God’s name is Jehovah-Jireh…which means “The Lord will provide”
I have to be honest with you and say there are some stories in the Bible I’m a little uneasy with…today’s story is unfortunately one of them.
You see, I struggle with the idea of Abraham willingly sacrificing Isaac…the thought makes my stomach turn and my mind spin.
It’s unnatural.
It’s cruel.
And my eyes, suddenly feeling very uncomfortable, scan to the other page of the Bible….looking for a happier section to read.
Because let’s face it, no one likes to read or talk about sacrifices.
And even though it is central to the gospel message, we don’t really like to talk about sacrifice… much less make it personal.
Yet personal is right where God goes.
Abraham treasured Isaac.
Then God said, “Take your son, your only son, Isaac, WHOM YOU LOVE, and go to the region of Moriah.” – Gen 22:2
Seriously, could God have gotten any more specific?
Your son…
Your only son…
His name is Isaac, just in case you’re confused.
You know, the son you love….yeah that’s the one.
God called Abraham to sacrifice his Isaac…and He calls us to do the same.
Whatever the “Isaac” is in our lives, nothing or no one should ever take the place that is only reserved for God in our hearts.
Because God knows that humans or “earthly things” are poor substitute gods.
Only God can fulfill our needs.
But in order for us to know this truth, we must be willing to walk up the mountain of obedience…our own “Moriah” willing to “sacrifice” in our hearts what we love more than God.
Because we have all fallen for the lie that we know what’s better for us than God does.
We struggle in our walk of obedience because at the heart of the matter, we don’t trust God can provide.
So many times we think we know what’s best for us. We fail to walk in obedience to what God calls us to do because we don’t trust Him to be faithful and trustworthy.
We fear He won’t provide.
We fear He won’t come through for us.
We fear our obedience will cost us too much because there is some sort of sacrifice involved.
We settle for the guy in front of us because we don’t trust that God can provide anyone better.
We settle for the easy so we don’t have to trust in the difficult.
So what is God calling you to sacrifice?
Maybe, just maybe there is something better for you on the other side of that sacrifice.
For some of you, it may be a better situation…a new job, a healthier lifestyle….or a stronger relationship with God.
One thing we do see in this story is that Abraham had learned to take God at His word.
God spoke and Abraham obeyed….even when he didn’t understand.
Even when the plan wasn’t clear.
Abraham trusted that God would live up to His name: Jehovah-Jireh…“The Lord will provide”.
“We will worship and then WE will come back to you.”- Genesis 22:5
Abraham didn’t know how, but he placed his trust in the Lord and walked forward in obedience.
The Lord will provide…
Now before you get discouraged and say “I could never trust God like Abraham…”
Realize Abraham, like all of us, was a work in progress. Remember Hagar and Ishmael? Yeah, Abraham didn’t trust God fully in that situation and the result included pain for everyone affected by his disobedience and distrust.
Sin has a way of doing that…affecting the innocent.
YET…God is faithful and used the opportunity to grow and refine Abraham’s faith in the process.
Through the consequences of Abraham’s disobedience he learned the valuable lesson of trusting God to provide.
I don’t know what you’re walking through right now, sweet friend, but I want to encourage you with this truth….
God’s name is Jehovah-Jireh…“The LORD Will Provide”…let’s take Him at His name.
God’s name is not pass tense, it’s future tense….He WILL provide.
And He did on an old wooden cross over two thousand years ago.
The Lamb of God, not a ram caught in a bush, but a Savior….a Rescuer who willingly became the sacrifice for our sins so that we might have forgiveness and freedom through Him.
Now that is something to be thankful for!
Let’s Talk:
Share with us today where you’re from and how God has been Jehovah-Jireh in your life? We’d LOVE to get to know you!
Love God Greatly!
Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram & Facebook and share your images and SOAPs with us as we go through these next six weeks together! We LOVE seeing where you spend time in God’s Word! Don’t forget to hashtag us #LoveGodGreatly #NamesofGod
Also, our YouVersion: LoveGodGreatly: Names of God plan is now available!
Week 1 Challenge:
This week spend some time in prayer and ask God to reveal to if you have an “Isaac” in your life. If you do, seek God’s help to guide you toward putting Him at the rightful place in your life.
Week 1 Video:
(Click here if you can’t see the video)
Week 1 Memory Verse:
Week 1 Reading Plan:

Hey there!
I’m so thankful and happy to be apart of this study! Here in California God has provided rain today! 🙂
And God has been Jehovah-Jireh in SO MANY WAYS in my life! Most recently He has provided for my marriage, and 3 years ago He brought me out of postpartum depression.
Thank you so much for introducing me this name for God, and for being a blessing to women around the world!
Oh Netty! Isn’t He just so wonderful, so faithful to always provide when we need it. Thank you so much for sharing with us. It blesses us to hear your stories and the way God is providing in your life. ~Sheila, LGG Encourager
I have tears falling down my face because God also brought me out of a bad post partum depression. In my distorted thinking one night, I thought it would be best for everyone if I were gone. He had plans to help me stay and be a good mother and wife. I remember thinking ” I can’t believe you gave me this child and now I’m incapable of taking care of him or my toddler” God is truly Jehpvah Jireh. Much love to you and all of you amazing women participating. God has great things in store for us all. – Kris
I love to study the names of God. The story of Abraham going to the mountain to sacrifice his son has always been a difficult story for me to grasp also. But it has given me a deeper understanding of the sacrifice of Christ. I’ve always felt that it was a no brainer to think of giving my life for my children. But to offer one of my children as a sacrifice? Unthinkable. And thank God, we don’t have to because God has already done that for us. When I meditate on the Father sacrificing his innocent Jesus, my heart aches. When my son suffered through cancer 6 years ago, and he had to go through a 10 hour surgery, I silently screamed into my pillow that night, “how could you let him go through this; he’s always loved you so; God; why, why, why!!” I immediately felt God’s presence; even more so was his overwhelming compassion. He covered me with his TEARS! I knew he understood the depth of my pain and I wasn’t alone. I saw Jesus on the cross and felt the Father’s agony for his son in a way I had never understood it before. I felt him saying that “I sacrificed my son so that your son could live……” My son is now healthy, strong, married and with a son of his own. Praise God…..praise God.
Karen, the love of a mother for their child is so deep. I cant not even fathom having to give up a child. But I think He just wanted Abrahams child in his rightful place and not above God in Abrahams life.
You have such a beautiful testimony through your son. I too have cried out “why is this happening I am faithful”. But then our hearts enter a place of trust. It blesses me to hear of your son testimony. I love when we share our stories because it brings faith into the lives of others going through similar situations. God bless you! Sheila, LGG Encourager
Amazing story! Praise God! 🙂
Hello, I am joining in from Bellefontaine, OH. I am really looking forward to this study. I have been wanting to learn more about The Names of God for quite some time now, and what better way to do it than through this beautiful study guide you have created.
The Lord has been my Jehovah-Jireh, my Provider in so many ways, but most recently it has been through Him bringing 2 prodigal children back into our lives! ❤
Thank you ladies, for this study, for the beautiful study guide, and for your dedication to so many women across the world!
Welcome Rachelle from Ohio!!! We are so glad that you love the Journal. I love the simplicity of the black and white this time 🙂 Oh when our prodigals return it is truly beautiful 🙂 No wonder in the bible they through a party and celebrated their homecoming. It is such a glorious event! God always provides! Sheila, LGG Encourager
This is so good! I am very excited about this study. I love all of the LGG studies. I have learned and grown so much spiritually because of them. God bless you all!
To answer your question: I am from south GA. I could not even begin to name all of the ways God has provided in so many ways for my family and I. He is most definitely our Jehovah Jireh! I will share this little story though. In 2013, my husband worked out of state for most of his job as he works with the railroad. At the end of that year we had made the decision to walk out on faith and trust the Lord to provide what we would need as the out of state job paid more than a local one. We made that step of faith and my husband claimed a job that would be local. January 1, 2014 after he claimed the job with less money, I found out I was pregnant. This was our 4th child and very very unexpected. I was so scared that DH would have to go back out on the road and be away from us to provide. PRAISE GOD we can’t even tell that we have a 4th child expense. God has been so good to us. He has provided everything we need above and beyond any expectations we had.
Thank you for letting me share. By the way our sweet 4th child has brought so much joy to our lives. Her name is Hannah Ruth. Hannah means princess and Ruth means friendly. She most certainly is a friendly baby full of laughter and love and hugs and kisses. I could NOT imagine our lives without her!
Thank you for being here and sharing your story! God is so amazing, isn’t He? I am so touched by your story of trusting Him completely, and the blessing of your 4th child. His plan for us is always so much greater than what we can plan for ourselves, and we are always blessed when we take those steps of faith!! Praying for you as you walk through this study with us, that God will continue to speak to you though His word.
Stacy, LGG Encourager
I live in Woodstock, GA and I love to study the names of God. God has been our Jehovah-Jireh since my husband was layed off from his job in April. He has provided exactly what we needed and given us peace that we can rest in Him. We are also trusting Him to bring our prodigal daughter back home to us. He is good. He is faithful. His ways are perfect.
I am so thankful that you are here with us! Thank you for sharing how God is providing for you and your husband, He truly is our provider and shows it in so many amazing ways. I will be praying in agreement with you that your daughter will return home, and also that God will continue to strengthen you and give you peace!
Stacy, LGG Encourager
Joining this study from upstate NY. Thank you to everyone at LGG, for these wonderful studies! God has always provided for me as well, even when it felt like things were hopeless in my life…I look back and see that it wasn’t now. His plan has always been greater than my own.
Isn’t it amazing how God gives us just enough light for the step we are taking!?! You are so right that His plan is so much greater than our own! Thank you for sharing!
~Terria (LGG Encourager)
Thank you for compiling this study. My wife Brenda has presented it for our Bible study to participate in “The Names of God” study. It is always good to investigate topics through various study to get a different view. Isaiah 28:10 “For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little:” (KJB).
What a wonderful example you set by studying the Word of God with your wife Brenda! What a blessing! I love the verse you quoted in Isaiah. It was originally intended to mock Isaiah about the Word of God being too simple. But it actually is the greatest compliment of the Word of God. When the Word of God is shared in context and with love…anyone can receive the message and gain greatly. Whether one has little bible knowledge or is a bible scholar, they will be fed and nourished, strengthened and empowered by the Word of God! What could be better than that! Thank you for sharing! Blessings to you, your wife, and your bible study small group!
~Terria (LGG Encourager)
I too struggle with this passage, It isn’t an easy one to read. I know that I have much to work on and as I do I need to see God as the full purpose for all I do. He needs to be the first!! my family second and all else fits below them. It isn’t easy though In a world that dictates that we should want and not just have what we need!! Thing are more important then God!! Here in Mass the focus is also on the desire for us to have it all!!! To live large!!! That we are in charge of the future. It isn’t about what God provides and desires from us. So!!! As I pray this week to see where my Isaac may be. I will also pray that he help me to see where my selfishness has taken me and change.
We will be praying with you and for you as God reveals those hard and difficult things to you! The blessing is that God is ever present, and He will provide whatever we need. Courage to examine ourselves…He provides it. Strength to let go…He provides it. Comfort if we lose something not meant for us…He provides it. Peace to move forward in faith…He provides it. He truly is our Jehovah Jireh! Blessings to you!
~Terria (LGG Encourager)
God’s timing is awesome. I am so thankful for this study happening now. Tears started coming to my eyes as I was reading this first blogpost. I know what at least 1 of my Isaacs is and I have been making excuses. I look forward to renewing my goal to keep God in His proper place and diving into His Word daily. This is my third study with LGG and I thank you for the blessing of these studies.
How deep the Father’s love for us! So much so that our Lord gently exposes the “Isaac” in your life. He patiently and mercifully waits for you to recognize it. He then gives you the grace to release it to Him. We will be praying for you as God loves, nurtures, and matures you even more through the course of this study! I can’t wait to hear your testimony at the end!
~Terria (LGG Encourager)
Excited to be diving in with you! I love studying and praying the names of God. I tend to want to pack a lot in when I study, so looking forward to focusing on just a few names and truly meditating on them and letting the truths God reveals sink in. I’m looking for heart knowledge that’s lived out not just a full head.
This story is a favorite. I spent a great amount of time at the eye dictir’s as a child. He had a set of Bible story books that had lovely illustrations. I can so clearly see the one of Abraham holding the knife over Isaac. I was always moved by how much Abraham loved God. As an adult and now parent, I am in awe of Abraham’s faith and obedience.
I know God intimately as Jehovah-Jireh. He has provided in so many ways over the years. Not just material / financial needs, but emotional…spiritual…personal needs.
One more thing…Carol Kent has a wonderful book..her testimony..called Laying My Isaac Down. I cannot recommend it enough.
Your hunger and thirst for the Word of God is such a delight! Your slow methodical digestion of the bible will be richly rewarded, because you won’t just be reading it or studying it…you will be experiencing the Word of God and applying it to your life. We are so glad that you are joining us for this study, and we’ll be praying for you as you go through it. Blessings!
~Terria (LGG Encourager)
Saying, morning y’all from north Texas. I can’t imagine sacrificing either of my sons but I love how Abraham tells the servants, “..we will return.” He had faith that no matter how dim the outcome seemed to be, his God would provide. I am excited to study and learn more about God through His names. Thanks for the sacrifices you all made in bringing us this study.
Ohh welcome Marjan!!! I live in north Texas too!:) So glad you are joining us!
Hi, I am a Dutch girl, joining from South-Germany, where I live. This is my 4th study with you, and I am very thankfull for your work! It really helps me to stay focused on Gods word.
Ohhhh Marleen!!!
Welcome! Wow 4th study!!! That’s amazing!! So excited you are joining us!;)
This may be a silly question but in what verse did you find the name Jehovah-jireh? I did not see it in my reading of the NIV.
Hi, I just read your question. I am joining the study from South Georgia. The name can be found in Genesis 22:14 “And Abraham called the name of that place Jehovah-Jireh; as it is said to this day, In the Mount of the Lord it shall be seen.” I use the KJV as my main Bible. I do read other versions as well but rely on the KJV most of all.
I am joining this study from the state of Minnesota. It’s really not that bad up here in the North, come see a Minnesota summer=)!
God has been my Jehovah-Jireh, since I gave my life to him, 5 years ago, I was just 19 and pregnant with my daughter. He provides when my depression kicks in and I turn my back on him because I’ve lost interest in all I love. He is there providing me the comfort and the support I truly need. He guides me back slowly, so I won’t get overwhelmed. He provides for me when I am out in public and feeling overwhelmed by others. I am blessed and honored to get to know such an amazing God. That when I am weak, he keeps me strong and moving forth. He helps push the devil away and moves me to peace.
Welcome Angi from Minnesota!!
Thank you so much for sharing how God is your Jehovah-Jireh in your life! 🙂
Thank you so much for this bible study group. This is my third time joining this group and I am so thankful to be a part of your group.
Welcome Susan!!! We are so glad you are joining us again!!;)
I’m up here in Northwest Florida 🙂 also known as lower Alabama lol. I am very excited for this study on the names of God. I have a friend who frequently prays the names of God and it blesses her tremendously. I have been wanting to read up on them for a while. Most recently God has been Jehovah-jireh in my life personally as me and my husband have grown in the Lord and have had to make some very hard choices (leaving the denomination/church I grew up in) that have put a little bit of a strain between me and my parents and many people I have known my whole life. But! God has given me back every friend I’ve lost, he’s provided me with spiritual parents, brothers and sisters and even grandparents. They are helping me to pray that my families eyes will be opened to the fullness of the gospel. They are my encouragement when I feel like it’s never going to happen. God is the provider, and he has provided for me and my family. Just like Abraham I still have my Isaacs though
Hi Shauna!
Welcome! I’m so sorry for what you have recently walked through, but I’m praising God with you in how He has been providing in your life through new friends and spiritual parents! 🙂
Just seeing the name today had me break out into the song.
Amen, sweet Wanda!:)
My husband was laid off for a full year. God provided a way that we had food, diapers, and our bills were paid. They weren’t paid in full but we were able to put some money on them and the debtors worked with us til he got back to work. We are still behind but still treading forward and I know for a fact God was there. I never felt more stronger on this in my life.
God is so awesome, I’m glad you were trusting in him! He sure does provide!
Loving this study of The Names of God…and it’s just the 1st day! I so needed a good, thorough bible study and the outline and format for this study makes it so easy to understand, along with all of the wonderful help and words of encouragement from the blog, the Facebook group, etc.
God has been my provider for more things than I can mention, and more times than I realized. Even when I wasn’t following Him, He was still providing for me. What God has told me in my study time this morning, is that, while He does supply “things” in my life (food, home, etc.), more importantly, He constantly provides peace, comfort, and love. And I need those type of “things” more than material things. I thank Him that He really showed me that this morning. I don’t think I ever really thought of it that way. I always think of the Lord providing my finances, dependable vehicle, heat in winter, those types of things…but the best thing He provides for me is His unconditional unwavering love. Praise His holy name…Jehovah-Jireh!
Ohhh Connie!!! That is SO TRUE! Ohhh just love seeing the insight God has given you as you spent time in His Word!!! It truly is soooo important! So proud of you, friend!;)
Happy Monday from the western mountains of Maine. What a reminder ! Yes God does provide ! Back in 2008 , God challenged me big time to trust Him. Just a little background ( let’s see how brief I can be !) I’m an only child of parents who were also only children. I was not looking forward to when their time on earth would be over. Daddy died in 2000. My job ended with Billy Graham Evang. Assoc in Minnesota. I ended up moving home to be Mom’s care giver and make peace with my past. Mom’s health was declining. Winte rof 2008 I confronted God . Reminding Him I DID NOT want to be alone when it came time for Mom to move on to Heaven. For many years I had planned I would be going home too ! That February when I was through talking, God sat me down . He had some s trong words to say to me . He said don’t you trust me ?
I said yes LORD I do ! Then during the weeks and months HE gave me directives as what He needed me to do. He asked me to break off ties with my online friends and even my reallife friends ( friends being male friends ! ) Mom moved to Heaven on Father’s Day 2 weeks after her 96th birthday. That morning after Mom left and her body was taken from the house I decided where I needed to be was church. I walked to church that morning. As I crossed the road I heard a lovely song from a bird. I looked to see who was singing. Here was a Pine grosbeak with his mate. It was God’s way of showing me that Mom and Dad were together again and I was going to be just fine . The LORD continued giving me His directives. I followed through even when it was hard. August came and God had a surpise for me. Online He introduced me to the loveof my life. Okay -to make along story short we met face to face in October at the airport in Minnesota. Joe popped the question right then and there. I said yes ! He moved to MN in November and I became a bride for the first time at age 56 the Sunday before Christmas. God reallyknows how to knock our socks off when we are willing to listen and obey ! He gives us His promises , but needs us to join Him by doing our part. We are not His spoiled children . We are His team workers.
Ohhh Mia!!!! Thank you for sharing your amazing story with us!!!! Ohhh friend, I just LOVE reading how God heard your prayers and answered them in such an amazing way…and that you indeed are not alone! Praising Him and thanking Him with you!:)
What a great study! Looking forward to this. I’m joining from east TN. God is my life, he is just so good. I’ve noticed since becoming a mom last year I have to keep myself in check and not let my child or my “job” as a mom interferes with my time and focus on God.
I LOVE LGG!! Would it ever be possible to go back to providing a reading plan in the “bookmark” format? I used to print that off and laminate it, and then use that as a bookmark in my bible throughout the study? It’s okay if not, just wanted to see if it’d be possible!
So thankful I found this group so many years ago!
This was a favorite of mine as well! I too would laminate it and give to the ladies in my Bible study group! I found it very helpful and convenient when you & your Bible are on the go.
Ha! Thanks for the suggestion! I had stopped making them that size because the font was getting so small and I didn’t know if anyone was really using them or not!:) So good to know and keep in mind! Thanks!:)
Thank you so much for your wonderful studies. I look forward to them so much. I come to you from the coast of South Carolina.
Dayle your so welcome! It warms our hearts that you are enjoying the study! Glad to have you with us! Sheila, LGG Encourager
Good morning! I love Jesus, I love LGG! I read in Strong’s Concordance that Jehovah is a mistranslation of the Tetragrammaton (YHWH.) I find this interesting since many of us grew up saying Jehovah, however, I am always surprised when Bible study leaders still use that name. Maybe I should study more but I believe this is the reason many now use the term Yahweh instead. Just food for thought. I used to have a problem with this story but now it is a favorite! How in tune with God Abraham had to be to stop right when God said stop!! Good thing he was listening. This reminds me to be still and make sure that I am in His will continually. Looking to make a few of my own sacrifices this week as well. Thank you ladies!!
I’m from Ontario,Canada .
God has provided in so many ways in my life. It is nice to look back and see where he has provided for me through my life especially when I’m going through a time of trial, looking back helps me to remember that life maybe crazy and not going they way that I think it should but God will provided and God has everything under control.
Hi Everyone, I’m from Talking Rock, Georgia.
O how Jehova-Jireh has provided for us over the years in so many ways. One that stands out is, a surgery my husband had and then the insurance didn’t pay for it. It was A LOT of money and God provided all of it!
God is faithful and HE WILL PROVIDE!!!!
I have taught the story of Abraham before but had never stopped to think about the parallelism of Abraham/Isaac to God/Jesus.
I’m from southeastern Oklahoma! I live in a small town with no stop light and where there are churches on every corner. 🙂
God has provided for me in so many wonderful ways. Both of my children were born with the same metabolic disorder. When my first was diagnosed, I was scared…I had never heard of the disorder before and the fact that my child had to have special diet made me worry constantly. Unfortunately, I didn’t put my trust in God in that time of being a new mom. I let worry consume my heart. But thankfully, God kept speaking to me through His Word and I learned to trust in Him. I have 2 energetic and happy kids. They don’t care that they can’t ever eat high protein foods and have to drink a special formula every day. These blessings have shown me proof that the Lord provides. He takes care of all of us if we put our trust in Him. He blesses me every day in so many great and small ways. 🙂
I am really looking forward to what God is going to say to me through this study. I hope everyone has a great study in the weeks to come!
Hello from Chandler, Arizona! Love love love #LoveGodGreatly #NamesofGod. Love all of your studies & looking forward to yet another one. God has provided me to be able to be home, retired early & be blessed by your studies
Have a blessed day! Looking to Jesus daily, Carol
Looking thru my past, Jehovah-Jireh has been present but I was too blind to see it. Just recently, my husband and I were trying to figure out how to get by financialy after paying the mortgage and Jehovah-Jireh once again showed his presence by providing my husband with an opportunity to earn extra cash to buy food. GOD is great!
Good morning from Marietta, GA. I am looking forward to this study of God’s names. It always grows my faith the better I know God’s character and attributes as revealed in His wonderful names- His declaration of His true self. My bible had a little footnote that “it will be provided” can be translated “is seen”. God has not only anticipated our every need- for life and godliness- but it is evident. Lord give us the eyes to see your grace poured out for us in all things. Jehohah-Jireh is our strong and able God! Hallelujah!
I am participating for the first time online from Austin, TX.
God is my Jehovah-Jireh in many ways that I know I do not even notice. I would like to notice more often and, I am going to try to add each day in my journal how He has provided for me.
Good morning from Tucson, AZ. 🙂 I have completed a few LGG Bible Studies on my own, but this is the first one I’m participating in “in real time” so to speak. I’m looking forward to it. God has provided for our family in more ways than I can ever count or possibly thank Him for. I am trying to become more intentionally aware of all His blessings and what a great time of year to experience that. I am eager to learn what all His names mean for me in my journey of getting to know Him. Thank you for providing this wonderful bible study resource. You are one of the blessings God has provided me.
Hello from Spruce Grove, Alberta! This is my first time with LGG and I am looking forward to getting deeper with God together. As our Thanksgiving has come and gone already, my focus is towards Christmas and God’s ultimate sacrifice in Jesus His SON. God will provide is such an appropriate start to that journey. Without HIS hand in my life, I do not think I would be walking this earth at the present time. As I focus on Him, my issues become less ‘in my face’. I love the way Abraham had total trust in God when all seemed hopeless. GOD is GOOD all the time, all the time GOD is GOOD.
I am from Silverton, Oregon joining with women all over the world. Our leader being in Cambodia! Praise God! This is my first LGG Bible study and was thrilled when Rachel (leader) put the word out on facebook to join her. I am in a place of wanting to look to God to provide the Holy Spirit to guide me beyond food addictions. And the faith that He will provide. Thank you Jesus!
I’m joining from East Texas!! God daily is my Jevoha Jireh when it comes to the little things that I can take for granted like our apartment, that has a bed to rest and heater to keep us warm to the food that fills our bellies and onto the big stuff like our amazing church family and my husbands and I’s marriage that is anchored in the Lords love and truth! I pray that the Lord opens my eyes to all the things He provides that I tend to overlook. I want to be more thankful and in turn to be filled to the brim with God’s joy! I’m excited for what God will reveal to us through this study in the coming weeks!
I needed this today, for a few different reasons. The Lord also put it on my heart to share with a few friends who are going through things- He is faithful even when we are not!
Hi! Thank you so much for this bible study. I know there has been something missing and just getting real with the Lord and through prayer it’s this relationship I’ve been missing. I searched and searched for a bible study to really help me re-new my heart and nothing really spoke to me, until I saw this one. I’m so excited to get back and learn about Gods heart and who he really is not just who I want him to be. I’m from Kansas and so excited to go through these next few weeks open hearted!
This story is one of my favorite stories in the God’s word…..it’s what true honest righteous trust in the Lord is all about….Abraham knew what him and Isaac would return because before they went up the hill he told his traveling men to wait and WE will return shortly…….Abraham trusted God completely in His word and promise with Isaac….he believed that if he had sacrificed Isaac God would raise him from the dead but it was never Gods intention for Isaac to be killed. To have the faith of Abraham…we can as well…trust and believe in all the promises of God who is no respecter of persons and who is the same yesterday today and forevermore.
Hi ladies! I’m from WA and I’m so happy to be starting this study with you all! Let me tell you, 16 months ago I would’ve had a hard time telling you how God has been Jehovah-Jireh to us but after the birth of my son he made that part of his character so incredibly clear to me and my husband.
My son was born 8 weeks premature and spent lots of time in the NICU. We had focused on nothing but his health the first few weeks and as he got stronger and closer to graduating from the NICU, it was hard to ignore the worry over the looming financial hit we would be faced with. On day 26 of his stay in the NICU we were told he would be released. Talk about Joy!! But about 2 hours later, his oxygen desat’d and he did not recover as quickly as they liked. The nurses told us that earned himself another 5 days in the NICU for evaluation. We were devastated. Later that afternoon, after a lot of tears and calls to family with the bad news, we were visited by our social worker. She said she hadn’t mentioned this to us because it looked like we’d be released, but if our son, Ezekiel, stayed in the NICU for 31 days he would qualify for state assistance and his whole NICU stay and all Dr. visits for the 1st year of his life would be covered. And if you did the math, you already know that those extra 5 days put him right at 31! He was released on his 1 month birthday. Talk about a blessing. He sure provided for us.
Wow-God’s ways are mysterious and marvelous to us!
Dear Sisters, I’m writing to you from Shell/Puyo-Ecuador. I was in tears this morning as I read the blog you wrote for today, Angela. I definitely recognized that I have an “Isaac” and through prayer and willingness to give it up to the Lord, expecting Him to provide, I know I can have the victory. God is good and just want you to know how much I love doing the LGG studies. I have a wonderful group that I’ve been a part of for about 2 years now and I feel so blessed to be a part of this study on the Names of God. Thank you for making this it available. Much love, Sharon
Hi, my name is Janine and I am from Northern California. Yes, God has provided for me throughout my life. Thank you for the insightful essay today. I have been participating in LGG Bible Studies for more than a year. I have learned so much. I am really looking forward to this new study. Thanks for all you do. God bless.
I didn’t receive an email today. Was I supposed to sign up for this study? I didn’t think so.
This is my first bible study online, and I am glad to be a part o f this community of believers. I am grateful for the opportunity to delve into God’s words more deeply. I am thankful for this additional chance to grow more in Him. This passage of scripture shows even more clearly the need for obedience and truly listening to and for the voice of God. What we see as a struggle of obedience is a chance for God to show us who He is.
I’m hopefully doing this study with a few other “girls” whom I have been best friends with now for many years. We are far apart in distance but very close in heart.
I’m praying that God is going to use this study to provide, to speak into our own hearts as each of us are going through some pretty big challenges -marriage, job, children, loss, and life.
There have been some pretty hard and painful challenges that some have been through and it is important to remember that God is our provider and Abraham had to trust him all the way to actually having the knife in his hand and getting ready (if not already) to bring it down onto his son. Then God intervened, but not until then.
My prayer in all of this is that I get back into his word and hopefully be diligent in reading his word, that He will speak into my(our) life and give us the direction and spiritual leadership that we need.
Thank you for this study and the accountability/opportunity that it provides. God bless.
Tara here from Houston, TX
I can’t name all the ways that the Lord has Provided for me and my family. Let’s just suffice it to say…He does…and sometimes it’s in a BIG way and sometimes it’s in little ways…but provide He does.
I love this story…I see it as I read it. I was driving in West TX years ago…and the part I was driving in was angora goat raising country (angora wool). As I was driving I saw a mama stuck in the barbed wire fence. I stopped and worked until I got her free. She trotted off a few yards with her baby…stopped…turned around and “bahhed” at me, as if to say “thanks”…then went on her way. I think about that every time I read this…how thankful and grateful Abraham must have been when he saw that ram in the briars. “Abraham believed God and God counted it to him as righteousness”
I’m excited to study the names of God! God has wonderfully provided someone to encourage me from church when I felt like nothing I did mattered. It’s amazing, because I did not mention my feelings to anyone, but of course God knew. He really does care about me!
So glad to be here! From metro St. Louis, MO. (IL side;-) I am so looking forward to placing my heart on the Mount of the Lord! For He is the ONLY One who can provide for it!
I live in Nashville TN. I am so delighted to be doing a study on the names of God! This message was so full and bold! Thank you Angela. God gave my marriage another chance and he brought healing to my broken heart. He has steadily brought security to my many insecurities. I am scared of what he will ask next, so pray that I will listen so the innocent dont get hurt.
Hey all! I’m from Central Indiana and am really looking forward to this study!
God has been my Jehovah-Jireh over the last six years time and time again. My husband and I were sick and tired of being sick and tired and took Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University class in August 2009. We were able to gather our $1000 Baby Step 1 emergency fund and have never had to touch it. Ever. There were so many times I thought we would have to use it but just at the right time (and I mean every time…probably 20+ times in six years) we would have this money influx that would just cover what we needed. It still keeps happening, even though we are now debt free. As we look for ways to buy something new, it happens again. If that’s not provision, I don’t know what is!
Looking forward to learning more!
So encouraging to read your word of testimony. Debt is the biggest burden / obstacle in our life right now.
I’m joining from Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Looking forward to this study!
I live in McKinney, Texas near Dallas. This is my third Bible study here with Love God Greatly. You all are amazing and the studies have been life changing. I have been going through an extensive interview process for a new job that would be my dream job. The organization’s board meets tomorrow night to decide. Trusting in the God who provides either way.
I am so thankful to be a part of this study. I enjoy reading God’s word. He has touched my life in so many ways. I will share one very special moment. My son was 6 days old and very sick. On the way to the hospital, I prayed and placed him in Jesus’ hands. I gave my only son to Him to do His will in my life as well as my son’s. My son was diagnosed with spinal meningitis, I was told he would not live and if he did, he would be a vegetable. I remained calm when the Dr. shared this diagnosis. He stopped and asked why I didn’t seem very upset. I told him that I placed my baby in God’s hands and he would do what he thought was best. You see, I had lost one boy to a still birth, I had faith that God would do what was best for both of us.
Kim, though I do not know how this story turned out, your strength to share it amazes me. Like Abraham you trusted the boy you loved into God’s hands. May he bless and keep you!
He is a healthy 29 year old man now with a boy of his own. He did have slight brain trauma, which caused some nerve damage to his right side, but he is not limited by this. We were truly blessed.
I’m Bethany from Dayton, OH. God has always provided for our family and He has proven Himself faithful over and over. When my husband resigned from his job and was unemployed for 3 months, God provided for us in so many ways–people would invite us over for dinner, all the items we put on Craigslist sold, random people would have a pair of shoes for my son or a bag of clothes for my daughter, someone anonymously gave us $500 in cash. For the first month, we were able to tithe MORE than we did when my husband was employed! In my late teens/early 20s, I prayed that God would plop the man He had for me in my lap because I didn’t want to waste my time dating around. And He did! My husband had a crush on me (we met at college) and pursued me for almost a year before I realized He was the one God had for me. I have learned that money doesn’t provide, that a good income doesn’t provide, but GOD provides. And it’s so exciting and fun to see how He will provide and to take note of it in my journal. He even provides for little things. Just this week I was wanting to purchase a cast iron skillet and my sister-in-law said I could have hers! I was also thinking about getting some mason jars and I was at my parents’ house last night and my dad randomly asked me if I liked mason jars and if I wanted some because he had 5 extras he wasn’t going to use.
My job is to seek God and obey Him daily and He’ll figure the rest of it out. My observation today from the passage was that Abraham didn’t have to find a ram–God gave him one. It was right there when he looked up.
What a beautiful testimony to Gods provisions! Thank you for taking the time to share with us. Sheila, LGG Encourager
These studies have held me accountable lately and I am so grateful for that. I often say I have known God all my life (thanks to having Ministers as parents) but I haven’t known him for myself until recently. I am excited about this because I have recently made a pretty serious commitment to God and getting to know him in this committed relationship with him by knowing all his names will continue to allow me to grow.
I hope you all will keep me lifted up in prayer as I do the same for you.
God Bless.
Oh sweet Erika! This brings us much joy. I’m celebrating for you right now. Committing to knowing Him deeper is a glorious thing. We cherish when our ladies share with us and knowing this study is helping you achieve that blesses us all. Sweet friend we will keep you lifted up in prayer during your journey. Sheila, LGG Encourager
I’m a day late on this blog post, but I am so thankful that the Lord provides.
Almost 2 years ago I walked away from a job that was killing me, it was killing me spiritually, emotionally, and physically. It was affecting my marriage and my then not quite 1 year old daughter. I still don’t completely know how we made it. I know we sold our house and blew through our savings, I know we still haven’t completely recovered financially, but I know the Lord provides.
Since then He has blessed me with a second beautiful daughter, who has remained healthy and I have been blessed to nurse (this was a great prayer of mine throughout my pregnancy). He has given my husband and I a greater grasp of what trust looks like and feels like.
It’s still hard to look at our lack of savings and trust that He provides, hard to realize that we are living in my in-laws guest house and still not saving money, but HE PROVIDES! and one thing He has truly provided….contentment.
Thank you for the blessing of this study!
Lauren I love your heart here! In every situation He is good. You have learned to be content and that is a beautiful place of trust. Sheila, LGG Encourager
I have experienced God as my Jehovah-Jireh many times…years of infertility, losing my mom to a drunk driver, losing two children in a car accident and many other times. This is one of my favourite names of God. Now I look to Him in a complicated family situation filled with deep, sometimes inexpressible pain and as my daughter goes through life-threatening complications in her pregnancy. God is faithful!
Wow Kathleen! Beautiful! Don’t you love just setting and looking at all the ways He provided for you and was there when you needed. It flooded my heart with joy reading your post. Thank you for sharing. Sheila LGG Encourager
God is Faithful even when our eyes don’t see it immediately:) Faithful to love us continually, He grants health and safety. He provides HIS WORD to guide us, heal us and remind us:)
Hi. Im from Riverview FL (Near Tampa). Happy to be here doing this with you guys. I am praying God remind me this week all the ways He is Jehovah Jireh in my life.
I’m joining in on this study from Palm Bay, FL. I’ve done a few of these in the past and they are always such a blessing. I’m looking forward to this one to grow in further understanding of who my amazing God is. God has most recently been my Jehovah-Jireh when he provided a job for me a little over a month ago. Thank you Lord for your provision.
Is there a current blog? My group and I are just starting this in 2016.
I’ve always wanted to do a study on the names of God, and this is so perfect for me. In this season of “Covid”, I feel i have been on a turmoil of emotions. In all this, however, i do know that God has provided for us in many ways. One way, is that my husband and i still have our jobs in all of this, though many are not working. I should be grateful for this, even when paying bills and i don’t see ‘enough’. It is enough. I pray for those who have lost their jobs, and a prayer of thanks that God has provided for me, thought at times, i wollow in ‘wanting/needing more’. My prayer is that this study will get me closer to God, better relationship with him, and the strength to get through all these ’emotions/feelings’. Thank you for this study. God bless you my Sisters!!