I’m a mom of three boys.

In the little years, it seemed that no matter how often I reminded them to be gentle and compassionate, they always found a way to remind me that God made them ALL boy. In their world, sticks became swords. Pan lids became shields. And no one had to teach them how to make those awesome sound effects either. It’s like they were born with it. Even though these little ones have now grown into full-blown teenagers (the years really are short, mamas), some things never change.

The theme was always the same. There was a dark side and a light side. Good versus evil. On a good night, if I was lucky, true heroism shined through and they rescued their little sister from the bad guys. They never seemed to run out of stories to act out, either. Even if the bad guys were defeated the night before, another struggle inevitably would arrive to take the last one’s place. But somehow they were ready. They knew there would be a battle, but they had prepared ahead of time and they were determined to stand their ground. And without fail the good guys always won.


In Ephesians, we’re reminded of another battle that’s raging as we speak. But this is no make-believe battle fought with sticks for swords and pan lids for shields. It’s the very real war between good and evil; Satan is using his weapons ever so strategically to distract, tempt, lie, and roar his way straight into our most sacred places in an attempt to devour our mission.

He ever so slyly distracts us so that we neglect to dress in our daily spiritual armor. He tells us that we’re too weak to fight. He messes with our minds and convinces us to compare our lives with others until we’re dissatisfied, depend on our emotions far too much, desire the approval of others even if it means compromising, and struggle with where our confidence and value come from. He finds where we’re unstable, fearful, and anxiety-filled (and oh, you’d better believe that he knows), and he tries to defeat us where we’re vulnerable.

Ephesians 6 reminds us that with Satan, we can’t just be a spectator in the battle. Ladies, it’s time to suit up, to remember which side we’re on, and then to intelligently prepare for battle. Let’s show Satan that armed with the strength of Christ we’re tough and determined and focused, and we’re ready to rise to the occasion.

What are some practical truths you can cling to in the battle as a child of the warrior King Jesus?

  • Remember that your victory has already been secured through Christ (1 Corinthians 15:57)! Death has been defeated, and no power of hell can reverse the grasp Jesus has on you.
  • Resist the devil and he will flee from you. (James 4:7) Recognize his tactics, speak truth to his lies, turn from sin, and tell Satan to get behind you because you’re covered by the blood of Jesus and you have a race to run in this generation.
  • The flaming arrows may come, but they cannot destroy you. “We are experiencing trouble on every side, but are not crushed; we are perplexed, but not driven to despair” (2 Corinthians 4:8).

We don’t have to be caught off guard. We can be ready. We know there will be a struggle, but we can choose to be intentional and determined in the fight. With the power of God on our side, we can stand our ground. And about that battle? We know Who has already won.

For this reason, take up the full armor of God so that you may be able to stand your ground on the evil day, and having done everything, to stand.” – Ephesians 6:13

At His feet,



In what area of your life do you need to armor up, dig your feet in, and choose to stand in great faith? Our team would be honored to pray for you today.


Week 6 Challenge: Looking back over this study, commit to one change you can make in your life right now that will help you fight your fears and worries. Write it down in your journal to help keep you accountable. Let’s put God’s Word into action in our lives, not only by reading His truth but living out His truth!

Week 6 Reading Plan

Week 6 Memory Verse




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