Ohhh friends,
I’m so glad you’re joining us for our summer online Bible study: David. I’ve been praying for you ever since we first started working on the David study and I couldn’t be more excited to finally begin it with YOU!
For those of you who are new to Love God Greatly, make sure you subscribe to our blog so you won’t miss one of our Monday, Wednesday, and Friday blog posts. If you haven’t done so yet, we encourage you to purchase or download our David study journal! Our journal is a GREAT resource to help you dig deeper into God’s Word, as well as stay consistent and organized. We use a very simple, yet effective, way to dig into God’s Word. It’s called the SOAP method and you can read more about it here.
Each session we love hearing about women who have reached out to a group of friends to study with! If you don’t have a group to join, then feel free to use Facebook, Instagram, or our blog posts as your means to “check in” and share with other women what you are learning. Both on Facebook and Instagram we have a daily morning image where you are invited to share your insight and application. You never know who you might encourage as you share what you are learning!
TODAY begins Week 1 of our David study. Let’s do this… together!
David knew a thing or two about being passed over.
From our reading today in 1 Samuel 16:1-12, we see that David’s own father must not have thought much of him because he didn’t even include David in the lineup of his sons when he presented them to the prophet Samuel. How would you feel if someone super important came to your home and your dad didn’t even invite you to join the rest of the family for the gathering?
Yes, David knew the sting of being passed over.
Passed over because he lacked the qualifications – or so his father thought – since he wasn’t the first born but rather the last.
Passed over because he didn’t quite look the part. There were others who looked much more suited for the job. Even the prophet Samuel was misled based on the appearances of all the sons and assumed God’s chosen one would look a certain way.
That day God taught Jesse and Samuel, as well as us, a very important lesson. We read it in 1 Samuel 16: 7.
“But the Lord said to Samuel, ‘Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart. “
Would you write this on a piece of paper and tape it to your mirror to read each morning?
“Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”
From the world’s perspective, hanging out in the pasture tending to stinky sheep is the last place one would want to work. Ahhh… but that pasture and those sheep. They held a divine purpose. God was using the obscure, the lowest of the low, the unnoticed, and the disregarded to form and mold His future king.
David learned invaluable skills out there looking after those helpless sheep.
“… from tending the sheep he brought him to be the shepherd of his people Jacob, of Israel in inheritance. And David shepherded them with integrity of heart; with skillful hands he led them.” – Psalm 78:71-72
God had a greater and more loving purpose for David out in that pasture. He was grooming his future king – one who would know how to be a mighty warrior and a protector of small, innocent sheep from those who sought to devour them. God also developed in David a tender heart.
From our verses today I see two lessons God is lovingly teaching us:
1. We are not to seek the approval of man but rather God. Just because others in authority or even our own family don’t see us as worthy or valuable… God does. He knows our hearts, He sees what’s really important, and that’s all that matters.
2. Don’t despise humble beginnings. Many of God’s greatest testimonies come from people who came from such backgrounds.
Sweet friend, you – like me – may not always be someone’s first choice, but be encouraged today. It really doesn’t matter the value others place on us. Jesus thought we were worth dying for, and so He lovingly went to the cross in our place.
You are wanted.
You are valued.
You are loved.
Embrace the pasture God has you in right now. Learn as much as you can right where He has you. You never know how God will use the skills you are learning for amazing eternal purposes!!
Let’s Talk: Share with us today in the comments where you’re visiting us from and one thing you love about our new app!!!
Love God Greatly!
Missed a blog post? Find them all here:
David Intro: His Story Is Our Story
Now Available: David Journal & KIDS Journal
Coming Soon…Our VERY Own App!
*NEW* Facilitator Enrollment & David Materials Downloads!
Join A LGG Group For Our David Study
David Preparation Checklist
Week 1: Video
(Can’t see the video? Click here)
Week 1: Challenge
Write 1 Samuel 16:7 on a index card today and tape it on your mirror in the bathroom, near your sink in the kitchen, in your car or at your office….anywhere where you’ll see it and be reminded of TRUTH! God’s ways are not our ways…He sees the real us…He knows our hearts.
“Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”- 1 Samuel 16:7
Take a picture of your index card and share it with us this week on Facebook or Instagram! Make sure to use the #LoveGodGreatly hashtag so we can see YOU!
Week 1: Memory Verse
Week 1: Reading Plan
Say Hello to the Love God Greatly App… NOW available!!
You read that right! We’ve been working hard behind the scenes and TODAY is the day we’re saying hello to the sweetest little package to hit the app store this summer!
So many amazing people have made this beautiful platform for us to share with women around the world, but in order for this dream to come true, we need YOU – women who long to know God through His Word, because we know that Truth transforms us and sets us free! Women who are better together, saturated in God’s Word and in community with one another! Join us with downloading the #LGG App and sharing it with your family and friends!

I am joining from a small town in Eastern Indiana. I also facilitate a LGG Facebook group.
I am loving the App. It is beautiful and easy to navigate. I feel like everything is right at my fingertips. Well done!!!
Welcome from Indiana!
~Terria (LGG Encourager)
I am joining you from Eagan MN. I love how I am reminded that God chose me because of my heart! Amen
Hi, my name is Aned and I’m joining from a region called Sunshine Coast in Queensland, Australia.
Love the app because devotionals are so at hand and everything seems so easy to find.
This study promises to be a blessing in this moment in my life. Want to be content in these pastures God has placed me. Thank you Love God Greatly.
Good morning, I from the Seychelles and I started following LGG earlier this month. I have a couple of the studies so far and to day I started the David study. It been very enlightening.
I just downloaded the app and it’s the best. Thank you. Thumbs up for all who worked on making it happen.
Thank you Lord for blessing us.
Have a nice day all.
Hey Angela from Seychelles, WELCOME!
~Sheila, LGG Encourager
How fantastic … It’s so great to meet you and so glad you found your way to LLG!!! Hope you have a great study with us!!!!
I’m joining from Commerce,Texas. I love how the app has an audible bible.
Welcome from Texas!
~Terria (LGG Encourager)
Hi Janice from Fort Myers. The new app is great. Tried 5 times to rate it and each time my name was taken. Lol. Even my full name. It is 5 stars!!
Hey Fort Myers!! Welcome Janice!
~Sheila LGG Encourager
Hi Janice – I’m joining in from N. Ft. Myers! 😀
Hi Janice – I’m joining in from NFM! 😀
My name is Velia. I am join you from George South Africa. Love this app. Now if have Love God Greatly at my finger tips and the Word of God.
Hi my name is Penny I’m joining you from sunny Cape Town South Africa ! Thank you for the new app love the fact I can play it again in my car after my quite time .May God’s favour and anointing be upon this ministry always.
Hi my name is Penny I’m from sunny Cape Town South Africa .
I love the new app – great that I can listen to the readings in my car great for after your quite time to reflect again !
May God ‘s favour and anointing be on this ministry always
hello everyone. I am Ebos from Nigeria. the app is awesome. God bless us.
I am so glad to have this app. I love the blog and will share with friends! Great job!
I am joining you from Maryland. I love the app. I can’t believe you can cast it on the TV. I love that everything is right there. I was able to count and see this is my 10th study with LGG. Thank you for allowing me to grow in Christ with both the beautiful souls of LGG and the amazing women of my LGG facebook group. To God be the glory.
Hi I am also in Maryland, where bouts are you? This is my second study, love love love it.
I am from Lago Vista, Texas. Loved the app! Downloaded first thing when I got up! I was able to listen to the verses for the day and the video while getting ready for work. It’s my quiet time before my family gets up! Having it mobile makes it easier to listen to in the morning! I am excited and thankful to all those who have put these studies together. They have and continue to bless me and the ladies in my group!
I love this! This is going to be a great study!
Good morning! My name is Jackie and I’m joining you from Orrville, Ohio. Am looking forward to digging into David this summer. Hope to install the app tonight!
Columbia City, Indiana – downloaded the app – so far so good. I will be trying it out more later today.
I’m Kathleen and I am joining you from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.
I am Bethany from Meridan, Idaho and I am joining for the first time. Can’t wait to see what is in store for my soul during this lesson.
Just downloaded the app this morning and its looking awesome! Watched the video through it and I think it is a wonderful tool! Thank you from Long Island!
Stephanie from Lubbock,TX. I love the app and how it puts the study just a click away. I also love that I can listen any time during the day. I’m rally excited for this study. Thank you!
Hi! I’m Sheri from mid Michigan! Love the phrase about embracing the pasture you are in! This post was of great encouragement! Love the app so far!
I am Peggy from Ohio. Love the listening aspect of the app. My daughter can use on her way to work. Love the topic too.
Thank you, LGG group for this great app. It’s wonderful. David is one of my favorite Bible kings. He has so much to teach us through his life. Robbi from Michigan
I’m Lauren from Indianapolis , IN. Looking forward to this study. I need to explore the app!,,! Excited to grow in the Word, your studies are fabulous and have also been an awesome way for me to stay connected with friends out of town! God bless!
Good morning to you and Happy Monday from the western mountains of Maine . I’m so excited about this study. I believe this is my 6th study with LGG. As I began reading about David being NOT the first choice I immediately felt pricks and chills all over me. I’m 63–I’ve lived through many of times etc of not being first choice and quite often being last or forgotten. Along my life’s journey I could make quite a list , but we are not suppose to look back but forward. GOD saves HIs best for last . Eight years ago I said good bye to my mom as she left me on Father’s Day to join my Daddy in Heaven at the age of 96. Two months later , God out did Himself with the most amazing surprise for me . He intorduced me to the love ofmy life online. In December I became not the first wife not the 2nd, wife but the best and last wife of my Joe ! So looking forward to experiencing and discovering what GOD has instore for me through this study. Oh I do not APP !
Connie I live in Anderson Indiana for now looking forward to this study on David and I love the new app its great.
Hi! My name is Nikki and I am joining from Opelika, Alabama. I started with LGG 5 years ago with the Proverbs 31 study. Thank you for such God inspired bible studies.
Hi. I’m DeeDee from Prescott, Arizona. I’m looking forward to this study on David and send a huge thank you to all that have been involved in putting the study and the LGG app together. May God bless you abundantly and always for devoting so much of your time to sharing His word and helping ours to grow in knowledge of God and His grace.❤️
Hi my name is Abigail Fedee from Saint Lucia , Caribbean. I received an email this morning and I it blessed my heart. Therefore I decided to join the david bible study and download the LGG app. The app is very nice thank you for sharing.
Hi, I’m Mondee and I’m from small town Eldorado Texas! It’s only day one but I’m already loving this study and the way it’s set up. So far the app is a great place to go to see the video and blog, especially for those that don’t get the email! Thank you all for working so hard to make growing our relationship with our Lord easier!
Good morning! I’m from Bonaire, GA. This is my first LGG Bible study and I’m so excited about it. I’m looking forward to connecting with other ladies who are also growing in their faith!
Hello, I’m Carol from Chandler, AZ. I love LLG been with you for years. Love your App!! Looking forward to this BIble Study. God bless you abundantly in all of your giving.
Hi! I’m from Bishop, Ca in the eastern sierras! The App is great! This is probably my 5th year doing these studies and each one has developed my walk with God. Thanks for all you do! Praying for all the participants and leaders as we start this new study!
I am from Central New York and I love that I can easily take Love God Greatly with me wherever I go now 😉
Hi, I’m Phyllis, from a very small town, Stonewall, Mississippi. Thank you so much for this Bible study on King David. I am very excited to be a part of it! Blessings!!!
Welcome from Mississippi!
~Terria (LGG Encourager)
This is my very first time in an online study and I am ready to dig in deep and see what is in store for my heart. I am from Boise City, Oklahoma and my name is Joscette,please feel free to give out all insight because I love reading how God may reach out to you!! Have an awesome journey with Christ in the weeks to come!!!
Welcome, Joscette! These studies have been life changing for me, and I pray that you will be encouraged by your time in the Word as we study lessons from David’s life together. It’s going to be a great study!
LGG Encourager
Oh my goodness LGG! You outdid yourselves again! I LOVE the new LGG app!!! I’ve been a LGG user for years now, and I love this ministry! I so appreciate all that you do! I love how everything we need is in the app! Even the Bible in the app! That’s awesome!!! I am so excited for what God is going to do in this study this summer!
Trina in Wylie, TX
Trina from Texas, Welcome to LGG!!! I love your excitement! We are so in LOVE with this app and being able to provide you all with yet another resource to get into Gods word. Thanks for hanging with us. ~Sheila, LGG Encourager
Hi! I’m Megan, joining in from Fort Myers, FL. This app is fantastic!!! It will so be helpful. I have been doing these studies for a couple years and love them! My daughter and I do them together, so glad y’all added the kids journal. Thank you for allowing God to use you!
Oh Megan we so love hearing when generations are coming together over Gods word. <3 Thank you for sharing and coming back each study. ~Sheila, LGG Encourager
Hi Megan! I’m joining in from NFM! There are 3 of us from the area so far. 🙂
Hello LGG ladies! I just want to say Thank you for your obedience to the Lord and your passion for tgis group. These studies have helped me grow in Gods word and my relationship with him tremendously! I am so excited and loving the new app. God Bless you all! Writing from Modesto California 🙂
Shawna Medina
Hi, I’m Linda Jane & I live in a rural area in Western Indiana. I have really been enjoying these Bible studies & I’m excited for this David study. I actually didn’t download the app because we don’t have a smart phone, just a regular cell. I do all my Bible study stuff the “old fashioned way”…online on a desktop computer! LOL Actually I do it the really old fashioned way…my Bible & a notebook. 🙂 I’ll be checking in here on blog days. Thank you so much for these wonderful Bible studies! 🙂
Linda Jane, may yourold-fashioned time in the Word be sweet! We are so glad you are joining us for the David Study.
LGG Encourager
I am joining you today from Crescent City, CA. I am a full time RVer, my location is subject to change.
I love the ap. It’s visually pleasing….AND it keeps all the moving parts of participating in one spot. No more You version for plan, laptop for blog post to share with my group etc. Great job.
Hello!! I’m Launda from Mt. Vernon, TX! Love the new app! This is my first study with the group and I couldn’t be more excited about starting my summer off with the study of David and all of you!
I’m joining from Minnesota . Today’s lesson already touched my heart and hit my right where I’m at. So excited to dig in deeper
I am here in beautiful Maine “The way life should be.” I feel closer to God here, actually than in the other states in which I have lived. My life is better each and every day and my faith grows constantly. I have learned so much from the Love God Greatly gals. Thank you so much. I’m doing the Daniel Study now.
Where in Maine? I grew up in Lincoln. I haven’t been back in almost 15 years 🙁
Thank you for including audio files in the app! It will enhance the participation of those with visual impairment.
Nonetheless, the graphics and set up of the app are visually pleasing. Good work. May God use it for his divine purposes!
And thank you for telling me about it and encouraging me! Yes, it’s so helpful!!! May you have a blessed experience with your children and this study!!!
Thank you for sharing the app and other information with me!!! The audio is so helpful! May you and your children have a blessed experience with the study of David!!!
Hi, I’m Janet from Gilbert, Arizona! Looking for insight into Gods word!
Simply amazing app!! Hello from Virginia!! Everything we want and need can now go with us everywhere!! God is so great!!
Good Morning from Eugene Or. ( I’m visiting here on Vacation. I’m from Lemoore, Ca).
I’m loving the app. I like being able to do the workbook and the app at the same time. I just wish the memory verse and the reading plan pictures were bigger or I could make them bigger. I’m sure on my iPad it will be a bit different.
I am Harriet and im joining from Nigeria… im so happy to be here… and part of a love God greatly bible study on fb… and tomorrow is my birthday.. please remember me in your prayers everyone…thank you…
I live in tech savvy Japan with very few Christians. This kind of APP is great as it is available world wide. I am praying for the day when we can have this kind of APP available in Japanese too. I am exceedingly thankful for the translated journals. LGG is doing great work to extend the chance to study to know God better to many people in many languages.
Hey there! Im Netty in Cali ?
I’m really looking forward to using the APP, and especially the thankful for the Audio that I play with my 3 girls in the car!
I’ve been studying with LGG for about 5 years now and am amazed by all that the Lord has done through these ladies in such a short time!!!
Thank you for your courage and obedience to the Lord LGG!
The app makes doing these studies so much easier! Thank you for all the work that goes into it – you’re so much appreciated! 😊
When I read Psalm 78:70-72 I was reminded of Luke 16:10 — “He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much.”
God sees how we do everything. I am convicted this day to be more concerned with being faithful in “that which is least” – because it’s really what leads me to do better “in much”. ❤️
I am joining from Saginaw, MI. I haven’t used the app yet because I have yet to download it, but I will do that so that way I can give a better review.
Hi there! I’m Rae Ann from Iowa. I love all the different aspects of the LGG app. Thank You for this new tool. The one thing I have always treasured about the LGG studies, is how God, the Holy Spirit speaks directly to my own spiritual needs every time. His word for each of us is unique to each of our lives. Again love the app!
I am Desiree from Iowa. I love this app so far. It is easy to navigate and get down to the nitty gritty.
I’m joining you from Florida United States and I’m wicked excited that you created an app. It makes it a lot easier when I’m still 1/2 asleep looking through emails now I can just do a couple clicks hahaha. I wake up at 4 am that is the most peaceful time before my little people wake up. Thank you again ❤️❤️?
Hi everyone , Carmen from Florida. LoveGodgreatly has helped me to see many things in a different perspective . Thank God for each and everyone who takes the time out to teach us of Gods word.
Good evening, my name is Joan and I’m from North Carolina. I ❤️ the ease of the app, Finally! I’ve been with you for several years and the app,is great.
Hello! I’m following along from Maricopa, AZ! I absolutely love the app! So convenient and easy to navigate! It really makes following the blog posts very easy! I also love how all the past studies are here in one easy place. Excited to see the reading plan tab updated…
Oh, the app and the audio Scripture as well as the audio Blog post is wonderful! I am suffering with a vision problem and this helps soooooo much!!! Thank you!
Hi all! I’m from a very small town in Southeast Oklahoma! I love how the blog entries are on the app, all in one place, where Ivan quickly access them! I’ve been on a family trip to our state aquarium, so I plan on diving into the reading when we get home this evening!
*i can
Hi! I am Susan and I am from Pocatello, ID. I am loving the app so very much!! This study is going to be so much fun and such a great learning experience. Thank you to all the ladies who have worked so hard on everything for this study. God bless all of you!
God bless everyone, my name is Jacqueline. I am from Spartanburg,SC. I downloaded the app and I love it because it’s convenient and easy to navigate.
Hi, my name is Heidi .. Listening from Alma, Ga. What a Word straight from God in His perfect timing!!!??
Pat from the beautiful lowcountry of South Carolina greets all the lovely ladies (and you all are lovely) involved in these wonderful studies from the Word of Life! We have 30 ladies across the US and one in Okinawa who are joining together to share Christ’s purpose and will for our lives! Excited to be part of this great ministry!
HI This is [email protected] joining you Ladies from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada! So excited to drive deep into God’s Word and listen to what He has to teach us!
Hello, I am Sherry from Commerce, Texas. I have just retired from a very wonderful 39 year teaching career. I am looking forward to growing closer to God through the study of His word. And I am looking forward to this journey with all of you.
God Bless us all.
Joining from Seattle, WA. Love the new app!
Joining from Seattle, WA and I love the new app!
Checking in from Virginia! This is my first LGG Bible Study and I am so excited to dive in 🙂 The LGG App flows so nicely and is beautifully composed! God bless ❤️
Loving the new app. A great way to study and share!! I have done 4 previous studies and am finding this app wonderful. I live in Prospect, CT.
Joining from Marysville, CA. Love that LGG is worldwide and the ease the app will give to people from east to west! Thank you for your ministry, this will be the fourth study of yours I have enjoyed!
Blessings to all! Debbie here from Galt, California. Love handy LLG app!
Hello!!! I am from Sydney- Australia!!! Loving The App! So easy, so colourful, so good!!!!
Been with LGG for many studies and every time it gets better!!! Thanks to all the amazing women that serve wholehearted in this ministry!!! Love you all!!!
Hello! I am Mary and I’m working through your study here in Scotland (UK). Love your studies – really looking forward to this one too. Oh and love love love the new app! Brilliant!
I am having a really hard time seeing the scripture references for the SOAPs. I tried on three pairs of glasses. Is there another place I can access the week’s references?
Thank you for the amazing app joining in from Wellington New Zealand. Really looking forward to David.
Good morning! I am joining in from Tampa, Florida. I am very excited to have the opportunity to be a part of LGG and the David bible study. This is my first group study. Blessings to all?
Hi, I am from Lafayette, CA. I like this new app. Very well done. I really am impressed by the worldwide reach of LGG. Blessings, Janine
Now that LGG has an app, will you no longer have YouVersion available? Your app is wonderful but it take a while to open it (3 min or more) and with YouVersion I don’t wait that long.
I’m joining from Hudsonville,Mi. I just downloaded the app.
Hello, I’m joining from Northern Virginia. I just downloaded the app and love it! I’m going through the Study Journal and was wondering how everyone was using the ‘My Response’ page?
I’m from Granite Bay, CA and I love the beauty and organization of the new app!!
Joining in from Anchorage Alaska! Looking forward to connecting with everyone and gaining a closer deeper relationship with God. Thank you!
Joining from Anchorage Alaska. Looking for to this bible study and connecting with everyone. Thank you!
I’m having trouble finding the reading plan. Could you tell me how to find the reading plan? All I can find on the YouVersion app is the daily SOAP verses. I’d like to know the whole verses, please.
Just above the comments here in an aqua colored box, you’ll find week 1’s reading plan. I think it is what you are looking for…?
Hi I’m Peachy from the Philippines. Week 1 study of David was an eye opener for me. Judt wanting to work on the background and support others and doing the best i can to serve God.
Hi all my name is Clair I live in Maidenhead UK. Me and my best friend have done studys with you all before normally after the study has finished so this is our first study in real time and we are loving it. X
Hi to All, from Vacaville California. I’m calling it Blessingsville bcs this is one pasture I never wanted to be in. May our Heavenly Father and HIS Precious Son bless each of you Abundantly! I love seeing all the different places each of you are from. I hope to get to know you better.
Joining from Hendersonville NC. I can’t wait to start my journey. Looking forward to making positive God lead changes in my life.
Hi my name is Pam from Ahoskie NC. This is my first online study. Enjoying so far. Everyone be blessed.
Hello everyone! My name is Riley Batts and I’m from Tampa, Florida. This is my first time with you all, and I’m really enjoying it so far!
Wow, I’m amazed at all the places people are from and honored to study the Bible with you 🙂
I’m from SD and enjoy these studies…although a little behind on this one!
Hello! My children and I are joining from Arizona. A little late but will try and catch up. 😀
Hi my name is Tay. I am from AZ. My neighbor told me about this online study and i am excited to get plugged into it and learn more about Gods infinte love and grow closer intimately with God each day as i read these lessons. Thank you Carolina!! ?
How would I view week 1 day 2?
I’m wondering this also. Did figure it out?