God’s name is Jehovah Rohi which means… “The Lord is my Shepherd”
I recounted those toddler days to a weary momma friend just this week. We smiled and shook our heads as we shared both hilarious, as well as incredibly refining moments that we’ve experienced in those stretching parenting years.
Is it just me, or does it seem like these adorable little people nearly always want to do the opposite of what their current situation is?
When I went left, they wanted to go right.
I buckled them in the shopping cart. They longed to walk instead.
I served food on a plate. They promptly relocated it to the floor.
I called their name. They turned around and ran the other direction as fast as their little legs would carry them.
My longing-to-be-independent toddlers knew what they wanted and went after it with full force. With limited knowledge of the often unkind world around them, and a low tolerance for anything that dared get in their path, they often barreled through life and fought for their own way with every ounce of energy that they had.
And it wasn’t always pretty.
But linger long enough and you know what I noticed after almost every single attempt of them going their own way? They often returned humbled, hungry, or hurt… longing to be reunited once again with their momma. That thing they passionately pursued in the opposite direction wasn’t better after all.
And when they didn’t return on their own?
A mother knows that there are times when she must pursue the ones she loves.
The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
He makes me lie down in green pastures.
He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul.
He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil, for you are with me;
your rod and your staff, they comfort me.
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies;
you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life,
and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever.
~Psalm 23
Like a stubborn toddler, I too fight for independence and go my own way. And the world hasn’t always been kind. There have been times when I have returned to my Father humbled, hungry, or hurt… recognizing that His way is better, and longing for sweet fellowship with Him once more.
And those times when I’m too hard-headed to return on my own?
My compassionate, loving Shepherd is long-suffering and pursues me to the end.
He provides… everything I need for life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3). He lovingly shows me that a full life in Him is better than my temporary worldly wants (John 10:10).
He leads… in a world filled with distraction, danger, and chaos, He has provided his Word to light my path (Psalm 119:105) and His Spirit to guide me into all truth (John 16:13).
He restores… the sin-sick, the broken, the weary. What the world calls hopeless and too-far-gone, Jesus has the power to make new (2 Corinthians 5:17). Even when I was dead in my sin, He made me alive in Christ (Ephesians 2:4-6)!
He comforts… praise God that He’s not an unreachable Savior! Instead He is sympathetic in suffering (Hebrews 4:15) and comforts me in abundance like a mother comforts her child – with unmerited grace, tenderness and compassion (Isaiah 66:13).
He pursues… leaving the ninety-nine He searches for the lost one, not giving up until he is found (Luke 15:3-7). His patience is unfathomable, because His heart is repentance for all (2 Peter 3:9).
The Lord is my Shepherd… I shall not want.
Have you gone your own way or do you find yourself deep and weary in the valley?
Friend, come home.
Even in the valley – especially in the valley – your loving Shepherd longs to provide all that you need in Him alone.
At His feet,
*LET’S TALK: How has God provided for YOU in the valley?
{Week 2} Video:
If you are unable to see this video, you can view it here.
{Week 2} Challenge: Spend time researching the real-life occupation of a shepherd and the ways he cares for his sheep. What additional parallels can you find that illustrate the beautiful ways that God cares for us?
{Week 2} Reading Plan:
{Week 2} Memory Verse:
Thank you for following God’s direction in creating LGG and grouping women around the world to study God’s word! I’m truly excited about this study and others from the past studies.
This study has been very timely for me. This past year it seems as though the storms of life have raged unrelentingly and every storm is stronger than the one before. I am weary and worn and long for rest in the arms of my Savior. Thank you for this reminder of God as my shepherd.
I am thankful that I can rest in Him. Thank you for this powerful reminder.
Ahh to understand His rest is beautiful! Peace and rest to you my sister! Sheila LGG Encourager
Thank you dear Lord for being my family’s Jehovah Rohi this year particularly. We have been in the valley of death this past year but You were there with us; You stayed there with us. You did not abandon You were faithful. You are our Rock and we worship you because you are Jesus our great I AM. Amen and we praise you!
Beautiful prayer Corena! Even in this…..He is with us! Whatever situation we face weather it be during our walks in the green pastures or our journeys through the valleys He is with us! Sheila LGG Encourager
Ooh Whitney! I so enjoyed your video and that contagious J.O.Y in you….Isn’t so comforting that Jesus is our shepherd who comes and look for us when we wander in this lost world? Psalm 23:4 is something I say when I experience fear in this world, it gives me comfort and peace knowing He is with us. Thank you once again for your inspiring writing and your new beautiful haircut!
Thank you so much for this great study. Psalms 23 is definitely one of my favorites.
Again thank you all at LGG.
Awe Shirely, thank you for being a part of this study and for your kind words. Sheila, LGG Encourager
Whitney talked about the relationship between the shepherd and his sheep…and one thing that a shepherd will do with a sheep that continually runs off and gets into dangerous situations sounds barbaric but really it’s not. The wandering wayfaring sheep…the shepherd would break his leg…and while the leg is mending…the shepherd carries the sheep on his shoulders until he’s mended…and during the mending period the sheep builds a bond of trust and love for his shepherd that keeps the sheep with the flock. This is how the Lord provided for me in the valley. Although it’s much easier and less painful to just surrender to the Lord and follow Him…the love bond…the respect built during that “mending” time…well…I really don’t want my other leg broken.
Tara wow! I never knew that but it does make me look back and see where it applied in my own life at time. Thank you for sharing. Sheila LGG Encourager
Thank you for sharing that. My “broken leg” was a car accident 3years ago that very closely paralyzed me. I was only 23 and 7 weeks pregnant with my second child. My older daughter was with her dad (first marriage), and my husband was only 2 weeks into boot camp for the Marine Corps. I am currently still in the “mending” time dealing with depression. Every time I seem to start doing well, I always get brought back down…to me, that is God trying to keep me from straying.
Dear Kieshia, God is not the God of depression. He doesn’t use that as a means to keep us from straying. Jesus was crucified on the cross as a chastisement of our peace, this means he died so we can have peace of mind, a sound mind and spirit. As Christians, we need to grow in maturity to realize that we are still totally reliant on God even in. the best of times, and that is what will keep us from straying. We have the tendency to dig into scripture when things are not going well and to slack off when things are good and calm. We need not to slack off but to always be digging deep and learning and seeking God. I pray for you, fr healing of your body and your mind, for peace and strength, faith in God to provide for you in the low times and the high times. Know that God greatly loves you and doesn’t want you suffering with depression. It is not from Him.
Hi everyone! Sharing with you this message from our church from sometime ago which beautifully illustrates the relationship of the Shepherd and the Sheep…. this message expounded on Psalm 23 and it helped me understand every single part of the verse… above all, it helped me knew the heart of the Great Shepherd deeper… Hope it blesses you as it blesses me no matter how many times I’ve watched it! 🙂 God bless! 🙂
Here’s the link: https://youtu.be/hWDSdYyMYUw
Thank you so much for this incredible blog and Bible study opportunity. It is just what I need! I am looking forward to participating in a group in the future. 🙂
Patricia we are so happy to hear you are enjoying the biblestudy. And we would LOVE to have you join us for the next study. Sheila, LGG Encourager
I was a young girl, seeking love. Everytime I heard that someone loved me I believed their mouth but never saw it in their actions. I went from one relationship to the next. I was so far away. Death was honesty a shadow following me around. I was in the valley, surrounded by false love, being used, taken advantage of, but one day I heard my Shepherds voice. It was loud and clear and I ran towards him, because this time when he said he loved me it didn’t sound like the voice of those men. And when I ran, he caught me in his arms and he pulled me out of the valley. I never knew true love until I met the Lord. I was so ashamed. But he dusted me off, cleaned me up, purified my heart and placed me back in green pastures. He restored my soul!!!!!
Sweet Angela! He is calling your name today…..Beloved! What a beautiful testimony. Thank you for sharing that with us. His love is unlike any earthly love we have experienced. Sheila, LGG Encourager
I wanted to share this…when I was coming out of one the darkest times of my life, (there have been MANY dark times, but this one was THE darkest), I went to a bible leadership training and watched this video!! This video, along with the Love God Greatly ministry, really helped to get my relationship with Jesus back on track and helped me see my Savior through completely new eyes!!! I wish I owned this video, I would do like some sort of viewing party. But, you can watch a clip of it here http://sourceflix.com/new-release-the-soul-shepherd/
Mistie…loved the clip! Looks like something worth getting the full length video for. Sounds to me like He provided you with just what you needed to get through those times. I too have had many dark times but I love setting and looking back and seeing His hand all over it, providing me with wisdom and strength to get through. Thank you for sharing this video with us. Sheila LGG Encourager
Studying God’s word is so instrumental. To know that God is there in your greatest accomplishments and your greatest failures and he treats you the same because even in in the valley of the shadows of death he can make you strong and courageous.
Oh Rochelle! Doesn’t this just overwhelm your heart at how much He loves us. His love for us is not like the love we know in the world. Sheila, LGG Encourager
Sorry for posting this here but when I try the ‘contact’ page I get a “your message failed to send” response over and over. I am hoping someone can help because I have been trying to use the reading plan through the YouVersion Bible website on my MacBook (not my iPhone, which works just fine), but the days are way off and it will not record when I have completed a day. Have you had any other feedback on the use of the plan on the website? I have done other plans (most recently Galatians) via the YouVersion website without any problems. Any feedback you could give would be appreciated.
Try emailing this question to [email protected] but it sounds like a Youversion issue. Hope you can get this resolved. And thanks for the heads up on the contact button they are looking into that now 🙂 Sheila , LGG Encourager
Inspired by others posts and comments. Keep sharing. As I read I kept saying “Amen” praising the Lord for how he has worked in so many lives. I think Psalm 23 is one of those that we hear of often but don’t spend time really dwelling on it. Looking forward to studying the shepherd this week.
I agree! I have read it but don’t think I truly saw it until we looked at here. <3 We are so glad this is blessing you. Sheila, LGG Encourager
I am enjoying this Bible study. I enjoy the different posts regarding the Great Shepherd. I like many of you have lost my way before but God remained faithful and carried me when I couldn’t find my way. Keep the Bible Studies coming .
Question: Was it a glitch in the BibleApp devotion that this weeks verses don’t align? I have been following the Monday blog for the start of the week stuff but using the bible app for the rest and realized they are not aligning.
It is just a comfort to know that no matter what my soul needs at any given time, God has it covered! It makes walking through this world a lot less scary.
I know everyone is past this, I am a little behind, but a GREAT book to go along with the shepherd side of this is Scouting the Divine by Margaret Feinberg. Amazing book and she goes all over searching for God.