———— The name Jesus means… Yahweh saves. ————

“She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins. All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had said through the prophet…”

~ Matthew 1:21-22


It was the plan all along.

About 700 years before Jesus would enter this world as a baby, Isaiah spoke of His coming.

Seven. hundred. years. This plan was no accident and it certainly wasn’t a surprise, though human minds surely couldn’t grasp its magnitude and many imagined the Messiah coming in a much different way. From the gospel in Genesis all the way to the closing pages of Revelation, the common themes of sin, sacrifice and our great need for a Savior are woven throughout the Bible. Before we were born, God knew that we would need to be rescued.

God knew that our hard work couldn’t save us.

God knew that no level of social standing or amount of good deeds could save us.

God knew that church attendance, baptism, or anything we could muster up on our own apart from the blood of Jesus would never, ever save us.

And that is precisely why He came.

“More than a great teacher, more than an enlightened man, more than a worker of miracles, more than a source of meaning in life, more than a self-help guru, more than a self esteem builder, more than a political liberator, more than a caring friend, more than a transformer of cultures, more than a purpose for the purposeless, Jesus is the Savior of sinners.” ~ Kevin DeYoung

Jesus is the Savior of sinners, which means that He came for you and for me.


The house was quiet and sleep eluded me once again as I held my newborn baby in my arms. We had exchanged the usual hustle and bustle of the season for the welcomed slower pace brought on by the arrival of the sweetest baby boy just five days before Christmas. As lights flickered on the Christmas tree, my tired eyes caught a glimpse of the nativity scene displayed on our fireplace mantle.

He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him. ~ John 1:10

As I looked down again on the precious gift from God resting peacefully in my lap, it pained my heart to think of sacrificing my own son for “deserving” men – let alone handing him over to a world full of scoffers who would eventually cry out “Crucify Him.”

And it was in that moment I saw the grace of God more clearly than ever before.

You see, God had a plan that defied worldly logic. It was stunning and countercultural, packaged in humility and the truth that even though we rebel against God, instead of punishing us He willingly punished His one and only Son.

“But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.” ~ Isaiah 53:5

His name is Jesus – Yahweh saves. 

This Christmas season, more than perfect decorations, gifts, and cookie platters…  I want to intentionally share the hope of the baby in the manger with those around me. I want others to see Jesus in me as I humbly serve. I want them to hear about Jesus as I tell the story of His birth and as I worship Him for coming to save a broken world. I want them to feel Jesus’ love through me as I love with that same patience, compassion and grace.

Since my nativity can’t speak, let my life tell the story that Yahweh saves…


At His feet,

*LET’S TALK: Out of the six names of God that we studied this session, which one encouraged you most in this season of your life?


{Week 6} Video:

{If you can’t see this video you can view it here.}

{Week 6} Challenge:

Ask God to provide opportunities this week for you to share the hope of Jesus coming to the world, and then follow through by letting your life – and your words – tell the beautiful Christmas story that Yahweh saves.

{Week 6} Reading Plan:
{Week 6} Memory Verse:
NOG Week 6 Memory Verse



Friends – we are SO EXCITED to announce our next study – – Growing Through Prayer!! We all know that prayer can be a struggle to incorporate into our daily lives, so what better way to start 2016?! The study is eight weeks in length and begins January 11. We can’t wait to journey through God’s Word with YOU in the new year!

Love God Greatly



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