Dear Paige, Addie & Brinnley,
Ahh how I love you each so dearly! You’re all fast asleep upstairs, tucked into bed, and I’m down here on the computer begging God to speak through me because I don’t feel I have any words left to give, to say tonight for this post…
It’s been a long day….I’m tired.
Not from you, no. I’m tired from this world. I’m tired from all the craziness of our world….the news, the heartache, the world’s brokenness …my own brokenness.
I feel weary tonight.
And it’s always in the weariness that fear seems to creep in.
I don’t really fear for me, I fear more for you.
And I know I shouldn’t, I KNOW in my mind I shouldn’t…but mamas tend to struggle with this when they think about their children and what the world will be like for them as they grow up.
And that’s why I pray for God’s protection over you EVERY night as we do our nightly prayers and backrubs…
I don’t know if you’ll ever remember the prayers I pray over you…and that’s okay, it doesn’t really matter. I know God hears them.
Nightly, I pray for your hearts to always be soft toward Him.
I pray for those sweet feet of yours to be firmly grounded in His Word.
I pray for those beautiful eyes of yours to see like Jesus…people who are hurting and need a word of encouragement.
I pray for you to live lives to the fullest…knowing that our God is Immanuel….God with us.
I never want you to forget…God is always with you.
Tonight I read about Joseph in Matthew 1, and I found it interesting the angel of the Lord told Joseph not to fear taking Mary as his wife.
Of all the men on earth, Joseph was chosen to be the earthly father to Jesus and yet what was his reaction? Fear.
Ohhh girls, there are going to be times in your life when God will call you to an act of obedience – a step of faith – and your first reaction will be that of fear…just like Joseph.
Fear of the unknown.
Fear of what other people will think.
Fear of failure.
And in those moments, I want you to remember that we serve a God who promises He will never leave us or forsake us.
Our God’s name is Immanuel, and He is with us.
Be brave.
In those days when fear is pounding at your heart, cling to Immanuel, and pray as if He is right in front of you….because He is.
Yes, this world can be a very scary place. But it’s a world in need of Jesus.
And I wonder maybe, just maybe, all this brokenness and fear in our world is giving us opportunities to be brave together, to love deeper…and to live lives that demonstrate we are a people who know our God is with us.
Sweet girls, NEVER forget your lives are in His hands.
He is the Good Shepherd.
Our Price of Peace.
Our Everlasting Father
Our Mighty God.
Fear, you have no place here.
We will be brave in spite of you.
We will trust even when our feelings fail us.
God, we will take you at your name: Immanuel….you are with us.
Tonight my sweet girls, I’m taking my own advice…I’m going to guard my heart and turn my fears into prayers…knowing God is here with me.
I have set the Lord always before me,
Because he is at my right hand,
I will not be shaken.- Psalm 16:8
With All My Love,
Let’s Talk:
What fears are you struggling with today? Let’s lift each other up and fight them together through prayer!
Special Announcement:
Are you currently using the YouVersion plan? There was a mistake during the upload process and not all of the content was published. The content is all there now, but you will notice the dates are incorrect. TODAY’S READING NOW STARTS ON NOVEMBER 29. We are so sorry for the confusion, and we will do our best to ensure it does not happen in the future. Thank you for your patience!
Love God Greatly!
( My personal Names of God study journal)
Hey sweet friends!
Today I just wanted to show you a little something I have been doing for my girls during this study. At the end of each week, in my Names of God journal, I write a letter to my daughters using the My Response page. In the letter I share with them what I learned that week from spending time in God’s Word. I LOVE doing this because now I feel I’m creating a journal they will treasure when they are older…yet it’s very easy to incorporate into a habit I’m already doing.
Just wanted to share this idea in case you’d want to do something like this for your kids, grandkids or friends!
Week 5 Video:
(Click here if you can’t see the video)
Week 5 Challenge:
This week, intentionally combat your fears with God’s Word. Memorize Isaiah 41:10, and every time a fear creeps into your mind, turn your fear into a prayer.
Week 5 Reading Plan:
Week 5 Memory Verse:

I fear the future ESP in regard to finances. I feel like we struggle along trying to save back but the money is never growing as fast as the needs. We drive two very old cars and I fear there won’t be enough there to pay cash when we need newer ones. I fear there won’t be enough for college for our girls. I don’t want them to be limited by funds when deciding on a school but I don’t want them finishing with debt either. I fear we won’t have money for retirement. I feel like we try and try with very little progress. God has always provided for needs as they arise, guess I just fear these big needs because these are the ones everyone says to save hard and big and diligently for and so I feel like a failure when our progress is so slow. God you have been faithfully our jehovah jireh. Forgive me for doubting you. Help me to trust that you know our every need, big and small, and you’re big enough to take care of them all!
You have forgotten that Jesus says not to worry about tomorrow. Do the best you can and let God handle the rest. Society will make you worry because of what they think you need not what God knows you are in need of. Look to his word in Matthew 6:25-32. God Bless.
Thank you Lauren for sharing your words! I struggle with this same situation all the time. It causes me to fall emotionally. It causes trouble in my marriage. I have written down the last part of your words and I am going to carry them with me. Anytime this fear of “the future ” creeps in I am going to pull out my little piece of paper and pray! Thanks again!
Oh Lauren!
Thank you for sharing today! I know it can be hard to trust God with our finances…they are so black and white. Either you have the money or you don’t. I know for me personally, focusing on the Names of God has really helped me when I remember that God is my provider, my shepherd…my Everlasting Father. None of us know our future, but we do know who holds it….and I’d say we are in pretty good hands!
And just as an FYI, my parents had a hard time paying for my college and weren’t able to after my Freshman year…let’s just say knowing that it was my signature at the end of my college loans made me take school very seriously. My friends who didn’t have that same pressure may have enjoyed college a little more than me…but I made sure to not skip any classes and graduate on time. 🙂 I think it’s good when college students are expected to share some of the cost of their education. Try not to put so much pressure on yourself in this area! 🙂
My husband and I have been trying to start a family for over 11 years. My fear is that we will never have the opportunity to enjoy having children. I know God is for us and has amazing plans for us. And He has blessed us in so many other ways. But it can be so hard. It’s often tough at Christmas time as we watch our siblings enjoying their kids. We love our many nieces and nephews, but really hope to have our own kids some day. Through these years, God continues to be my hope and my strength. I cannot imagine my life without Him.
Dear Lisa
Your post touched my heart and I feel compelled to share this with you. God has taught me His word is a seed we plant in our heart . And like a seed we plant in a garden, it sprouts and grows and produces fruit. We don’t know how that little seed germinates. It is a miracle. So plant the seed in your heart. Search out verses about children and read them every day, several times, memorize them, ponder them, digest them, make them part of you! And eventually, as a seed in the soil , fruit will be produced! Believe it! God’s word is amazing! Many blessings on you and your husband. And congratulations on your future children! God wants the very best for you! You will be in my prayer!
Love Sue Menges
I have learned to put my trust in God it’s beautiful he hots it all amen
Sue, thank you so much for your kind and encouraging message. I will truly take your words to heart.
Ohh Sue! Thank you so much for sharing that today with us!!! What sweet wisdom and encouragement you shared with Lisa! Thank you!:)
Lisa, “Do not fear, for I (God) am always with you.” …I know your fear Lisa, I too went through the exact same thing. All my friends were pregnant and having babies but I suffered from ‘infertility’ due to a blocked ovary. We tried IVF four times… Two unsuccessful and two preganancies leading to miscarriage. BUT, my husband and I through Gods grace have three children. We adopted our first baby, 10 days old from a physician and God provided the way! Six years later I prayed for one more baby, not wanting our daughter to be an only child. We were doubly blessed with twin boys, right from the hospital, met the entire family, an open adoption. A very wise older woman who prayed with me stated…” God does not give you the desires of your heart for no reason, believe in him and he will bless you!” She also told me to search the scriptures in Psalms and Proverbs for Gods words to help me. I did, I prayed, I sobbed, I believed and He provided. Looking back now, his timing was Perfect! I promise you now Lisa that I will be praying for you! Love, Jean
Jean, thank you so much for your encouragement and for sharing your own story.
Ohhh Jean! Thank you so much for sharing your testimony and wisdom with us today! I LOVE how you shared “God does not give you the desires of your heart for no reason..” I have found that to be true in my life as well.
I am fearing for my oldest child. He is now a husband and daddy of 2. He is no longer faithful and filling himself and thus his family with things of the world. He lost His job a month ago and they will be moving states away to a place where they are familiar with and “friends” and partying we got them out of. No job or place to stay there. Just chasing a mist and running from problems here. They will be homeless in weeks. My grandbabies are 21 months and 6 months and oh, how fear grips me. I can’t sleep, I can’t function and I’m always in tears. Where will they be? Are they gonna be warm? And mostly, how will they ever know my Jesus?
They have been living close by me for almost 2 years. So
Much time has been lost. one of my own children is very ill. Just finished chemo. Time with my grandbabies has been robbed from me by constantly being in the hospital with my girl and now there is little time left. I’m broken. I know God. He has been my rock through my daughters illness. But this? This I am shaken in. My unfaithful son. What will God do for someone who rejects Him, despite my prayers?
Fear is my constant companion and I don’t know how to let Go. I want rest and peace.
Sorry to vent! Please join me in prayer for that rest and peace and God’s will be done in their life.
God has remaindered me lately that he doesn’t need us to do anything. He just needs us to be. So just be… Live your life and do what you are able in your world and HE WILL HANDLE the rest. I know this is hard but only he can turn your son back to him. And guess what, he knows how and he doesn’t need us. He will let you know when he needs you. My husband and I were into drugs. We lost everything when my husband went to jail. I was also 9 months pregnant with our 2nd child. We lost it all but in that 1 1/2 years time we found our way back to Jesus. So step out of his way and let him handle it. It maybe hard, like our walk but I would do it all over again. So pray and watch him work!!
Ohhh Cindy! Thank you for sharing your testimony with us! What an encouragement it is to hear how God worked in your life! Thank you so much for sharing it today with us! It truly touched my heart!
Ohhh sweet Kym…I can hear your heartbreak through your writing! I’m so sorry, friend you are going through so much right now! I know you feel helpless right now….but don’t! Don’t listen to those lies! You have God and you have prayer! Just like I shared in my challenge for this week, turn your worries, your fears into prayers sweet friend! Our God is mighty!!!! Pray over those sweet babies and your son and daughter-n-law.
I don’t always understand why God allows some things and not others….but I know I can trust Him. I know that He is good and I know that He dearly loves you and your family.
Stopping to pray over all of you tonight! Thank you so much for sharing, Kym!
My fear is that my husband lost his job. Finances are tight. We were overseas missionaries for 10 years and he found a job after much searching. Now it’s gone. I work part-time and homeschool our youngest son. I’m fearful we will lose our housing and our car. I feel we have nowhere to turn. I have cried out to God, but still feel helpless.
Father I bring Jennifer before your thrown. Lord You know the needs she has and Father they are daily needs. But You said in Your word that You would meet those needs. Lord I have been at this very place and on my face before You the answers came time and again. I thank you for this time I drew closer to You understanding what it truly meant to come to You like a little child. Lord help Jennifer to totally and completely rely on You knowing that You will make a way where there seems no way. And that You are with her even when things seem to not be working out You are working on her behalf. Thank you for the supernatural breakthrough she is going to have. In Jesus name. Amen. Sheila LGG Prayer Team
wow, this SO hit home this morning! just yesterday my sweet little innocent 5 year old was playing with the neighbor kids and i was so happy that she was being included and seemingly having fun. only an hour later another mom let me know that her daughter told her that some of the older girls were talking about kissing boys and other inappropriate things. i had the opportunity to ask my daughter about it and she said that she and this other little girl didn’t want to talk about that and just kept playing, which is great but my heart is still a wreck knowing that things like this are already starting to happen at this age (granted the other girls were a couple years older). i went to bed with a heavy heart and thinking of ways to protect my baby girl. obviously i cant keep her away from everything in this world, as much as i want, but i’m struggling with how to keep these situations at bay. this post seemed to speak straight to me and give me some more specific prayers to pray over her daily. thank you for this, the timing of this post could not be more perfect, thank you GOD!
I would like to pray for you. Lord I lift Kim to You and ask that You help her heart to not be afraid. Give her wisdom Lord when it comes to this crucial moments and help her to trust in You. Lord remind her today that You are with her and will never leave her. Help her to be brave in the face of the issues of this world and strengthen her heart to pray and rely on You when it comes to her daughter. I thank You that You Lord are with her sweet young daughter and all that she will face in this world. You will give her guidance and direction and help her to make good decisions. Help them booth to stay strong in You knowing that they do not need to fear because You walk with them. Sheila, LGG Encourager
thank you sheila! woke up and read your encouraging words this morning. prayer is SO powerful, i am moved to tears knowing that you have prayed for my daughter and i (and dont even know us). this was my first time sharing in the “comments” section and i was hesitant to do so. im so glad i did. thank you again for praying and for all that LGG is doing in my heart and life.
I fear the unknown, our future , my kids future in this world. I struggle with this so much it brings me to tears. I know my faith muscles need strengthening yet i allow the fear to overtake me at times. Thank you for your word today. It’s what I needed to hear.
Lord this morning minister to Rebecca’s heart and build her faith through Your word so that she is fully convinced of Your ability to provide for her. You ordered her steps Lord and I thank you that You are leading her and guiding her. Reassure her heart through Your word today that even in these days that lay ahead You have a plan and a purpose for her and her family Lord and You will protect and provide for them all. Amen! Sheila, LGG Prayer Team
We have lost all our Christmas savings and therefore have no money for gifts for our kids this year. I fear that we won’t be able to give them a good Christmas this year. I know it’s not about the gifts and so do my kids but it just feels bad. Could you pray for us to still show our kids a great Christmas and that I let go of the fear that we won’t, thanks and God bless you all!
Lord You are the greatest gift giver of all. You gave Jaime and her family the birth of Your son as a gift that is immeasurable. Oh Lord this overwhelms my heart this morning. Father speak to the hearts of Your children and work through us all to be a channel blessing to this family. Father I know Your Holy Spirit can speak to us so minister to hearts and put this family in the thoughts and prayers of Your children. Father I thank You for the miracle they will have this Christmas. I pray You give Jaime creative and witty ideas to still have the most amazing Christmas this year. Lord I pray that above what the situation looks like that this be the best Christmas they every had. You are their provider Lord so bring the provision necessary for Jaime to give good gifts to her family. That is the desire of her heart and how much more do You want to give good gifts to them. Lord let Your love abound from this families home, let laughter and joy ring in the ears of all who pass by and bring great peace over them. Father I thank you for this family and pray Your many blessings over them right now. In Jesus name. Amen ~Sheila LGG Prayer Team
Thank you so much for your prayer! God bless you!
Just to let you know, God did provide a miracle for us and the Monday before Christmas we received a check from my husband’s work that was a little more than expected and therefore we got gifts for our kids! We also received some Christmas cards just when we needed them with gift cards and that enabled us to get Christmas dinner! God is great! Thanks so much for your prayers and encouragement!
I fear for my daughter, who is a single mom living in Colorado, for her finances. Everything is on her: rent, utilities, daycare, insurances, food, clothes, gas etc. She needs a raise in pay or a different job that pays more. I fear for her provision, protection and future. I fear my granddaughter will grow up without a father figure. Right now there is a court order that her real dad cannot see her unless with a court-appointment person. She is going to court December 11th for this very thing. I fear for her and my granddaughter’s safety. My hearts desire is for them to come back closer to us and family members. I fear that her car won’t last much longer and how is she going to afford one. I fear she won’t be able to keep up with daycare payments. My fears today overwhelm me concerning my daughter and granddaughter. I’m memorizing this verse and praying it today over all my fears. Thank you Angela for your blog today.
Lord You know Sharon’s heart and hear her deep concern for her daughter and granddaughter. Today Lord bring reassurance to her that You are with her and You will never leave any of them. Father You see her daughters need and I ask that You show up strong in her life. We command Your angels to go forth now and bring in the finances that she needs to take care of her responsibilities and to meet the needs of her daughter daily. You are their Provider! Help them to see You that way and give them rest knowing that You stand with them. Lord although Sharon’s granddaughter does not have a strong father in her life You can be that Father to her. Lead this young girl on a path that will bring her heart closer to Yours so You can protect her, teach her, lead her and be that Good Father example she need. Lord I speak over Sharon’s granddaughter and I prophesy now that she shall grow up strong in the Lord, she shall know Your love for her and her heart shall be completely sold out to You. Nothing Lord shall take Your place in her life and she will grow up and become a powerful daughter in Your Kingdom doing great works because she knows who she is in You. Thank you for Sharon’s love and concern for her daughter and granddaughter but help her to trust in You and not be afraid for You have a great plan for these two and their steps are ordered and You are leading them. ~Sheila, LGG Prayer Team
Ohhh Sharon! I’m stopping to pray over you tonight! You are not alone in this, sweet friend!
Loving this study! Thank you so much. I do use YouVersion and now I’m confused. Help!
Hi Karen,
At this point the only thing you can do is find today’s reading and go forward from there. Unfortunately, we don’t have a better fix for this study. We are already working to ensure this doesn’t happen again! I am so glad you are enjoying the study!
Sarah, LGG team member
I fear that I am not the mother that I always thought I would be. I love children and adore being with them. I have a precious 5 year old and now a sweet 6 month old. This last pregnancy I prayed and sought God daily because of all the medical challenges with it. She was a miracle baby and born 6 weeks early and healthy as can be. I on the other hand have continued to struggle with health and getting life back with new normals as my oldest started kindergarten this year as well. My health is finally getting better with more sleep lately. My husband is wonderful but I struggle too often with him. I beg for time away to allow myself emotional healing to deal with all the trauma of the pregnancy and birth. I beg for time to just be me, and I feel guilty for asking of this. This past weekend he still chose to go hunting away from home that he added onto a travel week. He travels about every 2 weeks and I honestly have never been fond of his traveling and especially now with 2 kids. But I gear up for it mentally and physically for each and every trip and I survive. I was angry at him that I had to survive another week. God is with me and He helped me through this past week after crying out to Him so many times. But I hate that I had anger towards my husband when he returned yesterday. I could barely look at him and in honesty I see now today after tears and prayers last night that I was just hurt. I am deeply hurt that he does not see my struggles and only sees that I am surviving and is carrying on with his life. He always says I don’t ask. But I do, I beg I plead for help and the weekend before I lost it started crying and said I couldn’t take it handed the baby to him and jumped in the shower and left. I got groceries that night after crying for an hour because I had no where to go and I didn’t want to have to leave to get release of responsibilities. I fear for my heart that longs to be a loving caring mother fear that it is getting swallowed up in all the surviving and stress. My sweet 5 year old told me the other night as I laid her to bed that she thought Christmas was supposed to be about loving and caring for one another, and as she stroked my hair she told me that I was not being loving and caring. I am a leader in many ways and I have no one to share my family life with. Many women seem to pull back when you start to talk about your husband and relationships at home. So I take it all to God. But I feel I need to reach out and ask others for prayer. I just ask for prayer because I know that God does not want me just surviving but thriving and it starts in my heart. Pray I see that He is in Control and would not allow me to go through this if not for His Purposes. Because He is with me and and I seek Him first I shall not fear. Thank You ladies.
Hey Nikki, I’m so sorry you’re feeling overwhelmed. I too have 2 kids- one 3 and one 8 months. It is sooo hard girlfriend!! Some days all I can do is literally survive. Has everyone eaten? Great. Does everyone have clothes on? Cool. Have we avoided life-threatening injuries? Awesome! Sometimes I think our expectations of ourselves cause us much more grief than is necessary. And let me just say there is absolutely nothing wrong with taking a little break!! Make sure you talk to your husband very directly- I find when there are any distractions (and aren’t there a ton!), they can’t process & listen as well. Ask him for an afternoon out. Plan a day and time, and then remind him a lot. 🙂 Don’t feel bad about yourself- you are doing the best you can and that’s all that can be asked of you. And know that so many of us moms are just surviving- that’s all that we can do! You’re not alone! I’m surprised I have time to sit down and write this. Actually- my 8 month old is crying in his crib because he just woke up. Quiet time is over! Hey, I can tell you’re a great mom because you care. Keep it up. Keep caring. Keep doing your best. Keep praying. Keep trying. But know that you’re never going to be the perfect mom, or have the perfect house, or be the perfect wife. Let go and give yourself a little grace. You’re doing awesome. 🙂 xo
Ohhh Sara!!!! What an amazing encourager you are!!!! Being a mama to little ones is tiring and exhausting…and all moms need a break from time to time!
Ohhh Nikki!
My first two girls are 16 months apart and I always joke that I don’t remember to much from their first two years because I was just surviving. My husband worked a lot too so it is really lonely and tiring when you feel like you have no time to rest. Like Sara shared, give yourself some grace. Is there a friend who could give you a few hours a week and watch your kiddos and maybe you could do the same for her? Do you have anyone in your life, from your church or a family member who could offer to help you since your husband is traveling so much? My heart goes out to you, sweet friend! I would also talk to your husband and just share from your heart how you are feeling. Try to talk to him without putting him on guard…and thus shutting him down. I KNOW this can be so hard…and I’m not saying for a second that I’m perfect in doing this…..I’m just talking from experience. 🙂 Pray and ask God to guide your words before you speak to your husband about this and then make sure to continue to pray over him after your talk. I know from my own experience, my husband is not a mind reader so I have to be very specific at times when sharing how I’ve been hurt. I don’t know if this helps any but please know that you are not alone, keep praying, reading God’s Word and clinging to Jesus! Taking time to pray over you tonight!!!
Let me share a tiny bit of my story with you all today. I was a slave to fear and depression until Jesus set me free 16 years ago when he gathered me in his arms and whispered to me, “Everything is going to be ok.” At that moment, I came into the kingdom and my life was changed forever. For so much of my life I have felt afraid, alone, but from the moment He revealed himself this began to change. Knowing God is always with us has built my sense of wholeness and peace in him. His perfect love and presence make me strong, remind I am never alone and that I have been set free from fear. Of course this doesn’t mean there haven’t been bumps and hardships there are lots: finances are a struggle, we moved to a different continent, I have children with some special needs which is exhausting sometimes – this year has been particularly tough and I almost felt I couldn’t take one more thing. I kept praying for God to give me a break and then this study came along and God reminded me he is always with me and I am so grateful that I don’t have to face it alone. Thanks to Jesus, he is Emmanuel…..
Thank you for sharing your story with us. I know that it will encourage so many. Isn’t it amazing how God speaks to us at just the right time and lets us know that “He’s got us” even in the midst of very challenging circumstances? He is so good to us! Praying for you today.
Lyli, LGG Encourager
Amen! God is awesome!!
I can’t believe this. I’m so anxious I’m crying. I feel tense about taking showers. Because at least two times when I’ve taken them I have had disturbing flashbacky thoughts. Felt like it was happening for real. I have to shave today and I really don’t want to because of a flashbacking episode I had the last time I shaved. I totaled panicked and ran out of the bathroom nearly naked. Just had a towel around me.
And hate the dark too. Have to have my phone on (shuts off after 2 minutes ) until I settle in my bed and close my eyes and no longer see the scary shadows in my room.
I’m 33. Writing this. I’m probably sound like a little kid. Flashbacks nightmares when I sleep. Anxiety. Sorrow. Emotionally detached from loved ones.
people of God outside Nigeria please be careful.
our attention has been drawn to some
certain individuals or Group of persons
who are running Fake watsapp account (s) Fake e-mail (s) and Fake….
Facebook accounts”
They pretends to be
These are Fraudsters they are only after
your MONEY. SCOAN DOESN’T USE WATSAPP OR EMAILS please be careful .!!!
If you are outside Nigeria ,and you do not
have the time or money to Come to
Nigerian yourself,
look for some one you trust who can get
The morning water, anointed stickers,
Video cassettes, mirror book ,testimony
book , ..from
Senior prophet TB Joshua ….
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