We are well underway with our Study of David and I have to say I am LOVING it and I hope you are too. Friends, I’m so excited to share that Love God Greatly is already hard at work on the next study, You Are Forgiven, set to begin August 29th! Make sure and mark your calendars because this is going to be another amazing study!
I’m so excited for our fall study because not only will we have our daily devotions and Monday-Wednesday-Friday blog posts….but our fall study will include an actual book included with our study journal!
Love God Greatly’s newest book: You Are Forgiven is set to launch this fall and we’d LOVE to get your help!!! We are currently putting together a Launch Team to help spread the word and launch You Are Forgiven to the world on August 15th.
We are looking for women who genuinely love reading and have a passionate heart to share what they have learned with others. If you love connecting good people to good resources….then I want YOU to join the LAUNCH TEAM. I want to gather together women who will carry this message into the world.
Friends, we all need to know more about the amazing gift of forgiveness that Jesus extends to each of us. The cross itself is not our hope. What Jesus did on the cross is what saves all who believe.
On the cross Jesus made satisfaction of God’s wrath.
On the cross Jesus made payment of our ransom.
On the cross Jesus was punished for our sins.
On the cross Jesus destroyed the power of sin and the curse of death.
And on the cross Jesus ensured forgiveness for those who believe in him.
This is what our study is all about. How Jesus obtained for us the forgiveness of sins by his death…and what that means in our real, everyday lives.
In this study we will examine many of the different facets of forgiveness. Why do we need it? How do we get it? What is the extent of our forgiveness and how should it change us?
The cross is precious because on it our Savior poured out his life for us. We received pardon and the power to forgive others. Forgiveness is our precious treasure but we can’t hang forgiveness on our walls, or drape it around our necks, but we use the cross as a reminder of the beautiful gift of forgiveness Christ gave to us.
Friends, launching this powerful book is going to be a group effort, so I need your help! We’re putting together a launch team of 200 people and I would love for YOU to be a part of it! Simply fill out the form below and wait to receive an email message from me.
What is a Launch Team?
A launch team is a group of devoted readers and friends — who are assembled online. As a member of the team, you will have the opportunity to read the book weeks before it releases and help spread the book’s message to those in your circle of influence. Your early thoughts, impressions and feedback will be wildly helpful in successfully launching You Are Forgiven.
What is Your Role?
I would love for you to be a part of this launch by helping promote You Are Forgiven through the following channels:
- Read You Are Forgiven (sent in PDF, downloadable to ibooks/kindle)
- Sharing about the book and the upcoming study on your social media channels (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram).
- Sharing about the book on your blog (but having a blog isn’t a requirement, it’s a plus).
- Posting a review on Amazon on Launch Day.
- Finding other creative ways to tell someone about the book and how it has impacted you.
What are Some Benefits for You?
Everyone that is a part of the launch team will be working with me and the team to help get the message of You Are Forgiven out, so here are some of the things you will be getting in return:
- A free PDF Advanced Readers copy of the book before it releases to the public (You can download it to ibooks/Kindle)!
- Access to a private Facebook group where the team will gather for updates, news, and team communication.
- Exclusive 30-minute group call with Angela Perritt prior to the launch of the book.
What do you think? Are you ready to join me on this journey?
If interested, please fill out the form in this link. Give us a week to collect the applications and pick the team. We only have 200 spots (that is how many ARC copies of the books we can give out), so thanks for your patience and understanding as our team reads through your application. We will be in touch soon!
We are so excited for all of the potential that this book holds and love having you join us in helping reach the world with this powerful book!
We appreciate you and your willingness to share this message! I am looking forward to getting to know you all.
I will be waiting to hear from you!
At His feet,

Oh, the Titled itself, “You are forgiven” already spoke to me in my heart. For I am that person, I AM FORGIVEN, with all my mistakes and failures, He was still there loving me, His LOVE FOR ME NEVER FAILS BUT MY LOVE FOR HIM ALWAYS FAIL. I am forgiven by our mighty God I can also extends forgiveness to others and through this launch team, I am joining today, I will be spreading His forgiveness to
that same forgivess He offered to me.
I love receiving this. God bless you!
Have you already met your limit for the launch team? I clicked the link and it said it was no longer available.
Is the application closed already?? The link is not working. Please advise and open it back up!! 🙂
I would love to be part of the launch team. I clicked on the link and it said no longer taking applications. It might be filled. God Bless you all and I will still promote you on social media. Please let me know if you need anymore people.
I also had trouble with the link. Assuming you had enough responses already, but just in case wanted to let you know! What a wonderful opportunity. Thank you for wanting to include us! 🙂
Interested in the launch team opportunity. But the link doesn’t work.
This link still isn’t working…does that mean that you have reached your 200??
Also interested, but link isn’t working for me either.
The link for the launch team didn’t work for me .. Please say I’m not too late 🙁
It’s nice to know it’s not me. ..I click the link also today and its still not working.
I also tried the link and it’s not working!
So does anyone know yet what is going on??? I would love to be a part of this!!!!
I would love to be part of this too. Please let us know if you still need help..
Also interested!