WK5D1 b

Dear Paige, Addie & Brinnley,

Ahh how I love you each so dearly! You’re all fast asleep upstairs, tucked into bed, and I’m down here on the computer begging God to speak through me because I don’t feel I have any words left to give, to say tonight for this post…

It’s been a long day….I’m tired.

Not from you, no. I’m tired from this world. I’m tired from all the craziness of our world….the news, the heartache, the world’s brokenness …my own brokenness.

I feel weary tonight.

And it’s always in the weariness that fear seems to creep in.

I don’t really fear for me, I fear more for you.

And I know I shouldn’t, I KNOW in my mind I shouldn’t…but mamas tend to struggle with this when they think about their children and what the world will be like for them as they grow up.

And that’s why I pray for God’s protection over you EVERY night as we do our nightly prayers and backrubs…

I don’t know if you’ll ever remember the prayers I pray over you…and that’s okay, it doesn’t really matter. I know God hears them.

Nightly, I pray for your hearts to always be soft toward Him.

I pray for those sweet feet of yours to be firmly grounded in His Word.

I pray for those beautiful eyes of yours to see like Jesus…people who are hurting and need a word of encouragement.

I pray for you to live lives to the fullest…knowing that our God is Immanuel….God with us.

I never want you to forget…God is always with you.

Tonight I read about Joseph in Matthew 1, and I found it interesting the angel of the Lord told Joseph not to fear taking Mary as his wife.


Of all the men on earth, Joseph was chosen to be the earthly father to Jesus and yet what was his reaction? Fear.

Ohhh girls, there are going to be times in your life when God will call you to an act of obedience – a step of faith – and your first reaction will be that of fear…just like Joseph.

Fear of the unknown.

Fear of what other people will think.

Fear of failure.

And in those moments, I want you to remember that we serve a God who promises He will never leave us or forsake us.

Our God’s name is Immanuel, and He is with us.

Be brave.

In those days when fear is pounding at your heart, cling to Immanuel, and pray as if He is right in front of you….because He is.

Yes, this world can be a very scary place. But it’s a world in need of Jesus.

And I wonder maybe, just maybe, all this brokenness and fear in our world is giving us opportunities to be brave together, to love deeper…and to live lives that demonstrate we are a people who know our God is with us.

Sweet girls, NEVER forget your lives are in His hands.

He is the Good Shepherd.

Our Price of Peace.

Our Everlasting Father

Our Mighty God.


Fear, you have no place here.

We will be brave in spite of you.

We will trust even when our feelings fail us.

God, we will take you at your name: Immanuel….you are with us.


Tonight my sweet girls, I’m taking my own advice…I’m going to guard my heart and turn my fears into prayers…knowing God is here with me.

I have set the Lord always before me,

Because he is at my right hand,

I will not be shaken.- Psalm 16:8


With All My Love,



Let’s Talk:

What fears are you struggling with today? Let’s lift each other up and fight them together through prayer!


Special Announcement:

Are you currently using the YouVersion plan?  There was a mistake during the upload process and not all of the content was published. The content is all there now, but you will notice the dates are incorrect.  TODAY’S READING NOW STARTS ON NOVEMBER 29.  We are so sorry for the confusion, and we will do our best to ensure it does not happen in the future.  Thank you for your patience!


Love God Greatly!





( My personal Names of God study journal)

Hey sweet friends!

Today I just wanted to show you a little something I have been doing for my girls during this study. At the end of each week, in my Names of God journal, I write a letter to my daughters using the My Response page. In the letter I share with them what I learned that week from spending time in God’s Word. I LOVE doing this because now I feel I’m creating a journal they will treasure when they are older…yet it’s very easy to incorporate into a habit I’m already doing.

Just wanted to share this idea in case you’d want to do something like this for your kids, grandkids or friends!

Love God Greatly


Week 5 Video:
 (Click here if you can’t see the video)

Week 5 Challenge:

This week, intentionally combat your fears with God’s Word. Memorize Isaiah 41:10, and every time a fear creeps into your mind, turn your fear into a prayer.


Week 5 Reading Plan:


Week 5 Memory Verse:

NOG Week 5 Memory Verse

Angela Perritt

Angela Perritt

Angela Perritt is the founder and director of LoveGodGreatly.com, a nonprofit online Bible study ministry reaching thousands of women in over two hundred countries around the world with God’s Word through their translated Bible studies. She and her husband live in Dallas, Texas with their three daughters. Angela is passionate about God’s Word and believes one woman in God’s Word can change a family, community and ultimately a nation. Her greatest joy is to encourage her children and others to love God greatly with their lives one day at a time. You can connect with her on Instagram.

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