.
Heavenly Father, thank you for your grace and your mercy. I come to you in prayer for our nation as we are in trying times with no understand. Lord release all stronghold on those of with an evil heart and replace it with love and repentance. I pray for peace and unity. Thank you oh Lord for keeping my family safe as I pray for those who have been affected by the latest attacks and senseless acts. Lord use me as your vessel to help those that cannot help themselves. In your name I pray. Amen!
I pray for peace and unity in our nation, that we learn to love one another and most importantly love our God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength.
Dear father in heaven, help us to love one another for who we are, to accept each other’s skin color, choice of profession, and our each of our differences but still choose to love and respect one another. God please help those that are lost sheep and who are alone in this world. Help us all to put our trust and focus in and on You God, the one and only Father of all in heaven above. We pray in the strong name of Jesus Christmas our Lord and Savior. Amen
Am really touched by the message shared. Need more inspiration message from you