
A few weeks ago, during our In Everything Give Thanks study, I had the pleasure of having my dear friend, Edurne, stay with me for a week at my home in Dallas, Texas. During her visit we made this video for you explaining why we are so passionate about getting our Bible studies into as many languages as possible… plus we wanted a chance to say thank you to all of you who chosen to purchase our journals. YOU are making a difference in women’s lives around the world, one journal or donation at a time!!

THANK YOU so much for your continued love and financial support! We can’t do it without you!

With each Bible study we send out, TOGETHER God is using us to reach more and more women around the globe. We are so thankful to have you on this amazing journey with us!

(Can’t see the video, click here)



Here at Love God Greatly, investing in what really matters has always been the driving force of what we do. 

We’ve had the privilege of inspiring, encouraging, and equipping women all over the world for a while now, and here’s what we find to be universally true among the nations: women are hungry for God’s Word, and they’re hungry for relationships.

They want real community that lasts even when stuff doesn’t.

They’re crying out for more – these women who are tired of the shallow and meaningless rat race of life.

They crave solid truth and a hope that won’t fade in a world that is downward spiraling right before our very eyes.

Many of these women are from nations who don’t readily have access to Bible study resources in their own languages, and Love God Greatly is committed to reaching women in these places.

Each study it’s SUCH a privilege to share our online resources with women in over 200 nations worldwide. But recently, we’ve also taken these resources “on the road,” traveling to inspire women and distribute our translated study materials IN PERSON – right where they live.

Interested in translating or helping us reach women in other countries in their native language? Comment today and share what language you are interested in! We are always needing more translators and women who are gifted in graphics, technology, mentoring… and the list goes on. We would love to work with you and reach more women with God’s Word and Bible study materials in their languages!

Our new God With Us study has been translated into:












Thank you to all our amazing translators who work so hard behind the scenes making these translations possible! We love you dearly and are so thankful for you!!!


This Christmas, give the gift of God’s Word with our Love God Greatly Bible Studies! Each journal purchased helps us reach more women around the world! 

God With Us for Women

God With Us for Kids


Angela Perritt

Angela Perritt

Angela Perritt is the founder and director of, a nonprofit online Bible study ministry reaching thousands of women in over two hundred countries around the world with God’s Word through their translated Bible studies. She and her husband live in Dallas, Texas with their three daughters. Angela is passionate about God’s Word and believes one woman in God’s Word can change a family, community and ultimately a nation. Her greatest joy is to encourage her children and others to love God greatly with their lives one day at a time. You can connect with her on Instagram.

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change women's lives.

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